Irregular bleeding... i dont know what to do :(

ahh huni!!! i hope everything goes ok with your appointment x thats good that they have ruled out the enlarged whom, but still frustrating as you dont know what it is i bet!! x thanx for the well wishing xxx
Hi Tracie, good luck for your appointment, and try not to worry, let us know how you get on xx
good luck with your appointment, I am waiting for one to come through for me so would be interested in how it all went.

Charls x
ahhh i do sympathise wityh all you that have problems too :( the word endemetriosis has scared me quite a lot in this thread!! can anyone shed a bit more light???

Try not to worry hun, even if it is endemetrosis there is so much that can be done for it now, right now as we speak I have virtually no symptons, I have regular and light periods and its all sorted thanks to some great doctors.

Good luck with the appointment and don't be afraid to ask anything and everything!
thanks guys xxx will let you know how i go! x typically have started bleeding again this morning!!! arrrggg!!! just go away!!!!! xxx keep ya posted xx
hi ya all, well i had the dreaded appointment and they could still see abnormal cells but they hadnt got any worse from the last time, i asked him about the bleeding and told him that i felt like my doctor was fobbing me off with it being my hormones, but he thinks it is that too... he explained it to me and i do understand it now which is good, so i feel alot better about everything. I have to wait 6 weeks for my smear results, so have to wait for a letter with what happens next (if they will want to do treatment on me..) and asked me if i had a ny plans to strat a family and i said well actually ive been waiting for this appointment to get the ok from you, and he said go for it, dont let any of thins interfee with your a baby. sooo!! yay!!!we can start making babies!!!! was sooooo happy to hear that!! hubby was over the moon too. I mean its still a bit poo that the abnormal cells are there but because they are still at the first stage i dont thin they are that worried about it all?? i am expecting to have the treatment but for now im going to put it to the back of my mind and concentrate on starting my own family xx am sooo chuffed xxxxx thanx to you all for all you kind help xxx
I had spotting between periods and abnormal cells, and had a biopsy at the colposcopy clinic. Because I'd had my family, they did laser surgery and took a chunk of my cervix out to be on the safe side. It was a bit gruesome, but looking at what happened to Jade Goody I'm glad I had it done. They'll keep an eye on you and you'll probably have to have smear tests more often to make sure it's all ok.

Good luck with starting a family!
Yay that is great you can start your family now hun x
great news hunni.xx
Fabulous news xx
Hi Tracey

Just to put your mind at rest, I went through the same before I got pregnant last time.

I had scans. I had a cyst one month and a slightly thicked uterine wall, but nothing bad.

After Dexter, it has gone. It was really just 'one of those thin

So, sometimes these things are nothing to worry about!

Glad you feel a bit more reassured after your appointment xxx

p.s good luck with baby making!!!xxx