Syn free on EE day spaghetti carbonara

Mrs V

Loves Life!
Hi there, thought I would share this one with you, as I made it from the philidelphia website and adapted it sw styleee.

For sauce:

Bacon pieces (quantities to suit)
Veg stock cube
Tub of quark
2 raw eggs

Pasta for each person.


Cook pasta.

Partly fry bacon in a deep pan. When almost cooked, sprinkle the veg stock cube over and cover with water. Bring to boil and reduce.
When stock has reduced, turn heat down.

In a bowl beat together quark and eggs and add black pepper.
In drained pasta pan, add bacon mix and the quark mix and stir until pasta coated.

Absolutely delicious!!
I wasn't disappointed with this version even without the Parmesan could always syn some if you want to include it. My biggest fear was the quark as it can be an acquired taste, but actually with some black pepper it really is nice.
I made mine the traditional way without the cream/quark, using just eggs. Although I did use Quorn deli ham as I'm veggie :)

I followed this recipe and just HEXed the cheese, and added a little finely chopped onion and garlic.

It was yum!
Found this recipe in an advert in the SW mag. adapted to suit ingredients in the house.

Pete’s 10Min Quickie
Spaghetti carbonara

Serves 2
Free on Extra Easy


175g dried spaghetti

* use either

2 rashers of smoked bacon, chopped into small pieces


Sainsbury’s wafer thin honey roast ham, chopped into small pieces

2 eggs
1 150g Tube of Primula cheese light
Handful of fresh chives


Cook spaghetti as per packet instructions 8 mins =”Al Dente”

*Use either

Cook the Bacon in a dry frying pan until done then remove and put to one side.
Or cut the ham into small pieces and put to one side.

Break 2 eggs into a bowl and beat them together along with seasoning, chopped chives and the complete tub of Primula cheese light.

Remove and drain the spaghetti then return to the saucepan, add the contents from the bowl and stir gently over a low heat until the eggs have set.


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Oooh love carbonara gonna have this tonight :)
Can't wait to try these they look amazing ,

Thick quest but you are having the primula cheese as a HEA?