Great, but I have no idea why its suddenly clicked this time when Ive tried it a gazillion times before and fell off

I would sit there every day and think of all these healthy meals, and make them too, but think ohhh but one day off wont matter, one takeaway wont matter, at least its healthier than eating this stuff every day, as long as I fit ten bladdy bits of fruit in at least thats SOMETHING right etc etc etc, and Id look up where my nearest class was and when it was convenient and all that, you know the story...
Then one day I just looked at myself and said you know, the only difference between doing this and not doing it is getting off the damn couch and GOING TO THE BLADDY CLASS right NOW. And no, it wasn't convenient, in fact I couldnt even find a SW class near me that was on that day but I thought if I leave it til tomorrow the moment has passed and Ill get back on the couch and order another pizza - so I went to a WW class just to get weighed but in fact following the SW plan at home.
That was back in Feb and here I am 6 1/2 stone lighter. I have no idea why that day was different to any other.

In the meantime I've learnt loads of new fabby recipes and met loads of lovely people on here
Anyway thats not really what you asked is it, it all sort of rolled out of my gob :8855: I frequently have this problem!

6 1/2 stone down, God knows how many to go, I dont really have an end-target

I remember the 1st time I did SW they set it at 9st 13lb!

I dont think we'll be going that far, heh

In fact that's exactly 11 stone away - NOOOOOOOO we're DEFINITELY not going THAT far!