Ooh just the extra incentive I need. I wanna join please

i weigh in on a Saturday so I will do this from 28th August until 1st October... then hopefully there will be an October challenge! My target is 11lbs which will get me to my target of being in the 9 STONE weight range. And mean that I am 9st 13.5lbs before my birthday on 4th October

This seems like it'll be a proper challenge, considering I will start my PGCE course on 5th September too - STRESS.COM! - but hoping the travelling and mountains of work will take my mind off food too!
Now I just have to survive the next 7 days.... 4 of which are being spent with my OH in Las Vegas

Amazing? Yes. SW-friendly? Not a chance lol! Ah well, good luck for the rest of August everyone!!
first timer - (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
GrannieAnnie - (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
leah717 - (0lbs lost - 9lbs to go)
Ria 2011 - no goal set
Sassia - (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
xpander76 - no goal set
Ladyantionette - (0lbs lost - 7-8lbs to go)
Mr White - (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
jo-85 - (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Dannilion - (0lbs lost - 5lbs to go)
Shellywelly68 - (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
bugsbunny2000 - (0lbs lost - 11lbs to go)