Day 3
P: 257.62
C: 258.08
F: 49.82
Calories: 2511
(Forgive my notes - it’s just a good place to put them, also: [reps] x [weight in KGs], was aiming for 6 or 8 reps depending on the exercise.
• Stiff-legged Deadlift (Barbell) – Warm Up 6x25, Workset(s) 6x45, 6x45 – A touch too light, add 5kg next time
• Behind Head Shoulder Press (Barbell) – 6x40, 6x40 – a little light, add 2.5kg next time
•Push Press (Barbell) – 6x50, 4x50 – Aim for 6 on second set next time
• Lateral Raise (Dumbbell) - 8x6, 8x6 – up 1kg next time
This was a fairly fun and easy workout but it was always going to be as I chose exercises that I used to really enjoy and purposefully took it easy. However, next week I will add some regular deadlifts to this workout - probably heavy triples (3sets perhaps) from just off the floor and try to reduce the amount of time resting between sets.
Having decided to do only two resistances sessions per week the next session will focus on chest, upper back and triceps.
Following this I did some light bag work: 4x2.5mins with 1min rest breaks – this was hard after all that shoulder work!
Had a really good day (with respect to diet and exercise) but I was very tired after my workout and had to resort to a two hour afternoon nap. This was a little annoying because I felt too tired to get much work done – I may try lifting in the evening or late afternoon in future. I also have the same problem if I go for a long walk (haha -I mean 4+miles). Sadly, it’s a little unsafe to go walking at night around here
Hopefully this will pass as my fitness levels improve – but I guess that will take more than 50 days!