Outstanding October Challenge


Fluffy lil flutterby :)
Hi All!

I thought I'd start an October challenge thread- since I saw someone already complete the September one :)

That and i thought of a word that alliterated with October ;) haha

So- if you want to join in- Just add your name *alphabetically* to the most recent list- with your target for the month.

I'm going to set mine high for this month- but set it however high or low you feel comfortable :)

little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
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You got in there early! But I'm keen to plan ahead...

little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
I like starting threads- teehee :p

Good to have you on board Vicki! x
I'm sooo in! Love these challenges! Thanks for starting it :)

little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
I didn't even join the September challenge (after gaining 9lb the first WI i didn't see much point lol!) so am well up for this. 5 WI in October for me so will aim for 5lb. Anymore and I'll be delighted :)

little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
i'll give it a go
little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
just alphabetising the must...damn ocd lol

Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
never done a challange before so yes please i would like to join if i may
Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Vondervul idea! so I've under 6 weeks..

Nono- sorry- i should have put it in the first post

the October challenge (like the other monthly challenges) it only counts your weigh ins in October.

What i do is, i want to lose the 18lb by the end of october- but for the other 2 weigh ins (as in the Sept challenge) i'll take off any weight i lose from my target for this month....if that makes sense
Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Surreygal 10lb (0lb lost-10lb to go)

Thanks little_bubblez:) x
ive changed the OP just so it doesnt confuse people :) i've had an inbox saying my thread is confusing (thanks for that- i like feedback :) )

So- just set your target for whatever you would like to lose in the month of october :)
can i join please?

Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Surreygal 10lb (0lb lost-10lb to go)
tobeaskinnyme 12lbs (0lb - 12lbs to go)
I'm gonna give this a bash! Although i weigh in on a Friday so only 4 WIs for me!!

Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
Liannemc 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Surreygal 10lb (0lb lost-10lb to go)
tobeaskinnyme 12lbs (0lb - 12lbs to go)
welcome all :)

please remember to add your name to the list alphabetically. that way- as the list gets longer- it will be easier to find yourself to update after you've been weighed :)

Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
Liannemc 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
little_bubblez 18lb (0lb lost- 18lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Surreygal 10lb (0lb lost-10lb to go)
tobeaskinnyme 12lbs (0lb - 12lbs to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Just adjusting my target....but my challenge doesnt start for another 2 weeks (first weigh in of october)

Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
Liannemc 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
little_bubblez 14lb (0lb lost- 14lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Surreygal 10lb (0lb lost-10lb to go)
tobeaskinnyme 12lbs (0lb - 12lbs to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
KraziKayzi 6lb (0lb lost - 6lb to go)
Liannemc 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
little_bubblez 14lb (0lb lost- 14lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Surreygal 10lb (0lb lost-10lb to go)
tobeaskinnyme 12lbs (0lb - 12lbs to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Broadsbean 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
BuzzyBee 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lbs to go)
Clairex 14lb (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Clareel 5lb (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
KraziKayzi 6lb (0lb lost - 6lb to go)
Liannemc 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
little_bubblez 14lb (0lb lost- 14lb to go)
stoo 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Surreygal 10lb (0lb lost-10lb to go)
tobeaskinnyme 12lbs (0lb - 12lbs to go)
vickidyers 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
zilla 10lb (0lb lost - 10 to go)