Just call me DP.
I've been with slimming world a while but I joined last year and lost about 16lb, then went on holiday and put some back on, instead of going back to class I stopped going until this year about 11 weeks ago. Weightlosses slowed right down when the doc put me on anti depressants so I just have to keep going and plodding along.

well hope you feel well enough to come off them soom

you have all our support and I'm sure there'll be lots of chatter on here to keep you smiling

I wish you the best of luck for this new SW journey xxx
Hey 10st 10lbs,
Loved your post very positive i'm sure we will all get on brilliantly this month i only lost 1lb last week in my first week so was very disappointed but oh well july is a new month!!
I am off to qatar in the middle east to visit some relatives who live out there! I want to be able to buy size 18 clothes and be comfortable, all of my 18's right now are a little snug ( i can only handle wearing them for a few hours before it gets uncomfortable

Here is to being big loosers in july
There's been a lot of small first week losses recently! I always reply with 'yeah well, I GAINED half a lb in my first week!' haha... Actually, let me find you the response I posted on someone's thread, it may help...
*trudges off to have a look*
*returns 15 mins later, tired but satisfied*
About your loss, honestly hun, don't worry about it! I GAINED 0.5lbs in my first week, was absolutely gutted. The old me would have given up after that, but the new me sat back and thought 'what did I do wrong?'. A few things, actually! ...:
I took 'eat as much as you want and still lose weight' a bit too literally. I was eating until I was full, but still probably eating too much at meal times and not filling up on fruit snacks throughout the day.
I wore very light clothes to my first WI, had had no breakfast (my WI is at 10am), and had been to the toilet just before. My second WI, I'd had breakfast, wore jeans, forgot my phone (brick, may I add) was in my pocket, and hadn't been to the toilet since the night before. Now I wear the same pair of jeans each week, don't eat breakfast and make sure my pockets are empty!
I didn't have enough speed foods. After that second WI, I started having a lot more pineapple in the week, and got losses, small though they were, but slow and steady wins the race!
I hope this sheds some light on why you could have had a loss you think is poor, but please don't fret! Just keep trying, and enjoy the possibilities of SW!
So yeah, hope that helps! Your holiday sure does sound like something to look forward to

I hope TFF can help in getting you into 16s by the end of the month
