My journey to 5 stone slimmer!


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About 3 months ago, I had got to the point where i was so tired of looking in the mirror and hating what I looked like. I think that I carry weight well for how heavy I am, and I told myself for a long time that I didn't need to lose weight. Now it has escalated to here and to be where I want to be, I have to lose 5 stone.

That seems so daunting and I really need all the support I can get. I have tried a few diets in the last 3 months but they just didn't work for me. To be honest, I'm looking for a lifestyle change rather than a diet. I need to change my relationship with food. I tend to overindulge to the extreme then punish myself and starve. It's stupid and I need something to teach me how to eat normally and be satisfied.

So.. I have joined slimming world on Monday. So far, this has been the easiest diet I've been on and I haven't cheated at all. I have my first weigh in on Monday, which is in 3 days time. I just hope I've lost weight because I am really happy on this diet. I have been bad and weighed myself already and it's saying I've lost weight... But I don't want to jinx it haha.

Looking to talk to people who can support eachother in this journey! I need people around me that know how hard it is to lose control of your weight and the highs and lows of losing weight!

Hmm, will finish up on what i ate yesterday! I'm on the extra easy slimming world plan btw.

B: alpen light bar (HE) and apple.
L: jacket potato (no butter) and spaghetti hoops with big salad
D: ham and cheese (HE) omelette, 2 slices of bacon and a big salad.
S: alpen light bar (HE)
Syns: 4 Malibu n diet coke (10 syns)

Dee x
Hi dee,
Hope your enjoying your week, I can relate to your eating pattern at the moment I'm in the scoff everything in sight mode , and so miserable for doing it but then I go to the extreme of hardly eating , tho not to sure when this will kick in at the moment , I'm definetly on a feeding frenzy,
I lost weight doing slimming world , achieving my 7 1/2 stone award , but I'm ashamed to say a couple of stone has crept bk on and if I carry on like this the numbers will go up and up,
I want to get bk in the right frame of mind and see the scales go down coz it's a wonderful feeling,
I used to break my targets down in to small goals it definetly helped me ,
Anyway I'm rambling ,

Von xxx

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Hi dee,
Hope your enjoying your week, I can relate to your eating pattern at the moment I'm in the scoff everything in sight mode , and so miserable for doing it but then I go to the extreme of hardly eating , tho not to sure when this will kick in at the moment , I'm definetly on a feeding frenzy,
I lost weight doing slimming world , achieving my 7 1/2 stone award , but I'm ashamed to say a couple of stone has crept bk on and if I carry on like this the numbers will go up and up,
I want to get bk in the right frame of mind and see the scales go down coz it's a wonderful feeling,
I used to break my targets down in to small goals it definetly helped me ,
Anyway I'm rambling ,

Von xxx

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Hi von,
I was doing really well this week, no cheating at all but then the wine was calling my name last night :( i didn't eat very much yesterday, maybe 1000 calories? But really that's not how I should be doing it so that's why I just need to get back on the wagon today and just enjoy that I had wine last night and today I'm gonna be good.

Wow that's amazing!!! 7 and a half stone!! How long did it take you? I'm hoping for about a year to a year and a half for 5 but I don't know if that's realistic! Did you go to meetings and do you still go? How long has it been since you stopped the diet?

We all go through stages of eating what we like! I understand that weight may go back on but maybe you could just think that if you restart slimming world now (or any other diet) you've got a lot less to lose and it will take you a lot less time. It won't be as big of a challenge as when you first started out!

Dee xx
Just woke up with a little bit of a hangover... Hardly ate anything yesterday but had some wine. I really don't want to be disappointed with myself so just gonna keep going on this diet.

I'm thinking that a SW full English will sort me out. Ham and cheese omelette, bacon, fried (with one cal spray!) potatoes, spaghetti hoops and a sausage! Ill have fruit after for my 1/3 super free. I don't like cooked tomatoes or mushrooms. Yummmmm.

I'm becoming a serial weigher which I hate but I can't help it. Aaaaaahhhh. I just get worried the diet won't work! But this morning I weighed and to be fair, I don't have any food in me whatsoever because the last time I ate was yesterday at 1pm but the scales have gone down to a number I haven't ever seen yet since trying to diet for 3 months! So wow!

Oh, that's something I wanted to say. My weight at my weigh ins at SW are gonna really annoy me cause I normally weigh first thing in the morning with no clothes on, whereas SW weigh in is after I've eaten all day and with my work clothes on! When they took my original weight I was 4 pounds heavier than I was at home that morning! So firstly, it's annoying because it feels like I'm heavier than I am and I've got longer to go to my target and second, if I do weigh at home to see how the weeks going, I will always be a different weight than at SW so ill have no idea where I am. Argh! What's everyone's thoughts on this??

Dee xxx
Hi dee,
Hope the sw brekkie does the trick,
It took me bout 17 month to lose the weight but I didn't get to the target I wanted to be , still had bout 2 stone to go , but was finding it harder to get to meeting wiv work so stopped going ooh it's coming up for a year now , but as I said maybe it was a bad move coz it fluctuated over the year and still bout a stone heavier than wen I stopped going to class ,
Hope you have a good day

Von x

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I knew I would suffer over the weekend with sticking to plan :( I really need to get this weekend out of my head now and move forward but I just keep feeling so guilty and thinking about how much I could have lost if I had stuck to plan over the weekend....

I'm also extremely exhausted today! For the past 5 nights I've been having really intense, long and horrible dreams. I've tried so much to get it to stop but no luck at the moment. It makes me wake up absolutely exhausted and like I haven't slept at all! Urgh.

Need some positive energy!

Sooo yesterday I was really good! :)

B: muller light yogurt and apple
L: wholemeal roll (HE) chicken, small bit of ligjt mayo (0.5) lettuce, cucumber , quavers (4.5 syns), muller light, orange
D: pasta with passata, cheese (HE), basil, garlic

Dessert: chocolate mini milk (1.5)

Snacks: thortons Carmel shortbread mini (3.5)

Syns total: 10

It does make me feel so much better when I get up the next day and I know I've stuck to plan! I'm just interested to see what the scales say on Thursday after my terrible weekend!

This week I can be good till Thursday and then it may all go down hill because on thurs night is the Boyf's mothers bday and they want to go to cosmos which is an all you can eat and then Friday- Monday I'm goin butlins with my mum and her friends for my mums 50th. We're staying in a hotel too so no kitchen to cook! May have to live off mugshots LOL!

Dee x
So yesterday was good too. I do find this diet super easy if I'm just having a normal day, but I struggle when I'm going out for dinner or going to a party. The weekends are hard too. Not so much food wise, but because I'm always doing something where I'm drinking alcohol!

Everyone seems to be talking about Christmas and how to cope with it, but I'm not even ready to think about that yet! I've still got a all you can eat restaurant this Thursday for a 50th bday and then going butlins Friday to Monday. Bit scared!

First weigh in tomorrow! I'm kinda excited about it!

Dee x
I know what you mean about the weekends, they can be hellish, especially when there's an occasion. I'm sure the SW program will help you manage eating out and enjoying to odd drink or two!

Good luck with your weigh in - I hope all your hard work pays off!
I know what you mean about the weekends, they can be hellish, especially when there's an occasion. I'm sure the SW program will help you manage eating out and enjoying to odd drink or two!

Good luck with your weigh in - I hope all your hard work pays off!

Thank you!! Yeah SW does have some flexibility but not too sure how flexible it can be for the days I have coming up lol! X
So I'm back from butlins! Had an amazing time and partied hard! The hotel was brand new and reallly nice. The venue was huge!! I've attached a photo of the hotel, it wouldn't let me attach a photo of the venue for some reason. My mum had a lovely 50th birthday and I'm glad I went :)

So down to the diet... I was so shocked that I lost 5.5 lbs in my first week in slimming world considering how bad my weekend had been!! It really made me happy though, and I'm proud of myself. I really went to butlins with my mind set on trying to stick to slimming world but it was awful for food and drink choices!! Everywhere was fast food and alcohol and not to mention the fact that there was 6 of us to think about so I couldn't always make the restaurant choices. In the end, I just thought I'd enjoy myself and not go too mental but just have what I want. It was actually nice not to think about food choices for once. I did end up being soooo naughty and when I got back I had to weigh to check the damage. I was expecting about 4 lb gain, which would have made me sooo sad but I would have deserved it. Howeverrrrr, if the scales are correct and I'm not slowly putting more on, i gained 2 lb. I'm hoping that by thurs evening i can get to a maintain and then id be happy.

Strict strict slimming world diet plan the next few days. Even if I have a gain at the weigh in this week I will know why, and I can keep going for a big loss the next week. Hoping for no plans this weekend so I can be really focused. Going to try and stick to 5 syns and under each day for a couple of days (or at least till the weigh in).

Dee x


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Had my weigh in, 1lb gain. I'm not THAT bothered because I know I gained 3.5 pounds from butlins and got off 2.5 pounds in 3 days. It gives me hope for a good loss next week because I'm not drinking any alcohol this weekend and sticking completely to plan.

I was looking at the before and after pic thread last night and it has really motivated me. I have a massive goal of 5 stone but if anyone else can get there, so can I.

I wanted to post a photo of my dinner last night but it always says my photos are too big? Even tho they're just my iPhone photos. Weiiiird.

My weigh in is tomorrow. It hasn't been the best week but my scale is showing a 2lb loss so I'm reallllly hoping that's correct. I don't know if I can actually make my weigh in cause I've got conjunctivitis :( I'm just really run down at the moment and its starting to show! I may just do a home weigh in... But it never feels the same as doing a class weigh in!

Dee x
Cannot go to weigh in today as the doctor said im still contagious :( I'm hoping that maybe I could go to the Saturday group.. But it depends if I'm better and also it's at 9:30am. That's very early for me to get up on a Saturday lol! A good thing to it being at 9:30 tho is i can not eat before I go and it should show a better loss. That may bite me in the ass next week though.

I did really well yesterday :) feels good

Breakfast & lunch (got up late)
Egg and sausage (1 syn) sandwich (HE + 2 syn) with light mayonnaise (2 syn)

Dinner: homemade tikka masala curry with rice and veg.

Dessert: mini milk (1.5 syns)

Snack & drinks: lots of water! Few teas (HE) 2 nice biscuits ( 4 syn)

Total syn: 10.5