July money challenge

Count me in, how quickly did June go?!?!?!?!?

Just checked my bank account, ouch, I did far toooooo much spending in June, and could really do with some money saving ideas for July. The only thing I pay for is everything to do with the car, holidays, food & odd bits & pieces and my own clothes/makeup etc.

I've got stuff in the freezer so could use that up, no idea about car, I think that's just how it will be, holidays, erm, the reason I've overspent, lol.
Bf and I sat down and talked about finances for the month last night. We have written down all our bills so we know how much money we have to spend and I think that helps us.

I have saved my extra wages from my temporary promotion which is £400 including the bit they backdated as they can never get things changed in time at my work so that is the start of our wedding fund :) need to play it by here as to how much we can save a month going forwards but at least it is a start.
I do not know where my money goes every day;-) It seems that money have their own little feet;-))
Well I legged it straight to the shop and picked up 2!! It expired yesterday and lucky for me u got one as I had a BBQ yesterday and all the salady bits ended up free!! Thanks for the tip and sorry you missed out!
I save by shopping at aldi rather than tesco and using up leftovers so there is no waste
Thanks happy! Don't forget to buy the paper yourself this time lol.

This month has hit us hard with engagement celebrations but in good news, my remortgage is all completed now and my payments are going down by £80 per month! I'm putting this away for rainy day money so any treats don't come out I our current account.