Missing food..


Full Member
Was just wondering what everyones thoughts are...

I am on the total exante, 3 packs a day.

I'm finding it really hard and im not too keen on the flavours.

I'm not feeling hungry though im just missing food, which i suppose is normal.

I was thinking that so as not to go off the diet if i had one low calorie meal per week to look forward to this might spur me on a bit and i wouldnt get fed up of the horrible tastes.

Does anyone do this?
or what are your thoughts?

Thanks :)
Its not so much low calorie (although obviously this is important as well) as low carb.

If it keeps you going then I dont see why not. Its not an option for me coz I want to lose this weight in a hurry so will be doing TFR as long as I can but I dont see why not.
Thanks :)
do you think it will impact my weight loss alot just having one meal?
surely if im still below carbs and calories my body should still lose weight?
when i was on cd If i really had to eat i used to have a small amount of cucumber diced into some tuna...the in water kind not brine for the salt issue. i also used to have chicken, and white fish and still lost 4st 7lbs in 16 weeks.
The thing with carbs is it has to be below a certain amount over the day or you'll be out of ketosis and you'll feel hungry and the more carbs the more your water stores will fill
Yeah that's right! the safe bet is tuna, chicken and white fish
Thankyou for the advice folks :)

ill see how i go after my first week and see how i feel, and if i still feel like i should have one meal i can always test it out and see how it goes x
i think it says in the little book that if you do the working solution by adding a meal then you still lose 10lbs a month which is not much under the 14lb a month on total solution. have a look on the website for recipes with 400 calories hope that helps.