Jennys TF journey


Silver Member
Well my online order from boots arrived early so I thinking better to start as soon as possible as next saturday I start back on shifts and Im on a long day so I need to make sure any headaches are gone...

I havent cut down on carbs so ill just have to hit this head on...this will work and I will not give up....
No time like the present - good luck
Im actually quite excited looking forward to checking my weight tomorrow morning and starting this. Im a bit worried how the food will fit in on a work day but Im sure theres a way through it my first shift back is next saturday my first long shift start 7am finish 9.30pm theres far too much food on this plan to actually fit it into the breaks so who knows but I have a week to try get my head round it....

Perhaps I am thinking
shake pre work
fruit at break if I get one
protein and salad at lunch break and perhaps a munch bar less obvious than a shake
fruit if theres another break
protein and salad when I get home
Ive never done a long day so Im not sure how the breaks work and unfortunately as a student nurse Im gonna have to try hide the diet i am doing. In this profession it seems to be fine to be seen to eat junk and smoke but if your dieting anything other than healthy eating seems to be a no no
That sounds like a good plan Jenny. I'm assuming you're starting a new placement? You may be suprised and find people are supportive but if you're like me I like to keep things to myself as you say everyone seems to have an opinion on how we should lose weight.

I'm a nurse myself but at least I dont do those long shifts I couldnt handle them myself but try and get your breaks in.

Good luck for tomorrow, I'm on an afternoons so will check to see how you got on sunday
That sounds like a good plan Jenny. I'm assuming you're starting a new placement? You may be suprised and find people are supportive but if you're like me I like to keep things to myself as you say everyone seems to have an opinion on how we should lose weight.

I'm a nurse myself but at least I dont do those long shifts I couldnt handle them myself but try and get your breaks in.

Good luck for tomorrow, I'm on an afternoons so will check to see how you got on sunday

Hiya Vanda

I am doing some make up time as I went on my honeymoon during placement time. So I am going back to a lovely ward I have been on before. I cant wait to go back but alot of the nurses on the ward are on slimming world so the chat seems to be diet 24/7. Ive never done a long day before but my mentor is on that shift and they gave it to me to do as well. Not looking forward to it
Right on with day 1 well I slept in so looks like day one should be an easy one I am on the 40 plus plan so I get 2 portions of protein a day so Ive started the day off with an ommlette and veg. Not had any shakes yet but Im guessing I should have my morning one with the fibre stuff
Hiya back again its 4pm and Ive had a shake with the fibre stuff... hmmm tasted like bits of porridge in a milkshake but pretended to myself it was strawberry shortcake lol. Ive had a pear as well. Not feeling hungry at all SHockingly... but still time
good luck with this, it is hard trying something new and trying to fit it in with work.
well days food over and for my evening meal I had 3 courses lol
my TF soup
roast chicken with oven roasted mushrooms brussels courgette and aubergine
apple and jelly
oh dear I think TF is starting to get to me.... I stink or rather my bottom stinks
Well Im back ...another day another strawberry milkshake with bits in it. Im ashamed to say my friend wanted me to go the gym this morning and rang me at 9am to see if I was going to meet her. I lay in bed thinking about it then went back to sleep. I really do have to get the first trip to the gym over with though Im paying for membership and not going
day 2 nearly complete
chicken mushroom salad
mince corgette mushroom brocolli peppers in tomatos with lettuce and cucumber

feeling quite stuffed and I still have my two pieces of fruit and some jelly in the fridge
Sounds like it's going well.
Well done

Know what you mean about the gym. I used to be a right little gym bunny but since starting my new job (6 months in) I have barely been and now am SO UNFIT :eek:

I'm a lifelong gym avoider myself owing to the fact I am lazy, so even thinking about going earns a round of applause from me

Have a great week, really pleased TF seems to be working for you
Its working so far Im not sure how much it would actually work if I wasnt a BMI over 40 at the moment i seem to be able to eat loads
No need to eat small portions to lose weight. You can eat loads if it is the right stuff, I dont do small portions

Have a fine Monday
I was going to start this saying I didnt know why but I do know why. Yesterday I went out and didnt plan any food so I sat through lunchtime watching my family eat while I drink water then we ended up saying out even later as hubby wanted to go to his friends house and they were nattering by the time we left it was 7pm and to say I was hungry was a bit of an underestimation... I felt really sick and very dizzy... the thought of going home and working out a meal to cook really pained me so we reverted to trend and I had a chicken kebab for tea with chips.

I later discovered my totm had also arrived which didnt help. Today again has been a nightmare I have felt like crying all day I really wanted chocolate and felt hungry all day. I was feeling so yuck that hubby drove through Mc D drive through for the kids tea and I was good I kept away. My son was trying to be nice so he brought me a huge bar of chocolate home over a 1000 cals worth and of course I ate it. So all in all you could say its been a poo two days. Hubby seems to be trying to pursuade me just to eat this week and try again next week but I dont want too. So on with tomorrow and I wouldnt mind but i REALLY DIDNT LIKE THE CHOCOLATE ANYWAY
Well a new day has begun and Im off to university with a shake inside chocolate will occur today. Feeling really poo today must be the come down from the sugar. Have a nice day everyone x