Sherry's Diary - No need to knock. Come on in! :D


Baby got Back!
I feel the need to share alot that's going on and not necessarily weight gain or loss so I've created a new thread. It'll probably all be a bit pants but I wear my heart on my sleeve and have absolutely no secrets cuz I can't shut up long enough. So this 'Thread' is really for me to rant or share - either one or both.

So here is my first share of the day and try 'n not laff! :p

I was out walking my dog this morning in the howling wind and rain and I went my full length - flat out in a puddle...... :cry:imagine, white ski jacket!!!!! OMG!!! Brand new car also so had to take my jacket off outside the car in the wind and the rain (aaaachhoooooo!) and turn it inside out before I could get in. Scraped my hands a bit but I think my EGO is the worst affected. Joy!!!! :eek:

My pal? Well she just pointed and laffed and pee'd a little. Ha! :8855:


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Aw - poor you - and you doing a good deed for the day too

its one of those things that no matter how much we shouldn't laugh....we just can't help it.

Bet it did look right funny!!!
Did I mention I've also stopped smoking? I did! I stopped smoking nearly 3 months ago. Obviously this hasn't helped my weight but I'm glad to say that I'm over the worst of it and 99% of the time I don't even think about having a fag! Yay me! Also JOY that I don't look for food instead of having a fag. Would love to say I feel great for it but will confirm this at a later date.

Seriously. What's wrong with me. I'm starving all the time!! Is it because food is constantly on my mind with counting points? Or is it because of the time of year? Or is it because I've only been dieting a week and my body has to get used to it and let my tummy shrink. Tell me why? Anybody??? I can't stop eating and despite my best efforts and trying to stick to skinny points I sometimes cheat a little bit....... but then again I don't count my exercise points in my allowance which for a week is about 13. :)
Well done for quitting smoking! im on my first week too and im told its gets easier as your body gets used to your change in eating habbits. I think the weather doesnt help it makes me a right mizzer! it is so much easier in the summer to eat better, i just dont crave comfort food as much then!

If it helps i fell over last weekend too, and still have a bruised bum! although must admit i might of had a few glasses of pop before! lol
I've went over by about 5 points today!!! I think my period is due (never sure cuz they're never on time)....... or I'm just hungry!!!! Seriously............ what's wrong with me! Can't stop eating! And the chocolate upstairs is calling me........ I can't hear it. Ssshhhh, listen......... can you hear it too? ;)
I stopped smoking 2 weeks before I joined WW too, its so hard but totally dooable! Good luck with your journey! :D
Still starving all the time! Although I'm probably eating more than I should, it's low fat stuff and I'm really aware of what and the amount I'm eating. Plus also I'm walking Smudge for 50 mins Monday to Friday, Line Dancing (don't laff!!!) Monday night, Tuesday Jazzersize, Wednesday Aqua Aerobics, Thursday Step.......... surely I'll lose weight despite being a wee bit over on points. I'm hopin it'll eventually balance itself out once I'm well into it. At the moment my life rotates around food and what I'm eating next and I hate it!

I'd say I'm a healthy enough eater normally as I love fruit and veg and have a varied diet. It's the bad things I love too and the amount of it that I eat. Oink! Chocolate, Sunday Roast with ALL the trimmings including white pudding (NUMS!!), Chinese every saturday night and copious amounts of chocolate in between!!! (NUM NUMS!!).

Gasp! Forgot to say - I had a sausage roll the other night! I'm wracked with guilt. Then I thought 'sod it' and went and had some chocolate straight after cuz I'd went over anyway! I need to re-train my brain. That kinda thinking is not good. Bad Bad Sherry! Gonna walk till I drop tomorrow. Smudge is in season so I didn't walk her today. She was feeling sorry for herself but she's right as rain now. Just a bit drippy! Eww! :0)

Thanks for listening to my rants! ;)
its easy done Sherry so dont worry about it.. just draw a line after to make sure it doesnt become a bad week rather than a bad day!

as for feeling hungry, its very possible that your exercising so much is making you feel more hungry.. you might be better calculating exactly how many AP you're earning, and aiming to eat the 12 of those that you are allowed per week.. there is mixed opinion on eating them regarding your weightloss but personally i've always had better losses the weeks I HAVE eaten them xxx
It does get better as you get used to it! Don't worry about eating a lot if it's within your points, whatever works best for you is fine! Good luck :)
Sherry, I agree with Rach on the APs front. On the weeks I exercised and saved the points - I gained weight....when I was eating like a little piggy when exercising, I lost...seems to make no sense but I reckon your body just panics or something when its being asked to use up loads more calories than are going knows that can't go on for ever and stores some.

Why do our bodies have to be so darned smart - they should stop trying to predict the future and just get on with the job in hand of getting smaller...

So excited! Gonna shake my money maker like it neva bin shook b4! Haha! Class! Forgive me, I've had a wine!

Really looking forward to it and been blaring the album all day on my iTouch. Boogyin round the kitchen while cleaning the floor - good exercise! How many points dya think that would give me? On second thoughts, the wine has made up for that eh?

Anyhoo, just thought I'd share.

Toodles. :0) xx
Hi and a belated welcome to minis. Good luck on your weight loss journey and hope you have fun tonight!
Pussycat Dolls were great though the seats I bought were pants! Had my 9 year old niece not been with us then we would have been standing on the main floor 'n boogying. However, we had a good night and a few wines (gasp! On a school night!) and a good time was had by all.

Can anybody tell me where the Chat Room has gone? Always good fun to have a blether 'live time' but it seems it's no longer here. I'm a memember of another forum for Nail Technicians (not that I visit it much) but they have one of those Chat Rooms and they're smashin. Anybody any idea why it's not available now? Just wondering....... I'd spend hours making up my own reasons. I have a life - seriously I do! ;)
didn't know there had ever been a chat room, Sherry - maybe before my time

Glad you had a good time at the concert.

FAQ is also on the tool bar and our Flash Chat room:blahblah: where you can talk one on one with another member.

Above was what's listed in the Introduction Section. It's not there though. I've checked, searched and even Googled. No joy!

Anybody know why?

From Mrs Shewhofeelscheated!!

It has came to my attention that manufacturers are sly, sleekit wee mannies with balding heeds, sweaty pits and glasses with evil cackles 'n bad breath. "Why?" I hear you cry - well I'm gonna tell ya. I have a new love. "What?" I hear you cry again. Well again, I'm gonna tell ya. It's Options Belgian Chocolate (though I'm presuming the other flavours are just as fabulous). On making my daily mug for my chocolate fix I had a bit more me time so I decided to actually weigh the hot chocolate rather than putting 3 heaped teaspoons as the jar suggests. So I did - 11g instead of 3 heaped teaspoons. Aye right! 3 heaped teaspoons my a*se. My teaspoons are normal size so do they buy oompa loompa teaspoons and experiment with them or are they actually plotting to trick people who are calorie counting? The sods!!! So beware my Options loving friends - they're out to get us! Weigh that hot chocolate (before you put the water in obviously!).


Mrs Shewhofeelscheated! :) ;)

BTW - it's piddling down today! xx
It's A Good Day

Today is a good day. Nothing much to report except I cut my fringe and it's looking good and I've hardly eaten a thing. Not for any other reason but because I'm not hungry.

I had a bagel with Flora Extra Light and Low Sugar Marmalade for breakfast and I had a big bowl of Zero Point vegetable soup for lunch. Mid afternoon I had a cup of coffee and a Caramel Snack-A-Jack and that's it.

I have Jazzersize tonight so I'm gonna have to eat something light before I go because I don't want to feel light headed.

Odd that I could eat a scabby horse and all his friends one day and the next I'm not bothered at all!! What's that all about? Strange thing the human body eh? Wish it'd make it's bloody mind up!

So that's me. No news. No stories. Nothing out of the ordinary happening. Tum tee tum...... Weigh In tomorrow though! Eek!

Layta doods! ;)
Holay - Holay Holay Holay - Holay - Holay!


Mexican Wave please!!!

Hokey Cokey Please!!!

Birdie Song Please!!!!!

A wee bit of Oops Upside Your Head Please!!!!:sign0007:

I lost 4 and a half pounds this week!:wow:

Oooooh ya dancer!!!! :sign0151::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

:girlpower: - Autographs after the show ladies and gentlemen.
