Consolidation Ellie's back cruising her way back to target


Gold Member
well Ladies, I made it :D it was tough going due to my binging near the end but i knuckled down and got here only a month later than planned LOL This is going to be a graduall process for me i think to try and curb my binge instinct mainly :rolleyes: but here goes

Day 1 of conso Friday weight- 147.6

Breakfast- big bowl of stewed rhubarb & sweetner with home made yoghurt
Lunch- chicken salad & a carrot cake muffin
snack- carrot cake muffin & an apple :D
Dinner- chilli with lots of mixed peppers in it
snack- a muffin

have actually felt quite relaxed about the whole thing today dont know what i was worrying about lol

for those of you just joining me heres a link to my journey up till now :D
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OMG new diary - go Ellie - looks like a v v v good start to conso - when is your first gala meal??????????????? What you gonna have???? x
ive no idea what i fancy tbh... nothing im missing
so excited for you and how nice to see you so calm and collected, I will be following you closely see how you're doing on this new journey,I am slightly worried about my conso but i am aaaaaages away yet. xx
I'm happy for you Ellie!
Is it true that now 2 fruits are allowed daily?
(I have the 2008 edition of the book)
Congrats and keep us posted.*
Huge congrats Ellie! Nice to see you in conso.

The fruit thing - I think he has said 2 fruits, but whether that's for second stage conso I'm not sure. To be honest, I don't always have my fruit every day, I'm completely happy with rhubarb and a few blueberries or strawberries.

Had my book to hand, it's 1 portion



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Like the idea of a new diary Ellie, 350 days ! I guess sticking conso for a year will deffo ensure you stay slim for life as it will be a way of life. Never really thought about that bit before as I've just focussed on what stage I am on.
Passionflower i actually cant beleive how calm i am myself lol asfter all the ups and downs with my eating ive had the last few months i cant actually believe how much ive lost in the last week knuckling down

Chris its very weird.... had an oppertunity today at the show to blow it as i was starving and had a lunch voucher from my friend who was judging and only a burger van there, I was vert restrained and asked if they could dry fry me a burger and give me it in a dish with a little bit lettuce ... i then took napkins and wiped any fat off lol also had diet coke and refused the chips when offered

JOJO yup almost a year LOL... ah well if i hadnt have so much to lose in the first place lol
what is your choice for gala Ellie? think im going to start a conso diary myself not that we are in another chapter of our Dukan journey :)
Hope you had a great second day on Conso Ellie - nice to have veggies every day I bet! Are you at a show this weekend??? Any plans to ride yet - I am driving tomorrow at this show - could be a complete disaster - will let you know!!
no idea what i want for a gala meal chris

was at a show today trudy... didnt take the yearling in the end and im glad i didnt when i heard some of her comments. good luck tommorrow
Day 2 of conso, Saturday PV weight- 147.8
Breakfast- rhubarb & homemade yoghurt
Snack- burger
Lunch- turkey salad
Dinner- 2 egg mushroom omelette
Snack- choc oatbran mug cake, apple

The recipe kirsty put in her diary was lovely and filling. I made the second option as hadn't had my oatbran today yet & topped with sweetened vanilla quark very yummy !!!

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Looks tasty x enjoy xxx
Day 3 of conso, sunday PV - weight 147.4lbs
Breakfast- savoury herb gallette, quark & smoked salmon
Lunch- chilli & an apple
Dinner- salmon, carrots & asparagus
snack- home made yoghurt & rhubarb

not much happening today... im quite chilled now about my eating long may it continue, bought some nice pots and plants at B&Q for the garden and spent a while sunbathing again.... its to be cold again tommorrow :(
heres a wee pic of me and my boy from last weekend :)


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WHOOOOOOOOhooooooo - look at you Miss Skinny Minnie - love your boy but defo time to climb in the saddle and get in the ring - you are ready for that now - sooooo slinky and believe me today showed me I can have a blast in the show ring!!!!! Great fun driving! You would be the same doing the riding too!
Looks like you had a great day food wise too - fandabadstic - keep everything crossed for my WI tomorrow - hope it shows a loss!!! LOL!