The most important 20 weeks of YOUR life. Do this with me.
Hi there,
tomorrow morning is Sunday August 14th.
It will be EXACTLY 20 weeks until Jan 1st 2012.
What are you going to be doing on new years eve this year?
Will you be in a nightclub/bar feeling uncomfortable or selfconcious because of your weight?:cry:
Will you be looking at other people iwith their loved ones, while you're still alone?
Will you even have the courage to go out because of your weight???!
If you're like me, there's every chance you havent gone out on New years eve recently
because of these reasons, and so you'll sit in, convincing yourself that you're gonna
start fresh on January first, and everything will be different. But it wont.
I'm about to turn 30, and I weigh around 265 lbs.
I refuse to wait any longer to start living.
The last ten years of my life have been a complete write off due to being overweight.
All the jobs I didnt apply for.
The girls I didnt ask out. There were girls who actually
TOLD ME straight out they liked me, but who i didnt feel good enough to walk down the street with them.
If you're one of the people who are on this forum and already started on your journey,
this post isn't really for you. This thread is for people like me, who are right at the start.
Or people who want to start fresh tomorrow morning, more committed and determined than ever before.
Re-focused. Ready to give absolutley everything they have for 20 weeks to see what it can do.
We will weigh in for the first time tomorrow morning, and then every Sunday for 20 weeks.
I promise you, i am going to lose 60 lbs in these 20 weeks.
Yes, just over 4 stone. No crazy diet, just sensible eating, loads of cardio,
weights, proper sleep and focus. No cheat days, no weeks where i fall off the wagon, nothing.
The one missing piece i need is a buddy/supportive person.
Someone who knows what it's like to be fat, and can relate to some of the things I said above.
If you join with me in weighing in tomorrow, I promise I will also support and encourage you through
the next 20 weeks.
Don't give in again. Don't fall into the same old pattern.
Many of your friends/family dont think you can do it.
I know you can do it. You know you can do it.
Weigh in tommorow morning, announcing your start weight,
and the weight you want to be on January 1st.
We start here. Are you in? :character00115:
Hi there,
tomorrow morning is Sunday August 14th.
It will be EXACTLY 20 weeks until Jan 1st 2012.
What are you going to be doing on new years eve this year?
Will you be in a nightclub/bar feeling uncomfortable or selfconcious because of your weight?:cry:
Will you be looking at other people iwith their loved ones, while you're still alone?
Will you even have the courage to go out because of your weight???!
If you're like me, there's every chance you havent gone out on New years eve recently
because of these reasons, and so you'll sit in, convincing yourself that you're gonna
start fresh on January first, and everything will be different. But it wont.
I'm about to turn 30, and I weigh around 265 lbs.
I refuse to wait any longer to start living.
The last ten years of my life have been a complete write off due to being overweight.
All the jobs I didnt apply for.
TOLD ME straight out they liked me, but who i didnt feel good enough to walk down the street with them.
If you're one of the people who are on this forum and already started on your journey,
this post isn't really for you. This thread is for people like me, who are right at the start.
Or people who want to start fresh tomorrow morning, more committed and determined than ever before.
Re-focused. Ready to give absolutley everything they have for 20 weeks to see what it can do.
We will weigh in for the first time tomorrow morning, and then every Sunday for 20 weeks.
I promise you, i am going to lose 60 lbs in these 20 weeks.
Yes, just over 4 stone. No crazy diet, just sensible eating, loads of cardio,
weights, proper sleep and focus. No cheat days, no weeks where i fall off the wagon, nothing.
The one missing piece i need is a buddy/supportive person.
Someone who knows what it's like to be fat, and can relate to some of the things I said above.
If you join with me in weighing in tomorrow, I promise I will also support and encourage you through
the next 20 weeks.
Don't give in again. Don't fall into the same old pattern.
Many of your friends/family dont think you can do it.
I know you can do it. You know you can do it.
Weigh in tommorow morning, announcing your start weight,
and the weight you want to be on January 1st.
We start here. Are you in? :character00115: