Welcome! Hope you can achieve your target this month

Noticed you are doing Extra Easy from your signature, have you tried Green or Red yet? They may boost your losses so you can have another month like January! May I add, half a stone off in a month is FAB!
Ali xxx
You and me both Kirsty! It's on now! Do you have anything on in March that will hinder your losses? My niece's 1st birthday party was meant to be at the end of March but has been postponed till mid-April, so I think my aim is to get to target by 31st March and then maintain till her big day!
Are you taking on role of colour patrol officer till why_d joins up?
It's a nice long month with plenty of WIs

Going to aim for 7lb (that is what I want off by 15th April for my Big 26!)
Ah yes! Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday weighers get FIVE WIs this month! Lucky you! Everyone else, feel free to WI on Thurs 31st March and add your loss to the list
Lorraine, do you like my editing skills?
Can I join In please? Setting my target to 7lbs
Welcome, welcome! Lovely to have you! I see you're also in on the Easter Crunches challenge! Putting me to shame, I've only done 120 yet

Your inch loss is FAB btw! xxx
I'm going to join again, was in the January challenge but failed miserably so I'm determined this time!
Glad you're back

What happened to you in the Feb challenge?! Stay here, we have stickers and pictures and awards and recipes!
New member here! Would love to join in. Lost 5.5lbs last week, am expecting to maintain this week as am at my sister's house on a wee holiday. But it would be great to have some focus through March!
I have a few stone to lose, so 8lb for March would be lovely.
WOW! 5.5lbs off, I can only dream of such losses!

Congratulations, and well done! hope you enjoy your week away, the new mag is filled with amazing recipes for the whole family and I'm sure your sister will love them! I wholeheartedly recommend the chicken and leek pie - AMAZING! I will share the recipe on here if you would like

Hope we can help you reach your target! Please come back and post more, I've noticed you've only posted once! Looking forward to getting to know you
Ali xxx
Hi there
New person here

I would love to join!
I am now on Week 5 with my Weigh In on Monday! Hoping for a good result as last week I only lost 1lb

Mind you, I wasnt 100% last week so it is my own fault
Would love to loose a total of 7lbs in the month of March

Hello new person! You may have 'only lost 1lb' but just for anyone who can't see your signature, I'm going to copy and paste it in here...
Week 1 -10.5lbs 
Week 2 -3lbs
Week 3 -3.5lbs 1st DONE :happy036:
Week 4 -1lbs
Come on guys, isn't that amazing?! Hope some of your motivation can rub off on us and you have a much better week

I also WI on Mondays so will be thinking of you as I step onto the scales at Boots!
Ali xxx
All the monthly FlabFighters challenges and i've missed every target

. So i'm gonna be realistic and go for 4 this month :fingerscrossed:
:fingerscrossed: you remember to take your shoes off

Hun, don't be too

with yourself, you have been through a LOT lately and you're still going strong! Get back into keeping a food diary, it may help you
Hi everyone, love to join in the challenge - I do SW online and have had a rubbish couple of weeks so extra motivation is needed! Im going to put myself down for 7lbs!!
Hello beautiful! You've definitely achieved your minigoal, and 3lb extra

How are you finding doing it online? Have you ever been to a class before? MiniMins is the best group I could have ever joined and there are SO many consultants here

all with invaluable advice! I just had a peep at your diary, love the repeated breakfasts! One piece of quick advice, which I think applies to everyone... If you don't know the syns of something, don't eat it! You can put it aside for later, until you have worked out the syns, but there is no point eating something that you're not 100% sure of the syn content... The only thing you're destroying is your own weight loss journey.
Hope this helps!
Ali xxx
Am gonna go for a stone...just because I'm having biggish losses at the mo
WOW, another impressive signature that I'm gonna copy and paste for motivation!
Week 1 ~ -8lbs Week 2 ~ -4lbs* Week 3 ~ -2½lbs Week 4 ~ -1½lbs Week 5 ~ -6½lbs Week 6 ~ -4.5lbs* Week 7 ~ -5lbs
I hope you continue to have such wonderful losses! Welcome to FF

I had a little gain last week, so I'm joining this for some motivation. I'm not expecting miracles because I know I'm a slow loser. Therfore, I'm just aiming for 4lbs. And if I lose more, then I'll be a very happy bunny!
Hello! Just had a peek at your diary, I love how upbeat your posts are and I really hope we can help you reach target

Is OH doing SW with you? xxx
Hi there
Do I add my name to the list as a new member wishing to join up to this challenge? x
Hi again!
Hello & Welcome to the new members

Good luck to everyone this month :fingerscrossed:

And good luck right back at you! xxx
0st10lbs - Xlbs to lose
Susienoz - 5lbs to lose
Kirstabubble - 4.5lbs to lose
Belfastbabybear - 7lbs to lose
Nymple - 7lbs to lose
elb4160 - 7lbs to lose
mirandamayhem - 8lbs to lose
honey74 - 4 lbs to lose
katotonic - 7lbs to lose
Tally - 14lbs to lose
MsRSimpkin - 4lbs to lose
Debz1809 - 7lbs to lose
WelshCake - 7lbs to lose
I love how you copied me across as 0st10lbs
10st10lbs - Xlbs to lose
Susienoz - 5lbs to lose
Kirstabubble - 4.5lbs to lose
Belfastbabybear - 7lbs to lose
Nymple - 7lbs to lose
elb4160 - 7lbs to lose
mirandamayhem - 8lbs to lose
honey74 - 4lbs to lose
katotonic - 7lbs to lose
Tally - 14lbs to lose
MsRSimpkin - 4lbs to lose
Debz1809 - 7lbs to lose
WelshCake - 7lbs to lose