from pig to twig ;)


Full Member
so its my first time trying this diet. ive always done cambridge weight plan so my relationship with food has suffered. i have just done 3 weeks on that plan & went from 14.13 to 13.12. gave up as i was exhausted & fed up with it. decided to actually eat & lose weight slowly.

so i went straight from shakes to food so on monday i'm expecting a gain of a few lb & i'm fine with that :)

i'm a newbie so any tips will be great.


breakfast: scrambled egg, baked beans, wholemeal toast (hexb) low fat spread 1syn, 1 tomato.

lunch: muller light yoghurt, 2 satsumas.

dinner: jacket potato with beans & cheese (hexa) low fat spread 1syn, spring onions, tomato, lettuce, red onion.

is it best to use up more syns just for the sake of it? i felt pretty full so i didnt want anything else.
todays food plan

breakfast: scrambled egg, baked beans, wholemeal toast (hexb) low fat spread 1syn, 1 tomato.

lunch: muller light yoghurt, grapes, satsuma & banana

dinner: sw chips (will be my first attempt at these) steak, tomatoes, lettuce, spring onions, red onions, ketchup 2syns.

milk in tea as hexa.
Hi :)

I'm pretty new to this too but from doing a lot of reading some people eat all their syns and some don't. If you are losing then it's working, if you stop losing then increase or decrease the syns. Others may have a more precise answer for you!

Good luck on your journey.
thank you for the post :) thats why i wondered, some barely use syns but i guess they are there for when we need them.

i need to go to the shop for more fruit (my kids have become fruit bats this week typical) but its raining! ugh i wanted to walk for a bit of exercise so tempted to drive now lol

how much do you have to lose mysticalt? i want to get to 10st 10lb if i can but in the 11s before xmas would be brill
the chips are amazing! so full up & shocked this is actually a diet lol! if i actually lose weight i'll be gobsmacked!


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thank you for the post :) thats why i wondered, some barely use syns but i guess they are there for when we need them.

i need to go to the shop for more fruit (my kids have become fruit bats this week typical) but its raining! ugh i wanted to walk for a bit of exercise so tempted to drive now lol

how much do you have to lose mysticalt? i want to get to 10st 10lb if i can but in the 11s before xmas would be brill

Just walk although I'm being a hypocrite because I just took the car lol.

3 stone ish for me. Scared thought!
So not fair, I can't make sw chips for the life of me lol. It got so bad my family dug the fryer back out lol.
i cut them into chip shapes, boiled for 10 mins drained them & layed them on a clean baking tray to dry out a bit for 5 mins. sprayed the tray with fry light, placed the chips on it & sprayed again on the top of the chips. sprinkled with herbs & pepper & roasted for 25 mins turning every 5-10 mins so they didnt burn. prob a fluke but they were like a real chip, loved them lol.

i've just got back from walking my dog, feel so full up i think i over ate! going to try to stay up a bit later tonight, ive been going to bed early but waking up at stupid o clock & cant get back to sleep! busy day tomorrow, 2 of my girl have a friend over each so going to have a house full. weather looks awful so will do some baking & make pizzas with them for dinner. i'll do mine & my hubbys dinner separate ;)
i was so full from my dinner i wasnt hungry when i woke up but as i have a busy day i still had scrambled egg & beans on wm toast, forgot the marg erghhh not making that mistake again, had a tiny bit of ketchup so same as usual 1syn ;) will stick to fruit for lunch then tonight is jacket potato & salad as i want to use them up so i can buy some more fresh for the weekend :) so far i'm loving it but not convinced its a diet lol
It's not a diet, it's a healthier way of eating ;). I find that diets don't work :D

thats very true, its much more about being healthier. I wish i hadnt done a shake diet, i find it hard to imagine losing weight & eating thats all :confused:

i'm nervous about my weigh in monday, hopefully not a huge gain :rolleyes: but expecting a small gain & hopefully a loss the following week :) being patient & feel alot more relaxed. with cambridge diet i obsessed with the weight loss, ughhh glad thats over with lol
had a good day food wise, breakfast was my usual egg, beans etc, lunch was tons of fruit & a muller light, dinner was chips, egg & roasted cherry tomatoes! tomorrow i'm attempting a chicken & veg pasta with chilli.

got a house full of kids for a sleepover. i took 5 of them to tescos for some pizza toppings to make their own pizza, omg it was so stressful! they were all naughty lol. hopefully they sleep tonight, i'm tired already!!


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Thank you. I think i'll need the good luck they are not looking tired at all. We have planned to go to a soft play area, my eldest & her friend will go to town for a wander so will be me & 5 kids!!I went for a walk with my hubby & dog & it was dark by the time we got back, just goes to show how quick the nights are drawing in again. I'm tired tonight, been a busy day from the minute i woke up.

I was wondering if theres a slimming world equivilent to special fried rice? I'm going to have a look online, i bought a bag of rice & was needing some ideas for it.
I cook my rice in chicken stock. Gives it a lovely subtle flavour, i chuck some frozen peas in 10 minutes before the rice is cooked and have broccoli and chicken with it. You could chuck any veg in really and use any flavour stock or add some soy sauce after cooking.
Oooh soy sauce is what my mum used to add, id forgotten about that. Is soy sauce free? My mum used to do it with onions, chicken, peas & tiny bits of ham too, it was lovely. I've got a thing about eggs & tomatoes at the moment, i love them. Tomorrow i'm not going to have the usual breakfast as i'll have a house full still. So thinking just wm toast with marmite & low fat spread & a cup of tea
Yes soy sauce is free!

I usually have either scrambled or poached egg on toast or a toasted baked bean sandwich for breakfast but seeing as I'm skipping the bread for a week my eggs are going to look pretty lonely! I need to research some alternatives......