14 Stone To Lose

^^Thanks hun, just about to start a Diary :)

Hope you have had a good day?

good luck for tomorrow not that you need it your a star your doing gt x x x x :D
Thanks lovelies :) Hope you are both well.

1lb off this week, not bad considering totm just finished a couple of days ago, and also come totm - I get the munchies bigtime!
Thanks hun :)

Quite a bit stiff this morning, cleaned the front garden yesterday [STRIKE]and dropped heavy wood on my toes whilst wearing flipflops. oops.[/STRIKE] after doing a load of errands in the morning. Had a strange morning yesterday morning whilst walking to town to do them, had quite a bit of chest pain (wasn't going especially fast), but after a sit down for 20 mins and about half a liter of water with my GTN spray I was fine for the rest of the day. Not entirely sure what happened there to be honest, hadn't had an attack like that for a while. Waiting for an echogram of my heart so we'll see if anything's changed... I doubt it had because I was fine for the rest of the day - including garden sorting time. :confused:

Hope you're all doing well xx
Thanks lovely :) Feeling fine now, other than a bit stiff. I think it was a bit of stress to be honest, I don't like being a grown up and doing grown up things :D
Oh babes that's not good - ouchie on the toes, but bit worried about your chest pains, sweetie! was it the heat, do you think? Had you had caffeine just before heading out?

Oooh just cross posting - I know exactly what you mean about stress - for some reason yesterday I woke up an absolute bunch of nerves, like a horde of mice playing trampolines in my tummy! No idea why, there's nothing particularly stressful going on in my life right now, but I think it might be my coping mechanism relaxing a bit after having to deal with the events of the last five months, maybe? St Johns Wort sorted it out happily :)

How are you feeling today?
No problem Sugar - I use it regularly, as I tend to worry and stress about silly stuff, like work and flying, etc - I take two, and they act reasonably quickly, in about 15-20 mins, also as far as I'm aware they have no side effects and aren't addictive.

I use the Tesco brand :)
Thanks lovely, will look into it :)

I hadn't really had any caffine yesterday morning, I'm not sure why it happened. I do have a heart condition and I am under the hospital with it (hence having to have the echogram when I get my appt through), but it's all under control, I'm on lots of pills and have a gtn spray. I hadn't felt like it for ages, I was really getting better but suddenly on it came when I got near the town center and didn't leave until I got up to the office that I ws going to and sat down in one of their chairs with a glass of water (about 10 mins). Sat down for a good 10 mins and had another 3 cups of water along with another spray under my tongue with the gtn spray and all went back to normal - never felt a single thing after and I popped in a couple of places to do more errands and walked home again too.

Guess it was just one of those things coupled with the stress and heat (I'm not built for hot weather!). Thanks for the heads up about STJW though - will def look into it to see if it helps me. I know the evening primrose definitely does around TOTM so will follow up on it :)

Hope you're both doing well now :)
There aint nothing wrong with a bit of James May! He's so clever and adorable too :D ;) I love all the boys of TG, but James has something else too.

Love Top Gear & would agree he's my favourite but no crush!

1lb off this week, not bad considering totm just finished a couple of days ago, and also come totm - I get the munchies bigtime!

Fab result well done :553:

[STRIKE]and dropped heavy wood on my toes whilst wearing flipflops. oops.[/STRIKE]
Had a strange morning yesterday morning whilst walking to town to do them, had quite a bit of chest pain (wasn't going especially fast), but after a sit down for 20 mins and about half a liter of water with my GTN spray I was fine for the rest of the day. Not entirely sure what happened there to be honest, hadn't had an attack like that for a while. Waiting for an echogram of my heart so we'll see if anything's changed... I doubt it had because I was fine for the rest of the day - including garden sorting time.

Ouch & take care of yourself x
Thank you lovely :) Hope you're well.

I have a strange type of tendancy to go for older men (as in 20+ years older) James May and Bradley Walsh - yes please ;)
:) I like Jason Stratham and Gerard Butler :)

Hubby always watches top gear and I have grown to like it too :)

^^ Haha :) xxx