MM addict
My dad has been making this for years for all the family... today i adapted the recipe to make it slimming world friendly.
It turned out gorgeous, it was a real treat i had it with some roasted vegetables but you can really put whatever you want with it! Took some pic's of it too hope you like!!
Whole thing is free + hex a
4 skinless chicken breasts
8 morrisons eat smart pork sausages
3 babybel lights
6 rashes of bacon
1- spray some fry light in a square/rectangular oven proofdish
2-slice 2 chicken breasts in small slithers and layer the bottom of the dish.
3- remove the skin from the sausages (i just slid my knife along and skin came off easily)
4-break the sausagemeat up into little blobs and layer it over the chicken.
5-slice the babybel up small and lay randomly on top of the sausagemeat.
6-using a potatoe masher push the cheese into the sausagemeat.
7-slice the remaining 2 chicken breasts in slithers and place over the cheese/sausagemeat.
8-top with the bacon
9-cover with tin foil and cook at 200 for 2 hours or until chicken is cooked through.
10-half hour b4 cooked remove the tin foil. You will have water from the chicken pour this away and cook uncovered for 30 mins.
here's some pic's

It turned out gorgeous, it was a real treat i had it with some roasted vegetables but you can really put whatever you want with it! Took some pic's of it too hope you like!!
Whole thing is free + hex a
4 skinless chicken breasts
8 morrisons eat smart pork sausages
3 babybel lights
6 rashes of bacon
1- spray some fry light in a square/rectangular oven proofdish
2-slice 2 chicken breasts in small slithers and layer the bottom of the dish.
3- remove the skin from the sausages (i just slid my knife along and skin came off easily)
4-break the sausagemeat up into little blobs and layer it over the chicken.
5-slice the babybel up small and lay randomly on top of the sausagemeat.
6-using a potatoe masher push the cheese into the sausagemeat.
7-slice the remaining 2 chicken breasts in slithers and place over the cheese/sausagemeat.
8-top with the bacon
9-cover with tin foil and cook at 200 for 2 hours or until chicken is cooked through.
10-half hour b4 cooked remove the tin foil. You will have water from the chicken pour this away and cook uncovered for 30 mins.
here's some pic's