Go on smile! =)
Decided to create my own thread, kinda like a blog where i just post random rants about how im doing, what i've done today that kinda thing.
So about me?
Well im 23 and come from Leeds. I woke up August 17th and decieded to change my life around. A week later i had my doctors appointment and discovered the wonderful world that is Xenical.
I started Xencial on the 24th August 2009 and weighed in at 19.5 stones. Which i was surprised about as 4months prior to this i weighed over 20stones at my last WW meeting.
What my goals are?
I'm taking my weightloss more as a life style change than journey, after all i plan on keeping up with my food habits and exercise long after i reach my goals.
This been said i'm planning on hopefuly reaching my goal for my birthday in may 2010. I set myself a goal of 14stones, but my main focus is getting my bmi to a healthy state. I'm also a very strong believer in Cancer research as i have lost alot of people i care about to this, so its my mission to raise atleast £1000 for this worth while charity.
What am i doing?
I joined a gym for the first time in my life, i know shocking huh?! I wasn't gonna do it but after talking to people i decided to go for it, i love every minute of it. Along with exercise i am eating ALOT healthier i only ever eat 3 meals a day now lol with plenty of vegies and salad. And 'trying' to get my 5 a day lol. Do starburst count?
I hope you'll all join me on my weightloss journey and fine this thread interesting. I've meet some great friends already within my first weeks on minimins (you know who you are
Well thats me! I'll try to update this whenever something fun or exciting happens to me
For now thats it, take care all. x
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Myfitness Foor Diary!
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So about me?
Well im 23 and come from Leeds. I woke up August 17th and decieded to change my life around. A week later i had my doctors appointment and discovered the wonderful world that is Xenical.
I started Xencial on the 24th August 2009 and weighed in at 19.5 stones. Which i was surprised about as 4months prior to this i weighed over 20stones at my last WW meeting.
What my goals are?
I'm taking my weightloss more as a life style change than journey, after all i plan on keeping up with my food habits and exercise long after i reach my goals.
This been said i'm planning on hopefuly reaching my goal for my birthday in may 2010. I set myself a goal of 14stones, but my main focus is getting my bmi to a healthy state. I'm also a very strong believer in Cancer research as i have lost alot of people i care about to this, so its my mission to raise atleast £1000 for this worth while charity.
What am i doing?
I joined a gym for the first time in my life, i know shocking huh?! I wasn't gonna do it but after talking to people i decided to go for it, i love every minute of it. Along with exercise i am eating ALOT healthier i only ever eat 3 meals a day now lol with plenty of vegies and salad. And 'trying' to get my 5 a day lol. Do starburst count?
I hope you'll all join me on my weightloss journey and fine this thread interesting. I've meet some great friends already within my first weeks on minimins (you know who you are
Well thats me! I'll try to update this whenever something fun or exciting happens to me
Redkoala's On YouTube! Check out my vblogs.
Myfitness Foor Diary!
Add my facebook!
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