hi ya all, well i had the dreaded appointment and they could still see abnormal cells but they hadnt got any worse from the last time, i asked him about the bleeding and told him that i felt like my doctor was fobbing me off with it being my hormones, but he thinks it is that too... he explained it to me and i do understand it now which is good, so i feel alot better about everything. I have to wait 6 weeks for my smear results, so have to wait for a letter with what happens next (if they will want to do treatment on me..) and asked me if i had a ny plans to strat a family and i said well actually ive been waiting for this appointment to get the ok from you, and he said go for it, dont let any of thins interfee with your a baby. sooo!! yay!!!we can start making babies!!!! was sooooo happy to hear that!! hubby was over the moon too. I mean its still a bit poo that the abnormal cells are there but because they are still at the first stage i dont thin they are that worried about it all?? i am expecting to have the treatment but for now im going to put it to the back of my mind and concentrate on starting my own family xx am sooo chuffed xxxxx thanx to you all for all you kind help xxx