Hi , last thurs( it's Sunday today) I started getting pressure/pain back ache, even bottom ache, it was quite bad at times and when I still had it Saturday morning I was starting to worry and decided if I still had it on Monday I would see the dr. All manor of things went through my head what it could be, I have PCOS so could it be a cyst that had burst? A bladder infection, wind?(and I'd feel pretty silly going to the dr with that!) my period on its way? ( I am very irregular , but I never have pain before I come on, but once I'm on its like I've been hit by a sledge hammer and being squeezd by a vice!) the pain generally was in my pevis but for the last day was more on my right side ( now I was worried I had appendicitis !) but it was weird ,it felt almost like I had a bubble expanding inside my R side , causing the pressure and pain . Has anyone else experienced this? Or what it was?.
Im not too worried now as I came on today and am accompanied by the sledgehammer and vice, but because the above was unusual for me should I be concerned? Ty for reading this ! X