How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)


Gold Member
I've been asked about my SW diary and told I should start one so here I am! Now my laptop is fixed I have no excuse.

I am starting this on a high. Today was my weigh in day (Wednesday morning group) and I lost 2lbs! So I got my four and a half stone award and slimmer of the month! Last week I was named my group's Miss Slinky and had to go get my photo taken with the other Miss Slinky winners from my consultant's other groups for the paper.

I've had such a good run this month. 8.5lbs in 4 weeks matches my first 4 weeks losses. It has really given me a, much needed, second wind.

Some background

My stats read 20st 5lbs start weight, 15st 11lbs current weight 10st 7lbs goal weight. At the beginning of January this year (2012) I went to the Dr to ask to be referred to slimming world. I had to be weighed and measured. I had lost an inch in height, down to 5'5", and gained several stone to be 21st 3lbs. Two weeks later, after a lovely episode of stomach flu, I turned up to my first slimming world meeting, my first real attempt to lose weight and I was 20st 3lbs. Thank you stomach flu! My first week's loss was 2.5lbs and my best ever loss to date is 4lbs. So if anyone is at the beginning of their journey thinking "I only lost 3lbs and everyone else loses so much more their first week" do not fret, just plod on. I was faced by people who lost 9lbs and 6lbs in their first and second weeks (they joined the week before me). Now I am 4 stone 8lbs down so there is something to be said for the plodder.

I am 25. I will be 26 on the 28th of December, which will be my group's post xmas weigh in day! I have a little boy called Nate/Nathaniel/monster who has just turned 20 months. He is very bright, very funny, and very clingy. And I am currently a stay at home mum. Thankfully for Nate as he will cry and run after me if I leave the lounge to go into the kitchen!

Goals and Achievements

Goals are great! My consultant says losing weight without a goal is like playing football without goals, you just run around in circles not knowing what to do. I started off with 9 stone 12lbs to lose, although if you work out from the Drs weight it is 10 stone 10lbs to lose, which meant I had more to lose than what my goal weight would be. AN ENTIRE PERSON. Ye gods! Far too scary. So I just focused on each half stone on my way to getting my club 10. When that was achieved my PAT was still so far away and scary. I knew that if I could lose 2 stone 1lb (my 10%) then I could lose 2 stone again. So my next goal was to get total loss of 4 stone 1lb. This took much longer, and when i hit it I felt I hadn't earned it (it came after a bad week) so in true mad duck style I sabotaged myself. With a lovely 2.5lb gain. I stuck to plan and it was back off the next week, this time I felt I deserved the award and I have started plugging away to my 4.5 stone award. which I got today (yipee!) It now means I have achieved my club 10 and my first interim goal. Now I've lost 4 stone 1lb surely I can lose 3 stone 4lbs right? Making my second interim target 7 stone 5lbs (which sounds plain scary) it is 2 stone 11lbs away (much less scary and far more do-able).

The interim targets are great, but I like to break it down into even smaller chunks of the half stone awards, and further down again into just a couple of lbs.

1lb - 65lbs total
1lb - 15st 9lbs (lbs in single digits)
2lb - 15st 7lbs
2lb - 70lbs/ 5 stone award (15st 5lbs)
1.5lb - 25% of my weight lost!
3.5lb - BMI in Class obese (I)
2lb - 5 and a half stone award (14st 12lbs)


So this brings us to today. Had an extra easy day.

Weigh in
b: clementine, mullerlight, banana
s: clementine, pear
l: frying steak, new potatoes, onions, peppers, mushrooms
d: pasta bolognaise... far too much. felt stuffed.
s: HEB 2 rocky road hifi bars and 13 syns kitkat chunky peanut butter flavour.

Wednesday's food is always a bit wonky, if I don't have a proper breakfast I end up eating too much during the day.

Roll on tomorrow :)
Hi Fran im subbing too - excellent reading - and congrats on your hard work so far

Ill be looking in on you and watching your journey - good luck hun
Yay, so glad you have started a diary. You are an inspiration to me and i'm sure you are to many others on here. Looking forward to being on this journey with you. Have a good day :) xx
Aww bless you guys, you're all so sweet :)

I started the day on a back foot. I had planned oaty pancakes but forgot to soak the oats last night. Normally this sends me into a bit of a tizz, especially as I was already hungry. Me + hunger + off/no plan = everything in my mouth. But as I have planned the whole week I just swapped it with tomorrow's breakfast. hurrah sausage sandwich! What a diet huh?! A co-op wholemeal roll (they are the best heb roll I have found 10/10) I frylight fried onion wedges, sliced mushrooms and some cherry tomatoes, along with 2 Tesco light choices sausages (1 syn each). Opened the roll, put onions on the bottom, then 1.5 sausages sliced width way, then mushrooms and 1tsp of brown sauce (0.5 syns) and tomatoes on the side. I had some grapes while it was cooking too. :) and the other half a sausage reserved for nate because one breakfast simply isn't enough, he must steal mummy's too.

Lunch is derailed too because despite being told to only use 3/4 of the mince some helpful soul threw all of it in the pan. So no pastina as planned, I will probably get making some minestrone instead as son as sleeping beauty is down.

Tea is roast chicken (yum) so I shall get on with preparing that while mister is snoozing too. And Mr Tesco shall be arriving between 3 and 4. How many substitutions do we think we will get this week?! And will it be the super creepy one? Seriously, movember is terrible for making people look like sex offenders.
Minestrone was delicious. Tempted to eat the entire pan of it. Had a clementine and about to have a mint muller.

Most of dinner is prepared, just need Mr Tesco to bring the cauliflower.

I also marched around downstairs cleaning and vacuuming adding some more to the body magic total and now it is clean read for everyone to track more dirt in.

My new wool has arrived too so I can get started on my wristers this weekend when I have finished my jumper! This will be my first foray into cabling! Certainly keeps me from munching the evening away.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.
Roast chicken was fab. Roast chicken, chantenay carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and frylight roasted potatoes. no gravy because i don't like gravy. perfect syn free dinner for me!

Then put monkey to bed and had a sliced banana, frozen raspberries and a banana and custard mullerlight on top. mmm.

I have used 2 syns today so i can either have a hifi light (rocky road) for 3 syns or a chocolate bar for 8.5 syns. i had 13.5 syns yesterday, so i might go for a low syn day today. I've discovered if I mess around with things like high syn/low syn alternate days or 3 high syn days, 2 no syn days and 2 regular syn days etc it seems to boost my losses. As does varying my healthy extra choices so i might have some cheese tomorrow. it is pointless me using it on milk for 2 cups of tea! i may as well just syn it.

As for serial weighing I've not stepped on the scales since group yesterday morning. Hurrah.

Now to click clack knitting whilst watching big bang theory (taping kirsty)
Oooh, sounds like you've had a fab day. Well done. Your food today sounds amazing. Love minestrone soup and love roast dinners. When can I come round for tea? ;) ;)

How old is your little boy again? Sorry, you probably did say but I have the memory of a goldfish!! I love his name by the way. It's super cool.

That's weird about using different amounts of syns on different days, but good that you've worked out what works for you. I tend to stick to the 10 syns or under a day, unless i've got something on that week then i'll save my syns up and have minimal on the other day.

I LOL'd at your movember comment. All these weird tashes on men are giving me the creeps!!!

Enjoy your knitting and the big bang theory. It's a programme i've never watched but i've heard it's good.
That's an interesting idea about alternating low/max syn days... something I'd been thinking about so might put it into practice this week!
The messing round with my syns originated when I was sneaking extra on a weekend so I did 3 weeks with syn free weekends. Lost 2.5, 2.5 and 1.5 which was a big boost, then last week I swapped to alternating high and low so from 10-15 to around 5. And I lost 2lbs again. I'm just going to have the 2 syns i think. I dont really want anything.

Haha I do love food. Making my chicken soup tomorrow. Yum. And just a simple Singapore prawns stir fry.
Does your little boy eat the food you make Fran or do you make different things for him? My boys won't eat my stuff so I have to make them different things and it really bugs me!!
Sorry tooty I forgot to say he has just turned 20 months. He has the same unless it is curry or sw quiche. The curry because it is too spicy and the quiche he doesn't like so I just frylight fry him an egg and serve it with the sw chips and veg or whatever. He doesn't eat salad foods, but loves cooked veg. Dinner tonight it was the veg he ate first. I will usualy give him a wee sandwich if I have soup, if it is chicken soup I take out the veg, potatoes etc for him to eat without broth.

I'm having to live with my parents at the moment do i plan and cook sw meals for 3 adults and a toddler. My father sometimes pulls a face when it is something new (like diet coke chicken) I tell him he can feel free to cook himself something else but that's what i am serving up. This shuts him up and he cleans his plate and enjoys what I have made.

How old are your kids tooty was it 4 and 7?

Yay missy, I'm having stew on Tuesday. I love stew.
Just had a read and will be subscribing. Very inspirational!

I need to try this diet coke chicken, I tried the Fanta one at the beginning of the year but didn't really like it x
Oh and I forgot to say I like the idea of breaking your targets down to a few pounds. I am blatantly going to steal that idea :-D
I feel your pain huni. Your food looks great though for today...plenty of yummies to keep you going and give you plenty of energy. I hope your lo has a nice long nap later today so you can go for a sneaky 40 winks yourself :)