Day one SF


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Its crack of dawn- but when I pull my finger out I have a choice of choc based snacks, and either choclate of coffee flavoured shakes (that i mix).
Weather permitting a trip to supermarket for apples and bananas for snack and veg for the evening meal. Game on!
Had the first snack bar (heavenly chocolate)- not bad! And my first chocolate shake. Mixed it in blender with ice...quite nice actually. Have done lipotrim before, so a meal and snacks is like heaven
Ok so into day three- tried three flavours of shakes thus far to inc the chocolate (caffe latte- really nice and strawberry, nice too, bit sweet)- realise Im talking to myself- but its all good LOL
I've picked up some more snacks- actually cheaper in Home bargains. Got hold of "sweet n sour chicken" noodles for £1.60 odd- think these were about £3 elsewhere. Got the three boxes left on the shelf. They only had the caramel snack bars, but were slightly cheaper at 45p. also grabbed some protein bites from another brand as a snack. Tasted all the snack bars now- they are all fine, fairly small, but I don't think i would eat 3 "chocolate" bars a day, so its novel. But Im happy to swap for a boiled egg or fruit as needed.
Decided I'll finish the slimfast shakes I have to hand before venturing into other flavours.
Joined a facebook group called "slimfast challenge"- very informative, seems tesco MRP shakes are fairly similar and are quite popular (and cheaper)
Day 5 in the big brother house! D has tried the SF sweet n sour noodles (sprinkle of chilli sauce)and really liked them, so much so I raided Home bargains and cleared the shelves (£1.49 a pop)


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Dieting hey? In my head i thought i started Sunday, but Saturday was day one- so nearly a week now.
Snack (skinny popcorn) and coffee for breakfast. Gonna whip up a cafe Latte shake soon and its game on- night shift tonight, will be interesting!
And Good morning to you D- glad one person is following this LOL
Hey how are you doing?
I'm doing SF but with a bit of calorie counting mixed in. I have 1 shake a day and 2 snacks then a 600 calorie meal at night. I've just finished my 4th week and I've lost 9lbs so far, so really pleased :)
I've only tried the chocolate and strawberry shakes, what are the others like?
Good luck with your SF journey.
Hey how are you doing?
I'm doing SF but with a bit of calorie counting mixed in. I have 1 shake a day and 2 snacks then a 600 calorie meal at night. I've just finished my 4th week and I've lost 9lbs so far, so really pleased :)
I've only tried the chocolate and strawberry shakes, what are the others like?
Good luck with your SF journey.

Im only using the tins not ready made- but Cafe Latte is my favourite. Whizzed up in blender with ice and its like an iced coffee! generally have this in morning. Ive tried both you mentioned an enjoyed. Why are you only doing one shake and two snacks out of interest? thanks for the reply- also check out the FB group
Day 6 done Slimfast fans...
Worked nights- woke up at crack of Dawn, coffee, Skinny popcorn- then circa 10am had cafe Latte shake. caramel snack bar at 12, then kip until having to go in. Brought SF noodles to have at work as snack and shake downed at start of shift. Actually got bogged down at work and forgot about snack. Went out and had "lunch" Thai beef noodles- decent portion, v. nice, very hot and spicy. Trouble with meals out is working out calories- but im hoping its around the 800 cal mark. Finished night shift, had the SF sweet n sour noodles (there's a pattern here) and now bed :)


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Day 6 done Slimfast fans...
Worked nights- woke up at crack of Dawn, coffee, Skinny popcorn- then circa 10am had cafe Latte shake. caramel snack bar at 12, then kip until having to go in. Brought SF noodles to have at work as snack and shake downed at start of shift. Actually got bogged down at work and forgot about snack. Went out and had "lunch" Thai beef noodles- decent portion, v. nice, very hot and spicy. Trouble with meals out is working out calories- but im hoping its around the 800 cal mark. Finished night shift, had the SF sweet n sour noodles (there's a pattern here) and now bed :)

Well done on completing day 6!
I used to work nights, it used to be so hard to plan food but you seemed to have cracked it :)
Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow.
Day 6 done Slimfast fans...
Worked nights- woke up at crack of Dawn, coffee, Skinny popcorn- then circa 10am had cafe Latte shake. caramel snack bar at 12, then kip until having to go in. Brought SF noodles to have at work as snack and shake downed at start of shift. Actually got bogged down at work and forgot about snack. Went out and had "lunch" Thai beef noodles- decent portion, v. nice, very hot and spicy. Trouble with meals out is working out calories- but im hoping its around the 800 cal mark. Finished night shift, had the SF sweet n sour noodles (there's a pattern here) and now bed :)

Tea looks yummy

Good luck for the morning
Sorry for late reply- I didnt make it back to mine for Sunday Morning for the weigh in

I have a heavy duty scales that used to be in the local Boots, that takes pennies in my gym. L

Just jumped on it and am a very happy laddie. I was 110kg (17.3stone) and after the week or so am now 101kg (16 stone on the button).

Yesterday was a funny one as I had snack and shake in morning and no second shake, but a couple of Guinness instead* not recommended dieting peeps. Was faffing about food wise and ended up grabbing a McDonalds wrap of the day and coffee for dinner, then the booze knocked me for six so an early night.

All in all pleased with the weight loss. I've attached a pic of the scales and it was a chore taking taking a pic- you will have to take my word that its dead on the 16 stone mark! I reweighed without doing the pic and its spot on :)


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Oh my god that’s amazing well done you . Your already beating me and I’m on week 7 😂.

Sounds like you had a good day yesterday it’s nicd to have treats. This is why I chose to weigh on a Saturday so could have treat sat night then have plenty of time to loose.

How much do you want to loose in total ?
I'd like to be around the 15 stone mark- so another stone and i'll be content- i know this is where the hard work comes in.
I'm carrying a back injury ATM so cant train as hard as i'd like either. Will head out this morning and stock up on snacks (i really did the skinny Popcorn brand) and have a stockpile of the sweet n sour noodles. This is like a mini meal to me.
Wow not far to go then for you at all, Your lucky that big loss has been a great start hasn’t it.

Have you thort about having normal food as your snacks? I did this just cause it worked out cheaper and I preferred the better tasting food .

Must say tho the noodles look yummy