Anyone have any ideas?
lickthelid Lives here.... 21 August 2014 #1 Anyone have any ideas? Attachments image.jpg 912.2 KB · Views: 632
B bubbalicious Silver Member 22 August 2014 #2 Sorry but I cant find it. Perhaps you can post the nutritional information?? or use the 20 calories = 1 syn rule.
Sorry but I cant find it. Perhaps you can post the nutritional information?? or use the 20 calories = 1 syn rule.
B Burtie Member 22 August 2014 #5 Anyone know the syn value of Asda mash with carrot and swede snackpot Sent from my SM-G900F using mobile app
Anyone know the syn value of Asda mash with carrot and swede snackpot Sent from my SM-G900F using mobile app
Llamasoks Gold Member 22 August 2014 #6 EDIT: I thought better of my comment and behaved like a sensible adult...
M meljh1989 Member 22 August 2014 #8 hahaha my mum got some of this as a silly christmas present lol.