Silver Member
I have decided to try and stick to writing a diary as well as sticking to SS'ing, well, theres a first time for everything, right?!!
I am 35, 4 sprogs, 1 hubby, 1 cat. I currently weigh 20st 8lbs and would love to get down to 10st ish. I have yo-yo'd for nearly 18yrs. I can lose weight but my resolve goes and I have always, always put on more weight. Many many issues with food, I could blame them on a lot of things but as its only me who can sort this out in the long run and I can't afford a therapist, I'm not going into it!!
I first started CD way back in March 2006 and lost 3.5st whcih was great, but I constantly sabotaged my own diet, opting to have a high protein meal once a week as a treat and then twice a week and then I was back to my usual style of eating. Since then, my weight has gone up to my highest ever of 21st 1.5lbs, OMG!!!
I feel disgusting!! Anyway, I tried WW but just wasnt into it although I lost a few lbs.
So, I have decided to go back to CD as it has worked for me before and if I can make it through the first few days while hubby and sprogs eat delish food in front of me, then I know I can make it!
I met my CD on Thursday at lunch time at my work, she's lovely and she gave me my weeks supply. I fully intended to start on the Friday but got home and had a few voddies and some tomato soup, weird concoction I know!! :sign0137:
So this morning, I got up, fixed the pc, had a banana shake, drinking my 1st 1.5ltr bottle of water whilt hubby and kids ate morning rolls Box of Butteries (48) : Ashers Bakery, World Famous Whiskey Cakes,Wedding Cakes, Butteries, Biscuits and more! slathered in butter, I know they don't look that great but they are so tasty! Gillian Mckeith has started to wage a war on them!!
I'm sitting here now trying to think of things to do that dont involve food!! The weather is grotty so no walks out, maybe go see the new Spidy film?
I'm so glad that I sorted the pc, we have had so much trouble with it of late but I finally decided to sit down and sort it out, 2hrs later and all is fine and dandy, the Broadband is working a treat!
Ah well, I think I'm gonna booger off and do something constructive for a few hours, take a couple of pics of the 'before me' and hope to god that I do do it this time and that I caan finally post some 'after' pics with pride!!
Wish me luck pretty please?!!
I am 35, 4 sprogs, 1 hubby, 1 cat. I currently weigh 20st 8lbs and would love to get down to 10st ish. I have yo-yo'd for nearly 18yrs. I can lose weight but my resolve goes and I have always, always put on more weight. Many many issues with food, I could blame them on a lot of things but as its only me who can sort this out in the long run and I can't afford a therapist, I'm not going into it!!
I first started CD way back in March 2006 and lost 3.5st whcih was great, but I constantly sabotaged my own diet, opting to have a high protein meal once a week as a treat and then twice a week and then I was back to my usual style of eating. Since then, my weight has gone up to my highest ever of 21st 1.5lbs, OMG!!!
So, I have decided to go back to CD as it has worked for me before and if I can make it through the first few days while hubby and sprogs eat delish food in front of me, then I know I can make it!
I met my CD on Thursday at lunch time at my work, she's lovely and she gave me my weeks supply. I fully intended to start on the Friday but got home and had a few voddies and some tomato soup, weird concoction I know!! :sign0137:
So this morning, I got up, fixed the pc, had a banana shake, drinking my 1st 1.5ltr bottle of water whilt hubby and kids ate morning rolls Box of Butteries (48) : Ashers Bakery, World Famous Whiskey Cakes,Wedding Cakes, Butteries, Biscuits and more! slathered in butter, I know they don't look that great but they are so tasty! Gillian Mckeith has started to wage a war on them!!
I'm sitting here now trying to think of things to do that dont involve food!! The weather is grotty so no walks out, maybe go see the new Spidy film?
I'm so glad that I sorted the pc, we have had so much trouble with it of late but I finally decided to sit down and sort it out, 2hrs later and all is fine and dandy, the Broadband is working a treat!
Ah well, I think I'm gonna booger off and do something constructive for a few hours, take a couple of pics of the 'before me' and hope to god that I do do it this time and that I caan finally post some 'after' pics with pride!!
Wish me luck pretty please?!!