Well, yesterday was my first day back home and my first day on the diet. I weighed in the morning, 102.7kg
my ultimate goal weight is about 60kg, so I have a lot of work to do.
I've decided I'm doing the perfect health diet for now. It's basically like the paleo/primal diet, but not low carb. I might try reducing my carbs slowly over time and easing back into primal eating, but for the moment, I feel like I could do with the extra energy that carbs give me.
I'm starting for two weeks with the perfect health version of the potato protocol diet. The idea behind PPD is you eat nothing, but potatoes for two weeks,
but having read the Dukan diet book, I think the key to it working is that you're on a very low fat diet, the same as the pure protein stage of Dukan. Dukan says cause your body needs fat for cell repair and stuff, it forces you to use the fat in your fat cells. On the perfect health version of the potato diet you can eat any veggies or proteins so long as you stay very low fat and have a pound of potatoes a day to help keep you full, because apparently they're the most satiating of all foods. I wouldn't stick to that forever because your body needs some fat for vitamin absorption, but I don't think a couple of weeks is going to kill me and there should be enough variety to make it not as hard to stick to as pure potatoes or pure meat. After 2 weeks I'm going to start adding more fat in around 10g increments until my weightloss starts slowing down too much. The main attraction of this diet for me is it's cheap. Eating a ton of potatoes versus eating a ton of meat, there's no contest when it comes to my bank balance and after Christmas, my bank balance is begging for some love.
My goals for this week are
Survive the first week - lol
Drink 8 glasses of water a day and no soda - I bought one of those water bottles with a built-in filter because the water where I live tastes like a swimming pool and it's been brilliant for getting my 8 glasses a day in. Much more convenient than waiting for water to filter through a jug.
Track all my food on cronometer
Create an exercise journal and figure out a routine to follow
Weigh in at 100.Xkg or less on Thursday 10th
My first day was ok, I had some cravings for chocolate but I stayed strong and it was well worth it when I weighed this morning. I'm already down to 101.9, probably water weight but I'm not going to complain because it's incredibly motivating. My sleeping patterns are messed up from the holiday season and I needed a nap in the afternoon, but I got up at 9am today, so my mini-goal today is not to nap and to be in bed by midnight. Now I'm off to make lunch.
I've decided I'm doing the perfect health diet for now. It's basically like the paleo/primal diet, but not low carb. I might try reducing my carbs slowly over time and easing back into primal eating, but for the moment, I feel like I could do with the extra energy that carbs give me.
I'm starting for two weeks with the perfect health version of the potato protocol diet. The idea behind PPD is you eat nothing, but potatoes for two weeks,
My goals for this week are
Survive the first week - lol
Drink 8 glasses of water a day and no soda - I bought one of those water bottles with a built-in filter because the water where I live tastes like a swimming pool and it's been brilliant for getting my 8 glasses a day in. Much more convenient than waiting for water to filter through a jug.
Track all my food on cronometer
Create an exercise journal and figure out a routine to follow
Weigh in at 100.Xkg or less on Thursday 10th
My first day was ok, I had some cravings for chocolate but I stayed strong and it was well worth it when I weighed this morning. I'm already down to 101.9, probably water weight but I'm not going to complain because it's incredibly motivating. My sleeping patterns are messed up from the holiday season and I needed a nap in the afternoon, but I got up at 9am today, so my mini-goal today is not to nap and to be in bed by midnight. Now I'm off to make lunch.