New Mummy - Trying to keep on SW track!!


Gold Member
Hey Girls

As discussed on the pregnancy page, thought it might be nice for our new baby transition, to move to this page so we can all still chat and support each other in the much needed after pregnancy will power to try and start doing SW properly in the weeks after birth to shift those baby pounds :) xx
I'm subscribing now, see you here in January lol! Xxx
Yay subscribed :)

Im nearly 6 weeks pp and still havent started sw properly. I have only 11 weigh ins until holiday and 26lb to lose!
Well hello everyone ;-)

I thought it might be a nice idea so we can all once have babies carry on chatting and trying to motivate each other....thread may take a couple of weeks/months to get started as everybody had babies and joins in.

Slinky how's it going with little poppy? Would love to see a picture of her ;-)

How many weeks are u going to give yourself before u kick back into sw? I have no intention of doing so straight away, far too much going on for that but will need too eventually haha x
Hi everyone I'm a new mum of a gorgeous 4 day old baby! Poppy was born at 36 wks premature she is doing great though apart from jaundice but other than that she's doing great! We were discharged last night to only be back here again as her jaundice levels have increased which can be serious in prem babies! But at least they are sorting her out!

I weighed myself before giving birth and was hugely shocked at how much I weighed! Towards the end of my pregnancy I had gestural diabetes & high blood pressure along with oedema (severe water retention) poppy weighed 7.2 I weighed myself today and I have lost 1 stone so far however the oedema is still very much present I can't hardly walk with the swelling so I've been advised to not start a strict diet or weigh myself as of yet! But just eat sensibly I'm breast feeding and topping up with formula to build my baby up! So I know that all burns calories!

I'm hoping to be back on 100% SW in 5weeks time pods earlier once I've had my 6 wk check up!

SW really worked for me last year I lost loads since last October I have gained around 4 stone so I have a lot to shift and I'm getting married next May but not putting pressure on myself by setting a target I just want to lose as much as I can but still have a life whilst doing it rather than starving myself on a fad diet that works in the short term but is no long term fix been there find that too many times!

Lovely to meet you all, some I already know from the pregnancy section do its s lovely idea to have this so we can continue supporting each other through our weight loss journeys and parenting!
Hi, I'm linzi_lou I'm 27 and have just had my 2nd baby boy 3 weeks ago! my first child is 3 yes old. I first stated sw before falling preg in order to lose some weight before getting preg, I was only there a few weeks before getting preg an managed to lose 11lb. I'd like to get back into it and try to lose the preg weight. I was already 2 st heavier than what I wanted to be before getting preg this time, I was around 11st 3. I was I think 14st 3 at my heavyset during preg and came down to 13.7 after giving birth, I'm now 12st 12 3 weeks later without cutting anything out, just carrying on as normal at mo. I'm exclusivity breastfeeding and occasionally expressing.

Think I'm seeing how it goes for now an been quite relaxed about it as its still early days, I think I may start not having so much bad stuff an eating more healthily at first before starting the diet properly in a few weeks maybe, ill see how I feel and when I feel ready and when money has improved in a couple of weeks to enable me to buy all the diet stuff!

This forum is brill by the way! Look forward to getting to know you all!
Hi, I'm linzi_lou I'm 27 and have just had my 2nd baby boy 3 weeks ago! my first child is 3 yes old. I first stated sw before falling preg in order to lose some weight before getting preg, I was only there a few weeks before getting preg an managed to lose 11lb. I'd like to get back into it and try to lose the preg weight. I was already 2 st heavier than what I wanted to be before getting preg this time, I was around 11st 3. I was I think 14st 3 at my heavyset during preg and came down to 13.7 after giving birth, I'm now 12st 12 3 weeks later without cutting anything out, just carrying on as normal at mo. I'm exclusivity breastfeeding and occasionally expressing.

Think I'm seeing how it goes for now an been quite relaxed about it as its still early days, I think I may start not having so much bad stuff an eating more healthily at first before starting the diet properly in a few weeks maybe, ill see how I feel and when I feel ready and when money has improved in a couple of weeks to enable me to buy all the diet stuff!

This forum is brill by the way! Look forward to getting to know you all!

Hi Linzi you've done brilliantly to get into the 12s so quickly! I'm somewhat a lot heavier than you! I have birth 10 days ago weighing 18stone, now weighing 16 but still extremely bloated with water so hopefully will be on the 15s soon then I'm like you I'll start eating healthier and following the plan properly once I feel ready! I'm still quite tired and fancying naughty stuff at the mo (all the things I went off during pregnancy) like tangtastics and chocolate!!! I need to sort my money out too need to look into this family allowance thing! Registering our little girls birth on Friday so should be able to do it after that :)
Anyway welcome to the forum I think it's a great idea having this bit for us to talk babies and diet :)
Urghhh fed up want to lose weight I'm so unhsppy with my size and chins! Want to lose a good 5 stone!! How come we arnt encouraged to diet until after our 6 week check up? I really need to diet I don't want to still have gestural diabetes at my check up!!! So fed up, lovin being a mum just need to sort this body of mine out then that's it happy slinky son!!!!!
Urghhh fed up want to lose weight I'm so unhsppy with my size and chins! Want to lose a good 5 stone!! How come we arnt encouraged to diet until after our 6 week check up? I really need to diet I don't want to still have gestural diabetes at my check up!!! So fed up, lovin being a mum just need to sort this body of mine out then that's it happy slinky son!!!!!

Hey slinky. I think its because they say at 6 weeks you have got rid of all baby weighr and the rest is excess fat gain. Im waiting for appointment which is the 17th but in my area you have to wait until 8 weeks for your check up and millie will be 8 weeks 4 days by the 17th! Im 2 stone heavier than when i found out i was preg. Long slog ahead as i want to lose 3 stone x
Hey slinky. I think its because they say at 6 weeks you have got rid of all baby weighr and the rest is excess fat gain. Im waiting for appointment which is the 17th but in my area you have to wait until 8 weeks for your check up and millie will be 8 weeks 4 days by the 17th! Im 2 stone heavier than when i found out i was preg. Long slog ahead as i want to lose 3 stone x

Ohh I see I thought it was just so you didn't make yourself I'll by starving yourself! I'm sure some have done in the past! 8weeks gosh that would drive be bonkers but I suppose it's only next week! I've got 4 wks to go, need to get bank on the pill and slim down due our wedding next may!! I've got loads to lose I want to lose about 5 stone give or take! Ideally most of that before Xmas! Losing it isn't usually the problem it's keeping it off that I struggle with I just love my food! Especially chocolate and sweets :/ wish I only had the 3 stone to lose! When I say 5 it just seems so daunting ;(
Ohh I see I thought it was just so you didn't make yourself I'll by starving yourself! I'm sure some have done in the past! 8weeks gosh that would drive be bonkers but I suppose it's only next week! I've got 4 wks to go, need to get bank on the pill and slim down due our wedding next may!! I've got loads to lose I want to lose about 5 stone give or take! Ideally most of that before Xmas! Losing it isn't usually the problem it's keeping it off that I struggle with I just love my food! Especially chocolate and sweets :/ wish I only had the 3 stone to lose! When I say 5 it just seems so daunting ;(

Ive decided im starting on wednesday. Millie is almost 8 weeks and i know my weight has stable since she was 2 weeks so im going for it!

You can do it hun, 5 stone might sound dauntingbit break down into half stone chunks and it will fall off you. How is poppy?
Ive decided im starting on wednesday. Millie is almost 8 weeks and i know my weight has stable since she was 2 weeks so im going for it!

You can do it hun, 5 stone might sound dauntingbit break down into half stone chunks and it will fall off you. How is poppy?

Yeah that's a good idea doesn't seem as daunting then if I go for small goals first! Poppy is fab she's back up to her birth weight and starting already to show us signs of her personality I reckon she's going to be a right body boots! Hehe how's Millie doing? Are you breast feeding or formula? I tried breast feeding but my milk hasn't come in properly with poppy being 4 wks early! So had to give her formula I have been expressing too so she has both but I'm just doing formula from the end of the month as I want to get back on the pill :)
Hi Girls

So pleased to announce that our second little girl made her grand entrance this morning....

Rosie Jayne Burgess born at 41weeks 5 days on the 12th July 2013 @ 6am weighing in at a healthy 8lbs 13ozs!

So happy she's finally arrived :)


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Hi Girls

So pleased to announce that our second little girl made her grand entrance this morning....

Rosie Jayne Burgess born at 41weeks 5 days on the 12th July 2013 @ 6am weighing in at a healthy 8lbs 13ozs!

So happy she's finally arrived :)

Awwwwwww gorgeous congrats Hun how are you feeling ? X
Yeah that's a good idea doesn't seem as daunting then if I go for small goals first! Poppy is fab she's back up to her birth weight and starting already to show us signs of her personality I reckon she's going to be a right body boots! Hehe how's Millie doing? Are you breast feeding or formula? I tried breast feeding but my milk hasn't come in properly with poppy being 4 wks early! So had to give her formula I have been expressing too so she has both but I'm just doing formula from the end of the month as I want to get back on the pill :)

Hi Hun. Millie is doing great thanks, I'm formula feeding because at Millie's 5 day check she has lost 17.5% weight and poor more was starving. We were admitted to hospital for 3 days and they tried to make me breast feed but I wasn't even getting an ounce after 1 hour expressing! I thought it was strange how my boobs didn't grow at all through pregnancy. Xx
Hi Hun. Millie is doing great thanks, I'm formula feeding because at Millie's 5 day check she has lost 17.5% weight and poor more was starving. We were admitted to hospital for 3 days and they tried to make me breast feed but I wasn't even getting an ounce after 1 hour expressing! I thought it was strange how my boobs didn't grow at all through pregnancy. Xx

I was quite similar my milks dried up now I was expressing until 2 days ago but hardly getting anything bit even close to an ounce off both boobs so gave up! Poppy lost 13% of her weight so we were re-admitted too but more do for her jaundice but the weight loss was a concern! I think formula us good because at least then you can see how much she is getting! Poppy is on between 3-4 ounce's every 2 hours now she's doing fab but the first two weeks of her life it was a struggle to get half and ounce down her as she was so sleepy all the time with being quite weak! She's 3 wks old today can't believe how quick these weeks have gone I can already see a difference in her size she's defo longer :) xx