I'll start out with a brief description/background.
Being 5'1, I don't think of myself as vertically challenged. More like, condensed awesomeness!
I'm 19, and at my thinnest I was 8.7stone.
I've been blessed with, adequate assests... ahem, but unfortunately have been built with my thighs acting as hamster cheeks. Retaining every last ounce that I probably won't use.
After completing one year at uni, I have drank wayyy too much, eaten far too many takeaways, fish and chips and chocolate to mend broken hearts. And it's ruined my figure.
I went from a very loose 12 to a verry tight 12-14.
since being home i'm back to a very loose 12 again in trousers and a size 8 in shirts.
But, my thighs have stayed the same. Nothing will budge these giant pockets. It looks awful because they are so out of proportion to the rest of me! It's driving me mad!
So as of yesterday I started a new diet with exercise shived in too. My aim is to lose these pockets before I get back to uni. Which is September 20th.
So hello, after this i'll put what i ate and exercised yesterday, plus feelings/dispair etc
Also; appolgies for bad spelling/grammar

Being 5'1, I don't think of myself as vertically challenged. More like, condensed awesomeness!
I'm 19, and at my thinnest I was 8.7stone.
I've been blessed with, adequate assests... ahem, but unfortunately have been built with my thighs acting as hamster cheeks. Retaining every last ounce that I probably won't use.
After completing one year at uni, I have drank wayyy too much, eaten far too many takeaways, fish and chips and chocolate to mend broken hearts. And it's ruined my figure.
I went from a very loose 12 to a verry tight 12-14.
since being home i'm back to a very loose 12 again in trousers and a size 8 in shirts.
But, my thighs have stayed the same. Nothing will budge these giant pockets. It looks awful because they are so out of proportion to the rest of me! It's driving me mad!
So as of yesterday I started a new diet with exercise shived in too. My aim is to lose these pockets before I get back to uni. Which is September 20th.
So hello, after this i'll put what i ate and exercised yesterday, plus feelings/dispair etc
Also; appolgies for bad spelling/grammar