Battle of the bulge


Full Member
Hello Everyone,

Just starting a fresh diary here as ill be joining you lovely ladies and gents next monday for another go... A bit about myself... I'm an over eater / comfort eater, always had a problem with my weight. Always on a diet. This summer I did 5 weeks of Exante and a week of Slim and Save before going on holiday, I lost 16lb, since then I've been trying to low carb. I put on 6.5lb over my holiday and lost it again, but have since regained some weight, so here I am again to give Slim and save another go. I hate with a passion, the soups and dont like the meals too much so bars and shakes it is. And I can't blooming wait - I LOVE these diets!
Well, tomorrow is the big day. I half thought about starting today, but was at a wedding all day yesterday and have been hanging all day! So a final roast dinner was needed. On the plus side, I weighted 11st 13lb yesterday. But I know after my over indulgent weekend I'll be over the 12st mark tomorrow. Just hope I can get down to 11st within 28 days as that's my goal.

Dreading tomorrow as I know I'll be starving after my carb overload today!
Ok, day one. Official weigh in 12stone 2lb. Had my last exante shake for breakfast, and just had a vanilla shake for lunch. Starving! Also doesn't help I had a rubbish nights sleep last night so my body is really craving energy! But i will stay strong.
Ok, day one survived. Just remembered the joys of VLCD Early days and having wind! I feel so bloated but hopefully it's just down to it being TOTM. I don't know if anyone is actually reading this diary?! But anyway, it's helping me by logging it, so I'll continue to talk to myself! Lol! I'll be weighing in tomorrow as I'm a serial weigher. Here's to my first loss.
MrsGlas81 said:
Ok, day one survived. Just remembered the joys of VLCD Early days and having wind! I feel so bloated but hopefully it's just down to it being TOTM. I don't know if anyone is actually reading this diary?! But anyway, it's helping me by logging it, so I'll continue to talk to myself! Lol! I'll be weighing in tomorrow as I'm a serial weigher. Here's to my first loss.

Haha, we are all here and reading your diary!
Well done on your restart, I found with some packs I ended up with wind, some people say watch the new curry one?
Good luck, will keep having a mosey to see how you are doing MrsG!

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biggusburdus said:
Haha, we are all here and reading your diary!
Well done on your restart, I found with some packs I ended up with wind, some people say watch the new curry one?
Good luck, will keep having a mosey to see how you are doing MrsG!

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Bless ya! Thanks Hun. I didn't know they did a curry one, I'll have to check it out. Just doing shakes an a bar at the moment.
Ok, day two, feeling a bit hungry, but not too bad. Had two shakes so far and nearly 2 litres. I weighed 11st13.5 this morning, so a 2.5lb weightloss so far. I lost 6.5 lb in my first week last time, hope I can equal or even better this.
MrsGlas81 said:
Ok, day two, feeling a bit hungry, but not too bad. Had two shakes so far and nearly 2 litres. I weighed 11st13.5 this morning, so a 2.5lb weightloss so far. I lost 6.5 lb in my first week last time, hope I can equal or even better this.

Head down and keep going! You are doing great, I think I am in ketosis as I had dog breath the morning! Starting to feel better about getting back in the swing. Jus looking to lose 3lbs this week as I need to get into the next stone bracket..

Good luck!

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biggusburdus said:
Head down and keep going! You are doing great, I think I am in ketosis as I had dog breath the morning! Starting to feel better about getting back in the swing. Jus looking to lose 3lbs this week as I need to get into the next stone bracket..

Good luck!

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Ooh that's good news (think this is the only time we get happy about bad breath! Lol!), how long have you been doing it?
jemzwhitehouse said:
Yep,reading your diary :-0 I start saturday, will post a diary too:)Keepit up!

Thanks :) I shall look out for your diary. Xx
MrsGlas81 said:
Ooh that's good news (think this is the only time we get happy about bad breath! Lol!), how long have you been doing it?

I started this end of march. I have had 3 weeks holiday, a birthday and a coupl of fuzzy weeks where I didn't do well but I didn't gain?
I was out on Friday night, after a really bad week of life, so counting Saturdays weigh in as day one.
I am now really on day 4 this time getting into the groove.
I just need to get tomorrow out of the way as its a funeral of a dear friend.
I have 2lbs left over from my August holiday to lose, and if I lose 3 lbs I will be in the next stone range and very happy!

I am trying to steal clear of my chew gum habit, and also my peperami one! Lol..

What about you? How you doing?

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jemzwhitehouse said:
Sorry to hear about your friend x[/
Thanks, will have lots of tissues!

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I am here and checking in! I haven't quite started yet - will be asap after a blip with medication making me go a bit loopy :p xxx
biggusburdus said:
I started this end of march. I have had 3 weeks holiday, a birthday and a coupl of fuzzy weeks where I didn't do well but I didn't gain?
I was out on Friday night, after a really bad week of life, so counting Saturdays weigh in as day one.
I am now really on day 4 this time getting into the groove.
I just need to get tomorrow out of the way as its a funeral of a dear friend.
I have 2lbs left over from my August holiday to lose, and if I lose 3 lbs I will be in the next stone range and very happy!

I am trying to steal clear of my chew gum habit, and also my peperami one! Lol..

What about you? How you doing?

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Hope today went okay for you.

You've done fantastically, with just a stone to go, it must feel amazing! That last bit will shift off in no time.

I was doing fine until an hour ago, when temptation came my way. I ordered a graze box and told myself I'd give it to my husband, but a bit sort of crept into my mouth. I'm so annoyed! I had lost another 2lb this morning - 4lb in 2 days! I only hope I haven't done too much damage. I didn't eat much, but I decided to skip a shake to compensate so only had 2 shakes and a bar today. Hope this is ok.
Good luck! x
Think ketosis is kicking in, had headaches for last two days and now I'm chuffing freezing! My hands are so cold! It's so easy to forget the side effects from this diet. Not that the ones I've had so far are bad at all. I'm feeling comfy in my skinny jeans today, I'm feeling positive all round! Yippee!
Yeeha! Cold hands :D
Any sign of dog breath?? :snoopyhouse: