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Where to begin?! I have been overweight since my early 20's. It coincided, I feel, with moving out of home and binge eating all the crap I had been limited to until now. Then, whenever I got into a relationship, I became contented and fatter. My weight flipped between 16 stone and 24 stone. I met my now hubster in 2006 and have put on 5 stone since then. Some of that is giving up smoking - since 2006 yay:clap:, some of it is having my two beautiful children back to back and having rubbish pregnancies - because of this I felt sorry for myself and, well, you know the drill. Most of it was me and my mindset however. Huge portions, that's my biggest downfall, oh and a love affair with chocolate. I love food. I had horrendous post natal depression after my babies and used food to punish myself which made me feel worse, and round and round it goes.
Anyways, after counselling and meds that became a distant memory and I always meant to "get around" to loosing weight. You name it, I tried it. Weight Watchers, Slimming World, SlimFast, Lighter Life, Orlistat.... Must have spent a fortune over the years
Thing is, I am a master of avoiding mirrors, or tilting them so it doesn't look so bad. I am also happy, in love and a proud mama. I haven't managed to loose weight for the best day of my life, my wedding, but it was still the best day of my life.
I started running on New Years Day, the couch to 5k thing that everyone seems to be doing. I went every other day, rain or shine until I injured my hip mid February. Just started again. My neighbour and good friend came over for a cuppa and a natter 3 weeks ago. She's skinny, why are they always skinny?!
Anyways she announces she is going to Slimming World that night, would I go with her, and I thought, why not, it's time.
We got told off for being late, new members must be in by 7.30! We were new, so how would we know this?! :8855: I stepped on those scales, fully dressed, pre toilet (sorry tmi), and in the evening, avoiding more denial tricks and weighed in at 21 stone 5 lbs. Wowsers. The denial master in me doesn't want to say any more than that right now other than I am attempting to change that number and need support to do it.
Things that will help me will be going to meetings this time rather than hiding behind my computer and getting fed up after week 3. Having a friend to go with means no escape or excuses!
First week is always full of determination. Spent a small fortune in Tesco buying loads of fresh foods and made it through the first week with ease. First weigh in - 4lbs gone
Week 2 has been a pain in the ass. We had a weekend with the in laws planned and Chinese takeway. I carefully worked out the syn values for the meal I chose and was so proud I avoided temptation - the smells of prawn toast, crispy wanton, satay sauce.... I even popped to the local shop and picked up some fat free yogurt and strawberries to combat the post-Chinese nibbles later. Except I found afterwards it wasn't free. Argh. The next day there was some confusion about staying for evening meal, we thought it was just the kids, they thought it was all of us and before I know it there is a plate of about 7387493 syns. Bugger.
Weigh in tonight
Anyways, after counselling and meds that became a distant memory and I always meant to "get around" to loosing weight. You name it, I tried it. Weight Watchers, Slimming World, SlimFast, Lighter Life, Orlistat.... Must have spent a fortune over the years
I started running on New Years Day, the couch to 5k thing that everyone seems to be doing. I went every other day, rain or shine until I injured my hip mid February. Just started again. My neighbour and good friend came over for a cuppa and a natter 3 weeks ago. She's skinny, why are they always skinny?!
We got told off for being late, new members must be in by 7.30! We were new, so how would we know this?! :8855: I stepped on those scales, fully dressed, pre toilet (sorry tmi), and in the evening, avoiding more denial tricks and weighed in at 21 stone 5 lbs. Wowsers. The denial master in me doesn't want to say any more than that right now other than I am attempting to change that number and need support to do it.
Things that will help me will be going to meetings this time rather than hiding behind my computer and getting fed up after week 3. Having a friend to go with means no escape or excuses!
First week is always full of determination. Spent a small fortune in Tesco buying loads of fresh foods and made it through the first week with ease. First weigh in - 4lbs gone
Week 2 has been a pain in the ass. We had a weekend with the in laws planned and Chinese takeway. I carefully worked out the syn values for the meal I chose and was so proud I avoided temptation - the smells of prawn toast, crispy wanton, satay sauce.... I even popped to the local shop and picked up some fat free yogurt and strawberries to combat the post-Chinese nibbles later. Except I found afterwards it wasn't free. Argh. The next day there was some confusion about staying for evening meal, we thought it was just the kids, they thought it was all of us and before I know it there is a plate of about 7387493 syns. Bugger.
Weigh in tonight