Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery


Gold Member
Hi All! :wavey:

Last night I decided it was time to stop nosing at other peoples diaries and start one of my own :eek: But now I'm here I'm wondering what on earth I'm going to write! :rolleyes: So to get the ball rolling I'll just introduce myself...

My name is Dawn & I live in Northampton. I married young against my families wishes, & then divorced 7 years & 3 children later :eek: After the split I threw all my energies into working and bringing up Andrew, Daniel & Victoria, along with a terrific amount of help from Mum. In fact if it hadn't been for her looking after the children I wouldn't have been able to continue in my job with the ambulance service, & we would have lost our house as my ex immediately gave up work so he didn't have to pay maintenance :mad:

Anyway, some 10 years later I was writing my xmas cards & decided to pop a note in one I was sending to an old school teacher who I hadn't seen since my wedding day. He rang me a couple of weeks later & we arranged to go for a meal & chat over old school times. Well...when he opened his front door something strange happened...sort of shivers down my spine :vibes: ...& we were married one year later :love047:

To be honest my weight had never really bothered me until Gwyn (he's Welsh) and I got together. I was 5'6" and nearly 14 stones & he was 5'4 & 11 stones! I mean I was pretty big anyway, but standing next to him I was flipping ENORMOUS! :fear: So I joined WW & lost nearly 5 stones before the wedding. We were married in January, had a big 65th birthday party for DH in March :candle1:, and then yet another party when he retired from teaching in June! :character0053: Quite a year really! Of course I kind of stopped watching what I was eating (well I already HAD my man didn't I? :character00250: ) & the weight started to creep back on. I was going to rejoin WW but a friend wanted to go to SW & talked me into going with her, & I loved it! Lost 4 stones :D

Then I was off work sick for 10 months, put the weight back on & some. My boss temporarily put me on light duties in the ambulance office where I was trained in controlling all the non-emergency ambulances in our area. I liked it so much I never did go back on the road. Rejoined SW and lost 5 stones :D

Then my Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I went to pieces. We moved him & step mum Shirley from Somerset to the next street to us so we could help out. The cancer spread & Dad was given 3 - 6 months, so I took the decision to go part time at work in order to spend more time with him. As a last resort to prolong his life Dads oncologist tried him on a new drug called Tarceva. That was 3 years ago & he's currently one of the longest living survivors on this drug. Sadly Dads been deteriorating very quickly since xmas, but we are all so grateful to have had these past 3 years with him.

Of course through all of Dads illness I have just got bigger & bigger, & losing both my Nan & Auntie to cancer in the last two years sent me totally out of control. I have no idea what made me decide to rejoin SW in January, I didn't even tell OH I was going. Just waited till he came home from playing table tennis & told him I was 'at it again' lol! Didn't tell him I was 15 1/2 stones tho! :scale: I think I just decided I'd had enough of so many things in my life being beyond my control & I wanted to make a stand...I can't do much about the cancer but I CAN try to lose weight.

So here I am today, 12 weeks after rejoining SW & 30lbs lighter so far :happy036: Still 3 stones to go :sigh: but I'm still pretty motivated. :cross:

Right, that's quite enough of me :bolt: God...now I know why I didn't do one of these diaries before now! :crazy:

Please say hi if you are passing through...I do love a good natter :blahblah:

Luv Dawn xx

Todays food

2 x wm toast (B)
l/f spread (2 syns)

2 x ryvita (3)
1 x laughing cow blue cheese square (1 1/2)
l/f jelly + frozen fruit

chicken stir fry
sweet chilli sauce (2)
garlic bread (4)

options choc (2)
Hi Dawn, Welcome to the forum.
You certainly have been down a rocky road and had some ups and downs to deal with along the way! Do hope that the last 3st will soon be gone and you will be able to feel more comfortable with yourself, you so deserve it.

All the very best to you in your endeavour...:)

Cheers Emmaline! :thankyou: Ooh it's a bit scary putting your first diary entry in, isn't it? :confused: Glad that's done! :)

Been laying in bed this morning worrying about DD getting to work. She's 19 & just finished her NVQ level 2 in childcare but then got unceremoniously dumped by the nursery she was training at! :mad: It seems they wanted her when they could get 40hrs a week work out of her for a paltry £2.35 p/h, but as soon as she qualified & they'd gotta pay her minimum wage, they gave her notice to leave! How evil is that! :rant2: Its quite funny tho cos after they sacked her they realised they were short staffed :d'oh: & asked her to come back on a temp basis! :rotflmao: So she's been doing that p/time since xmas then she got an email from her old manageress (OM) who left to run a different nursery nearer to her home. She asked DD if she would consider working for her as she really needed her :D OM has also bought 8 bed old school (with pool etc!) which she's turning into a nursery, & which is only 10 mins from the one she's managing. OM even said DD could live there if she wanted! And OMs in negotiations to buy the nursery shes managing too, must be some money in childcare lol! Of course DD jumped at the chance...only prob is getting there! DD has not long passed her driving test & isn't very confident, & its a 30 min trip. So we had practise runs last week, me following her in my car :character00182: ....& of course we went wrong both times! :sign0007: Spent an hour last night on Google Maps showing her the way again. Was soooo tempted to go with her again today but DH said she really needed to do it herself...queue one very restless mum from 07.30hrs until DD rang at 08.00hrs to say she'd got there! :happy036:

Suppose I should get up now really...it's so nice to have a lay in on my days off, DH, lap top and a cuppa in bed :coffee: DH has just finished his book so think its time to make a move.

Not sure whats on for today...picking DHs car up from the garage, gotta book mine in for an MOT. Its pretty windy out there so I dont fancy doing any gardening. Must pop and see how Dad is. I do fancy having a go at the SW lasagne tonight so will let you know what its like. Also gona give SKIMMED milk a try...:sign0137:

Have a good day everyone xx :flowers:

Todays food (EE)

28g cereal (B)
milk (A)

2 boiled eggs
1/2 tin red salmon
rocket/tomato/spring onion salad
salad cream (2)
Mullerlight Inspired By Yogurt, New York Style Cheesecake (1)

SW lasagne *

Well this is the recipe I'm trying tonight, might tweak it as I was thinking about using fromage frais instead of ff natural yogurt (thought it might be a bit thicker)?

* SW Lasagne 4 syns per person on EE (serves 4) or FREE if using cheese as HE A

397g/14oz extra lean minced beef
1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into bite-sized pieces
1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
400g can chopped tomatoes with herbs
397g/14oz passata with herbs and garlic
2 tsp dried mixed herbs
salt and freshly ground black pepper
511g/1lb 2oz fat free natural yogurt (I'm using fromage frais)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
a pinch of nutmeg
12 dried lasagne sheets
168g half fat cheddar

1. Place a large, non-stick frying pan over a high heat. Add the minced beef, red pepper, onion and garlic and stir-fry for 6-8 minutes. Add the tomatoes, passata and dried herbs, season well and cook for 12-15 minutes, stirring often.

2. Mix together the yogurt (or fromage frais!), eggs and nutmeg until smooth & season well. (I might add some of the grated 1/2 fat cheese in too if it looks like there's enough))

3. Preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas 6. Spray a medium-sized lasagne dish with Frylight. Spoon half the mince mixture into the base and top with half of the lasagne sheets. Spread over half of the yogurt/fromage frais mixture and top with the remaining mince. Then top with the remaining lasagne sheets, spread over the remaining yogurt/fromage frais mixture
and sprinkle over the grated 1/2 fat cheddar.
4. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the top is golden.

We are going to have it with salad :eating: Gona be sooo disappointed if its yukky!!!
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Hey Bestie, :wavey:
You have a diary, a very open and honest one. Its good that you've taken control and brilliant you've lost 30lbs in 12 weeks :party0049: (hope i do as well)
x x
Nice to see you here Nicki xx

Hope you're gona bully me as much as I bully you lol!!! :slap:
Just love your posts Dawn, a woman after my own heart! Love using the smilies as I think they add such a lot of humour and also you have a great way of expressing yourself...
Had the D experience with both mine and know what it's like to sit on edge till you hear they are okay. Looks like she has landed on her feet after all, hey?

And b.t.w. I hate skimmed milk but do use the semiskimmed which is not too bad.
Better you than me!!...:D
Lovely diary - I love reading about people's lives away from SW, guess I'm just a nosey one!! You have done brilliantly so far, long may it continue xx
Nice to see you here Nicki xx

Hope you're gona bully me as much as I bully you lol!!! :slap:

of course but me thinks you won't need it as much as i seem to do :asskick:i don't like to call it bullying, more like additional :airquote: Motivation :airquote: with a side of :whoopass: and :psiholog: when required :D
Hi Dawn
Great diary - really open and honest. I just started mine last week too - and know what you mean about first post! Its a bit scary!

Im not too far from you (in MK), which RFL are you doing this year? I am doing the 10K on 11th June at the MK Bowl.

Good luck with your journey xx
Just love your posts Dawn, a woman after my own heart! Love using the smilies as I think they add such a lot of humour and also you have a great way of expressing yourself...
Had the D experience with both mine and know what it's like to sit on edge till you hear they are okay. Looks like she has landed on her feet after all, hey?

And b.t.w. I hate skimmed milk but do use the semiskimmed which is not too bad.
Better you than me!!...:D

Hi Emmaline! Thanks for the lovely post! :D I don't suppose we will ever stop worrying about our kids will we? Mine are 19, 22 & 24 & I still feel sick if they're 5 mins later than they said they were gona be...especially if they're driving :shifter: They're all technically at home still, but Dan & his GF should be moving into their first (rented ) flat on Saturday. Still not sure how I feel about that ...:thinking2:...really pleased that they are taking the next step (they've been 'courting' for 3 years) & it IS a perfect little flat for them...but I'm still dithering about cutting those apron strings! :family2:

DD came home with a huge easter egg from her OM & an even bigger grin on her face! :D Turns out one of the nursery workers hadn't turned up for work again today, & she hadn't phoned in, so OM is either going to cut her hours down or sack her :eek: That means there may be an opening for DD :cross: I'm sorry for the other girl but apparently she's REALLY unreliable, & DD is so desperate for a job.

Anyway, gotta shoot...come back & see me again!! :p Gona pop along to your page in a min ... you have been warned!!! ;)
Lovely diary - I love reading about people's lives away from SW, guess I'm just a nosey one!! You have done brilliantly so far, long may it continue xx

Hellooo Maverick! Ooooh...I LURVE your name...really cool lol!! :cool:

Thanks for your very kind post hunni :thankyou: You be as nosey as you like lol! ;) Funny how what we think are just boring, ordinary lives are so interesting to others lol!

Gona get some postings done & then go diary hopping so hope to have a blooming good nose at yoyrs soon :eek: xx
Hi Dawn
Great diary - really open and honest. I just started mine last week too - and know what you mean about first post! Its a bit scary!

Im not too far from you (in MK), which RFL are you doing this year? I am doing the 10K on 11th June at the MK Bowl.

Good luck with your journey xx

Evening Nattymo! God, that first post really is horrible to do! :eek: Glad I haven't gotta do THAT again!

Wow...you're not far away at all! I'm in South Northants, near junction 15 of the M1. Small world!! :D DH & I are coming up to the stadium next week for the Saints rugby match. :winner: Should be a laff as we're travelling on one of the official Saints coaches.

I'm doing the RFL at Abington Park in Npton, on June 19th, which also happens to be Fathers Day so very appropriate in my case. Are you a runner? I'm totally NOT! I'm just gona take my time & make sure I finish it...even if I walk all the way! Never done it before & a bit nervous :fear: but excited too! :bliss: My DD is doing it with me, & some workmates too but they will probably leave me for dust! Oooh...what are you gona wear? I was thinking we could get the pink t-shirts off the RFL website & then jazz em up with hats/bunny ears etc?

Stay in touch hon & thanks for taking the time to post! So many guys have a look & then don't say hello :(

P.S. Can you put your diary address on your signature so I can come & nose...promise I'll post, honest! :innocent0002: Gona see if I can find it in a min anyway... xx
of course but me thinks you won't need it as much as i seem to do :asskick:i don't like to call it bullying, more like additional :airquote: Motivation :airquote: with a side of :whoopass: and :psiholog: when required :D

BESTIE!!! OMG what a BRILLIANT post!!! :rotflmao: You crack me up hunni ... really needed that, :thankyou: xx

Todays food (EE)

28g cereal (B)
milk (A)

2 boiled eggs
1/2 tin red salmon
rocket/tomato/spring onion salad
salad cream (2)
Mullerlight Inspired By Yogurt, New York Style Cheesecake (1)

SW lasagne *
salad cream (2)
G&T (2 1/2)

Well this is the recipe I'm trying tonight, might tweak it as I was thinking about using fromage frais instead of ff natural yogurt (thought it might be a bit thicker)?

* SW Lasagne 4 syns per person on EE (serves 4) or FREE if using cheese as HE A

397g/14oz extra lean minced beef
1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into bite-sized pieces
1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
400g can chopped tomatoes with herbs
397g/14oz passata with herbs and garlic
2 tsp dried mixed herbs
salt and freshly ground black pepper
511g/1lb 2oz fat free natural yogurt (I'm using fromage frais)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
a pinch of nutmeg
12 dried lasagne sheets
168g half fat cheddar

1. Place a large, non-stick frying pan over a high heat. Add the minced beef, red pepper, onion and garlic and stir-fry for 6-8 minutes. Add the tomatoes, passata and dried herbs, season well and cook for 12-15 minutes, stirring often.

2. Mix together the yogurt (or fromage frais!), eggs and nutmeg until smooth & season well. (I might add some of the grated 1/2 fat cheese in too if it looks like there's enough))

3. Preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas 6. Spray a medium-sized lasagne dish with Frylight. Spoon half the mince mixture into the base and top with half of the lasagne sheets. Spread over half of the yogurt/fromage frais mixture and top with the remaining mince. Then top with the remaining lasagne sheets, spread over the remaining yogurt/fromage frais mixture
and sprinkle over the grated 1/2 fat cheddar.
4. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the top is golden.

We are going to have it with salad :eating: Gona be sooo disappointed if its yukky!!![/QUOTE]

Quick update...lasagne was absolutely gorgeous! Probably wud've served 6 but us 4 piggies polished it off NO probs!

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Oh dear...things are not good :cry:
Dads v poorly...Macmillan nurse has arranged urgent scan for tomorrow morning. She thinks theres a problem with the hip replacement cos Dad shudnt be in this much pain. Its sticking out & doesnt look right at all :( Might have wrenched it when they were moving him about at his last xray. Poor Dad had it pinned 4 yrs ago cos the cancer broke the femur, then he had the pins removed & the hip replaced this Jan, then 2 wks after that an xray showed the cancer had spread right down the femur & they did an emergency op yo plate the leg again as it was about to break. Rang work and they're sending ambulance to pick him & Shirley up in the morning as he needs a stretcher now. I'll meet them at xray.
Dunno why life is so unfair at times...& just when you think things might be picking up a little :sigh:

Sorry bout the rubbish post guys...cant sleep...just needed to get it out somehow xx
Also hon - Have added my diaries (both food & witterings) to my sig. Stop by if you can!

Enjoy the game this weekend. The coach sounds like fun!
I am starting a new job just off J15 in 3 weeks! I am just by J14
Hope your Dad is ok hun xx
Hi ladies ( yes...I AM including you in that Bestie Nicki lol :8855: )

Thanks so much for your concern over Dad :thankyou:

We have good news, well sort of I suppose, the hip hasn't dislocated thank God but we still dont know why he's in such agony :sigh: Macmillan nurse coming again tomorrow to discus further options. Its possible that as the cancer is all the way up his spine to his neck it could be affecting nerves which may then give him pain. Going for a different scan next week so we will see if that tells us anything. In the meantime he's not eating so hoping the nurse will prescribe steroids tomorrow. Will keep you updated xx

So what else has been going on today? :hmm: Well I didn't have time for breakfast this morning as I woke up late :eek: so quick :0bathtime: & straight down the hospital. So I'm thinking thats no bad thing seeing as its wi tomorrow lol! Went back to Dads after hospital & made a :coffee: for the :ambulance: crew. One of them, Jack, was my old crew mate before I came off the road & he's a real bu**er for his cuppa! Then Shirley & I went off on a quest to get some stuff for Dad...a 'hospitable' table for his bed, a turntable thingy to help him twistle on a chair, & a reclining garden chair cos between us we're gona try & get Dad out into the garden...he loves & misses being outdoors. We got everything except the chair which was ok as we found one in our shed which might do the trick :)

Didn't get home till 2 ... absolutely STARVING :gimi: so kind DH warmed up the bit of yesterdays lasagne for me...delish!!!

Mowed the lawn after lunch (yet ANOTHER good move on my behalf re wi tomorrow :party0049: ) & then Shirley called in to pick the garden chair up so we had a :coffee: in the garden cos it was SO hot & sunny.

Very nice tea tonight...steak, salad & new pots :D

DD was at the 'old' nursery today so not QUITE as much worrying for me to do while shes driving :shifter: as its more local. Back to working at the OMs nursery tomorrow & Friday.

I'm back to work tomorrow too :( Why is it those annual leave days just FLY by...? :sigh: ) Really hope its not too busy...takes a while to suss out what ambulances we got working when you've been off for a while! Probably forgotten all the call signs too lol!

Aww...bless...just watching some gawjus baby lambs running around a field on the TV! They're so sweet!!! I want one!!!

Right, gona post my food & then go visiting u lovely lot. Watchout girls...here I come! :p

Todays food

No time for brekkie :sign0007:

Left over lasagne
21g cheese ( 1/2 A)

New pots
Salad cream (3)
mustard (2)
Muller light banana custard yogurt

175mls s milk used in tea/coffee ( 1/2 A )

Options hot choc (2)
Hi Fi bar (B)

:thankyou: again my little muckers xx Great to know we are all here for each other :gen126: Hope you've all had a FABULOUS diet day :innocent0002: