Used the same sauce mix last night to make this......................
Pete’s Diet Coke Pork
Serves 2
1 tbsp. Worcester sauce
1x 330g can of Diet Coke
1 tbsp. sweetener
1 Cup of frozen peas
2 Pork Lions
4 Medium potatoes cut into wedges
6 tbsp. passata
(s) (sff)
Put all the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to the boil, reduce to a high simmer, stir from time to time until the sauce starts to thicken (can take up to 25-30 mins). In the meantime cook the pork lions in a griddle pan turning over from time to time until cooked, remove & place in an oven-proof dish with a wire rack inside. Pour the sauce on one side & place in a hot oven (180c) until the sauce is bubbling, remove from the oven, turn over and using the remaining sauce, coat the other side & return to the oven until done.
In the meantime cut the potatoes into wedges, par-boil for 5 mins, remove, dry, spray with Fry Light & add your favourite seasoning and place in the hot oven for 25-30 mins.
Place the peas in a small pan, pour boiling water over and cook for 5 mins only.
When every item is cooked, plate up.