Belfastbabybear said:
Oh, sort of can't wait to get back to normality in January! Hoping to lose about 7lb. Really need 4lb off to get my 2 Stone Award and anything after that is a bonus, so I'll aim high!
Normality is what we all need, desperately! I've been finding it difficult to reach the two stone mark aswell

let's hope we can all motivate each other! xxx
debtdummy said:
i really need to join a team. i started well and its been a hard journey
Always welcome

let us know how much you want to lose and we'll add you to the list

rover_gem said:
I really need to give my weight loss journey a HUGE kick up the bum...starting now! I'd like to lose 5lb in January
Welcome, welcome! Is there anything new you could try to boost your losses? xxx
elb4160 said:
Right!!! I'm joining up! I always seem to think about this sort of thing too late so now I'm getting in early. So far I've been doing crap, but I know I can do it so here goes!
I want to lose a whole stone in January, it's taken me forever to get to where I am (or so it seems anyway) and I'm determined to speed it up and get this weight off.
Sign me up for -14lb and if I can go beyond it then all the better!
I'll be 21 on the 19th of January so lets hope I've lost it before then haha!
Us Mancs are always late for these things aren't we?

I was the same before I made this group, now I know I'm already in whether I put my name down or not
Whereabouts are you in Manchester? If you want to boost your losses, you could try getting into a Zumba class - I absolutely LOVE it!

uoyevoli said:
I'm in, could do with a kick up the butt seeing as it's the new year and all.
Here's hoping 2011 is a good year for you

For all of us infact! I was talking to my aunty the other day about losing weight, trying to convince her to start SW (she wants to give SlimFast a go because she likes the shakes) and I told her at the beginning of Jan 2010, I was 11st4lbs. I was notoriously unhappy, and my motivator was my niece, due in Feb 2010. I didn't want to be the chubby aunty, I didn't want to get out of breath playing with her, and I certainly didn't want to not have any pictures with her because of my weight insecurities... So *KICK UP THE BUTT* for Aaliyah!

Tinytootz said:
Well, December was a wash out, so I'll give January a pop
Haha, I think December was a mega-flop for us all! xxx
EmmyLou30 said:
Put me down for 5lb. Hoping to lose the xmas gain and a steady 1lb a week seems to be the way I'm going so far. If I can speed that up all the better, but 5lb would be amazing and see me get my 3 stone award
Oooooh, three stone award sounds like a dream! You're past half-way now, does that feel good?

miss_marshmallow said:
oh add me in for the challenge to please...
would love to lost 7lbs in jan.
new year...... new me !!!
Welcome! Would love to help you lose 7lbs in Jan

melodyuk said:
Me too please. Would like to lose 10 lbs in January
Hope MiniMins can support you while you can't get to a class/use the site

Baloo said:
Hello. Can I join as well please - I'm going to start tomorrow and weigh myself at home, at least for the time being - I have several stone to lose but i'd like to aim at 10lb for January
Uh oh... I see you've won 115 tournaments... You're gonna win this one aswell, aren't you?!

You'll put us all to shame! Best of luck for the month, I'm hoping I'll be spurred on by your losses! xxx
Mum2Sam2004 said:
Mum2Sam2004 - 14lb to lose
Your goal weight is AMAZING! My 10 month old niece is bigger than that
