That's excellent! It is so easy when you've got that focus and determination. It does falter sometimes so it's such a good idea to come on here and look through the forums. First time I was on Exante I was on here practically every day. I guess I have a lot more determination this time because I know it works and I know which products I like. So I'm not doubting every step of the way.
Eep! Are you excited for your boxes? I had one come just now with some new things I haven't tried before to top up what I have. Can't wait to try them! It's a good thing we're only allowed 3 things a day or my curiosity would probably get the better of me and I'd work my way through to find out what they're like and then get bored haha.
Just keep plodding along if things get hard or you're feeling hungry. Like you said every hour is another one towards our goals! Make sure you're drinking LOADS of water and keep yourself busy. I have filled up bottles on my desk and make sure I drink throughout the day... aim for 3 litres. If I'm hungry I drink a glass or two of water and it fills me up enough to last till the next meal time.
What I've done also for some extra motivation, which might help you or others on here... is print off a 30-day challenge where you can write your challenge... mine's 'losing weight on Exante - goal lose 20lbs'. Even though I've got like half my body weight to lose over the next year, I'm taking it in stages. Then there's a section for 'it will change my life by', 'my action plan', 'my affirmation statement'. Then it has start date and date when you achieve your goal and 30 days you tick off. I got mine off Etsy and it's editable so I filled it in on my computer then printed it off. I've put it up in front of my desk and colour in each day I complete, then add a tick and '100%' if I didn't cheat at all. I don't know if you're into that kind of thing but I find it helps a lot. It really helps me to see/visualise the 30 days and that i'm already over 10% there.
I also have made a scrapbook with thinspirational quotes and weight loss before and after pics. Making it/adding to it occupies my mind. I usually put music on it the background and chill. I just have me time, which I often neglect, and I get re-inspired at the same time. So when I struggle I flip through there and there's always something that strikes a cord and keeps me going. It's all very well looking online or on ********* but I like having my own collection of ones that mean something to me personally. My favourite mantra at the moment is 'Being overweight is hard. Losing weight is hard. I'm choosing my hard.' I might not always be happy that I can't stuff my face with junk food every now and then but I know I'm really not happy with my weight and haven't been for a long time.
Knowing that as long as I stick to this 'diet plan' the lbs will drop off (and I don't have to push myself for hours at the gym to get less of a result) but can focus on work, studies and myself... I mean it's guaranteed weight loss. Everyone's different but usually about 10lbs/month from what I've seen on here/experienced. It's worth sticking too. You're not starving (lots of water and the hunger pangs will go when you get into it and your body starts using its fat stores!) and it's not time consuming. I don't even have to cook because they take what a minute or two to make.
I know I've babbled on but I'm feeling really motivated too and thought I'd share some of my strategies in case they help anyone! Heck, even myself if I'm going through a rough patch!
I've enjoyed your babbling so thank you!!! It's great to hear from people in the same boat!
YEP I hear ya! I can see me bring here every day! Anything to keep me busy

And everyone is just so lovely. I feel like hardly anyone in my real world truly understands me so it's nice to have you guys who know what it's like.
So my box came today and it was so exciting! Was like a kid at christmas

Got one of everything so excited to try. And will also have to resist trying too much at once!!! The packets are all silver and intriguing.... I imagine this is what they eat in space so that's kinda fun

My housemates were really intrigued too. Told one of the boys to do one instantly as I couldn't be doing with any negative or judging comments, but I'm really close to one of my girl housemates and she's been really supportive and excited for me. She's seen how hard and dedicated I've been in the past so it's good having her believe in me
Been drinking loads of water, got a litre bottle to have on my desk and I'm working in the pub tonight so will have soda water on tap to fill me up

I'm actually still have two real food meals today as I can't deal with customers until I'm in ketosis, so I'll have a zero carb omelette before work and some picky meats whilst there so I don't punch anyone
Loving your ideas for motivation - such a good idea as I've got sat night - tuesday off and decided to stay in my room so I can get fully in to ketosis without having to talk to anyone or do anything strenuous. Think I'll take the time to make a thin book like you say, or a pintrest or something

and setting my challenges. I joined a challenge on this forum somewhere which is setting goals for the first day of summer

20lbs by then I said. Want to give myself a manicure and pedicure this weekend too, maybe whack on a face mask. I wanna make a list of no-food rewards that I will allow myself when I reach targets. Thinking new perfume, shellac nails, spa day, clothes.
I study fashion and love making clothes, but I really wanna be the same size as my mannequin so that it's easier to make stuff for myself!!!! There's some inspiration right now, she's a skinny minny
The weightloss speed is the most attractive thing about this diet so I'm determined to make it work for me. I've plodded on for too long saying i'm gonna do it and not doing anything at all. As far as gym goes, I'm gonna keep going as my membership is really cheap and I want to be able to fit gym in to my life for the rest of my life. So today I went and did the most easy work out, it's more the act of going there, getting out, and getting in to a routine of this is what you do every day.
Day 2 and still in high spirits - first TS day will be the tester though.... but I'm hoping my low carb efforts at the start will knock me in to ketosis early on before the calories drop too low. I have ketostix coming in the post, so we'll see
