Round 2 ding ding!!!


Silver Member
Hello :) Can I join you lovely folk please?

What happened riiiiiiight...

I lost weight for my wedding 3 years ago, eating like a bird and working out 5 or 6 times a week. Wonderful lovely day/ husband/ dress and so on, then found out I was preggers 2 weeks after the wedding!! Managed to pile on 5 stone eeeeeeeeek how on earth did I manage that, err that'd be the daily dose of white chocolate magnum and rounds of buttery toast methinks oopsy!

Beautiful boy born in 2009, after various diets managed to lose 2 stone in 2 years until I stumbled upon the Cambridge weight plan, gave that a crack and lost 51lbs in 4 months get iiiiin! I completed the 7 week maintenance steps so have been eating properly for quite a while but now I'm completely off the shakes and all about the food lol.

I've maintained my weightloss over the last couple of weeks, and now I'm here to lose the last few lbs, my next target is to get to 150lbs but I expect once I'm there I'll be happy to go a little lower.

I live in Egypt with my hubby, our son and our dog so won't be going to class and winging it quite a bit as I don't have any of the books so will be using minimins as a reference for SW and hopefully won't bug anyone with too many inane questions/ramblings!! We're heading back to UK for Christmas so will join a group just to get the books when i'm there!

So that's me down the bottom with my various weights as mentioned lol, I'm really excited to be here and hoping for great results over the coming weeks.


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Right, well I weigh myself every morn and today I'm 3lbs up!! That's not good :( obviously I've been on a vlcd low carb diet previously so I'm guessing all this food us too much and thats why. Hopefully a few red days will sort me out... Any advice greatly appreciated x
After a quick sesh of phoogling (googling on phone, do you like what I did there) thus gain appears to be normal.

Apparently I should expect a gain of up to half a stone this week :O and a loss next week. Christmas well lol, right will have to be uber good then! My metabolism is supposedly a bit shot but should be back on track in a couple of weeks...
Hi Shrinking Violet - welcome to Slimmer's World! Well done on shifting so much weight with CD - that's awesome! Loved your photos - you've done so well. Don't worry if you have a bit of a gain to start with, it's to be expected when your body settles down. Good luck with SW - not that you'll need it with your willpower lol!
krupskaya said:
Hi Shrinking Violet - welcome to Slimmer's World! Well done on shifting so much weight with CD - that's awesome! Loved your photos - you've done so well. Don't worry if you have a bit of a gain to start with, it's to be expected when your body settles down. Good luck with SW - not that you'll need it with your willpower lol!

Thanks lovely, I'm loving it so far, had 2 hobnobs last night!?! Felt like a right rebel but I'm not actually breaking any rules lol.

Thanks for the support, its greatly appreciated. Feels very weird being on a new board and starting from scratch, CD is a tiny board compared with here so I'm feeling a little lost. Need to find myself some new slimming world friends!

Thanks again, I'm going to log in on my laptop later to hunt down some new friends so will be looking for your diary to stalk lol xxx
Hi again!!! I saw your last post on the CD pages and thought I'd drop you a line on here to say CONGRATULATIONS ... you are truly inspirational with those lovely photos and I'm so pleased that you have got where you want to be.

I'm still plodding but target is within sight at last ... such a brill feeling. Hope Slim World goes well for you, I too have done it in the past and it's a very good plan. Get as many books as you can when you're over at Christmas, their recipes are fab. Also, can you get the magazine in Egypt? It's always full of recipes and tips etc. if not, you could probably have a subscription and have it posted.

Oh enough of my rambling ... take care and such a fab "well done" hunny xxx
Ahhhhh thanks love :) thats so sweet of you to pass by and check out my new digs!

I'm loving it here so far, and although I currently have a slight gain I think its just my body getting used to eating this much again.

You're doing so well yourself and truly an inspiration, won't be long till you smash your target the rate your going :)

Take care lovely, and best of luck. I'll still be peeking in to see how you're all doing! TTFN XXX
And I'll be popping over here to check out you too! Take care xx
Ah hiya :) nice of you to pass by over this neck of the woods! I shan't be sharing me hobnobs quite yet, but as soon as youre ready for them we can have a couple with a cup of tea, fair dos?

Today has been ok, although I'm sure I haven't eaten enough. Don't have much f fruit and veg in as leaving for hols to uk next week and trying to wind down the fridge. Decided to have a red day as I knew I'd be eating out, thought I could have steak but just didn't fancy it so just had a coffee... Can I change to green day or am I too late? Oh I'm confused :( the only red day item ive had is tuna for lunch..... I'm hank marvin and could eat a tin of beans.......
Lessons learnt today...
* Be prepared! Have plenty of F&V in house at all times!
* Mix2max means i dont have to eat tuna again tonight yahoo!

All good here, sooo excited about having a hobnob later, omg you can tell i've been away from food for a while! Nom Nom Nom :D
Hob Nobs ..... oh YUM. I'm looking forward to things like that, at the moment I just "SMELL" things that hubby and the girls eat, weird I know but it gets me through. On SS+ this week so have been having chicken, cabbage and sprouts. Amazing how tasty cabbage and sprouts are!!!! Have a good flight (when do you get here?) and welcome to a very cold England, frosty and white this morning xxx
Hey pickle - i found ya! I actually read your last CD post the other day, but i was just doing a quick read-up on me phone and didn't have time to click through. Anyway, following you now.

enjoy your new-found food-freedom. and remember, these SW ladies are lucky to have you. xx
Hi SV, you'll soon have lots of SW buddies I'm sure! I haven't got a diary so you won't be able to stalk me lol! Are you all sorted for christmas now? Christmas has arrived early in my house and I've been hitting the crisps and chocs like nobody's business - oooops! Back on the wagon now though...I'm stocking up on some tasty superfree for xmas - stuff I wouldn't normally buy at this time of year like strawberries and cherries (how expensive are cherries - sheeesh!). Quite looking forward to it now. Hope all is good with you. x
Hob Nobs ..... oh YUM. I'm looking forward to things like that, at the moment I just "SMELL" things that hubby and the girls eat, weird I know but it gets me through. On SS+ this week so have been having chicken, cabbage and sprouts. Amazing how tasty cabbage and sprouts are!!!! Have a good flight (when do you get here?) and welcome to a very cold England, frosty and white this morning xxx
Ooh I bloody love a good brussel me! Will be nomming out on them when I get back lol!!! Thanks love, We land 9:30pm 22nd, my bro is picking us up from LGW and straight down to mums house YAY i'm so excited, I really do hope it snows, LO has never seen snow, sure he'll love it! xxx

Hey pickle - i found ya! I actually read your last CD post the other day, but i was just doing a quick read-up on me phone and didn't have time to click through. Anyway, following you now.

enjoy your new-found food-freedom. and remember, these SW ladies are lucky to have you. xx
Ello Gorge :) Thanks for coming in to say ello! I'm still following you and a couple of the other lovelies, I love your updates and really looking forward to following the rest of your journey!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi SV, you'll soon have lots of SW buddies I'm sure! I haven't got a diary so you won't be able to stalk me lol! Are you all sorted for christmas now? Christmas has arrived early in my house and I've been hitting the crisps and chocs like nobody's business - oooops! Back on the wagon now though...I'm stocking up on some tasty superfree for xmas - stuff I wouldn't normally buy at this time of year like strawberries and cherries (how expensive are cherries - sheeesh!). Quite looking forward to it now. Hope all is good with you. x

Haha that's why I couldn't find you then!! Just seen your sig, congrats for hitting target!!! How long have you been on SW? I'm really hoping to get 5lbs down by NY... haha just noticed its the 20th, not sure i'll have time to lose 5lbs but you never know! we shall see!! I've been seriously loving this unlimited fruit malarkey, just had a pomegranate and a bowl of strawbs LUSH! I can't wait to get my books and figure out this all properly! Did I hear they're all changing though? In which case I'll wait to NY to get the new ones! xxx

Had a bit of a dumb day yesterday, was supposed to have all the girls over for pizza, I had great intentions and cooked a veg soup for myself... but then everyone was late and the pizzas took forever (i didnt want to eat my soup while everyone was waiting obvs) and when the pizza got here i totes nommed :( So had next to nothing all day then half a pizza quite late.... OOPS.Anyway the scales have settled down to my day1 weight so no gain as of today which is awesome. So my new WI day is Saturday, hoping for a STS max! A loss would be lush mind you!
Got lots to do today, laundry, packing, organising! Well excited :D
I'm so excited too! Have actually planned our meals and have ordered quantities of Brussels for you! Looking forward to you inspiring me to get going again too, too many chocs in the staff room last week!
Hi SV, yes new books are out in the new year and some people are getting them in meetings between christmas and new year. They're being given free to existing members I think...

Yeah, I started SW on the 29th December last year, so it's almost my first anniversary of starting. Up until a month or so ago I was doing at home without going to a group. I was finding it a challenge to shift the last few pounds though so then joined a group - nothing like a bit of public humiliation to focus the mind lol! Or should I say 'image therapy' heehee!

Good luck with the preps to come over for christmas,

Zoe x
Immmmmm baaaack! I have actually been plodding along vaguely slimming world style but ive been back striding full force sw style for 3 days :) really really really want to get down to the 10s before the end of March!!!! Here we go JERSNIMO!
welcome back, pickle. xxx