2013 Diary Here we go.......................


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Day 1 of a new start, plan to update weekly with weight and moans and groans :rolleyes:
Day 1 done, god found it hard. Glad I had emptied out all the temptations from the kitchen just know I would have buckled. Found drinking the 2litres of water hard its just not the weather for chugging back cold drinks. So going to change some over to black tea. Starting 3 night shifts tonight so hoping that will keep me on straight and narrow.
Day 3 First night shift down, hungry at times and struggled to get time to drink enough which means horrible headache and gotta drink loads now and will be up and down to toilet when I should be sleeping grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Almost end of day 4 and about to begin last night shift, feeling very hungry and have background headache but holding out so far....roll on ketosis. Doing best to drink whenever I can but have lost track with days being upside down and having to get out of bed to go visit bathroom, so just drinking whenever I get the chance. Looking forward to sleeping till I wake up naturally tomorrow. Been having 2 shakes a porridge and a bar every day and going to try keep going with that until I feel I need something different.
Week 1 done :) 11lb loss what helped the most this week, something I read on a post here. Someone was asking the damage if they gave in and cheated and had a slice of pizza amongst the answers someone pointed out that its actually costing you a week of slim and save. So that slice of pizza was costing about £28, the meanie in me wants more than a slice of pizza for £28 lol
Week 1 done :) 11lb loss what helped the most this week, something I read on a post here. Someone was asking the damage if they gave in and cheated and had a slice of pizza amongst the answers someone pointed out that its actually costing you a week of slim and save. So that slice of pizza was costing about £28, the meanie in me wants more than a slice of pizza for £28 lol

Haha that's a great point! Fantastic loss well done! :)
Many thanks :)
Day 12 still going strong have stuck to 2 shakes porridge and a bar. Have unfortunately found out the hard way, that .... fairy liquid is not a good thing to spice up you shakes with lol. I have 2 of those mixer shaker things and tend to let them soak in soapy water, then a good wash, then rinse out. Somehow I managed to use a soapy one to make my café late shake bleughhhhhhhh was trying to force it down thinking my taste buds were at fault but when you start speaking in bubbles you kinda get the hint :silly:
Day 12 still going strong have stuck to 2 shakes porridge and a bar. Have unfortunately found out the hard way, that .... fairy liquid is not a good thing to spice up you shakes with lol. I have 2 of those mixer shaker things and tend to let them soak in soapy water, then a good wash, then rinse out. Somehow I managed to use a soapy one to make my café late shake bleughhhhhhhh was trying to force it down thinking my taste buds were at fault but when you start speaking in bubbles you kinda get the hint :silly:

Lol oh dear sounds like something I would do :) well done to sticking to just packs :)
Week 2 done. 5lbs lost makes 1 stone 1lb. Sooooooo Pleased. What helped me this week, bouillon, bouillon and more bouillon. Whenever that little devil on my shoulder whispered too me I fed him bouillon. Oh and also turning over any food tv why torture yourself. This week I plan to have some ss meals i'm really yearning for some real like food now and cottage pie has my name on it lol I also now want to put some walking into my days off, feel able and energised to cope with that, I have my pedometer and aim to start with small distances and slowly increase. Good luck all
I,m having major problems with my posting and profile can anyone help. I can't format the text in this box the way I would like to ans suddenly I have a century or half century badge that I don't deserve. cant seem to unselect it
Day 20 almost over, have been having some of the meals this week and additional veg yummy. Due to start nights again tomorrow so am planning to eat as normal and have my breakfast for following day in middle of night as that seemed to work for me last lot of nights. Weigh in due Thursday morning, will be interesting to see what the meals and veg have done.
Well done on hitting Day 20, sojafay! You seem so focused!

How do you find the food packs? X
thanks Nefertari, yip for the moment in the zone lol hope it keeps going. I love all the packs from slim and save except tomato based ones but then I don't like tomato based normal food. I did exante before and am finding S&S so much better esp this week with meal packs and veg just so much variety you don't feel you're going without. I plan to stick to this until I feel I need something more or have an especially hungry day then i'm going to try the protein option. I think you're going to like it nefertari and will be able to stay on plan longer with this diet.
Ooh that's good news! I'm on Exante at the moment and while the losses are good, the packs are vile! I'm not a great lover of soup do ill give them a miss but I might try the Spag Bol - perhaps just one at first to see what I think!

What is the macaroni cheese like? Does it taste anything like the real thing? X
Still going strong another 5lbs loss this week, 26lbs in 4 weeks. Very happy. Can definitely feel the difference but still not noticeable to those around me Ho Hum. Onwards and Downwards. Still loving the diet, don't feel denied in anyway.
thanks Nefertari , well done you too hope its a good loss this week for you. How are you finding the s&s packs, good I hope. A wee compliment helps to boost you doesn't it and keep you going when its tough. all the best love x
Definitely! It reminds you why you're doing this crazy diet!

I'm loving the shakes so far - not so keen on the meals but I'm a fussy eater anyway! Looking forward to trying the bars in a couple of weeks when I order a big pack! :D x