Goose's final road to goal


Gold Member
So I'm back!! I initially discovered Mini mins in 2012 where I had started lipotrim and went from 12st 3 to 8st 6. I was 100% for pretty much 14 weeks. I then kept getting on and off lipotrim and fluctated for a couple of stone, it had a terrible impact on my mental health. I then fell pregnant, had a baby and maintained throughout pregnancy. I put on after the baby. Anyway I had gone up to the late 12's, did lipotrim again, I think i did 3 stints in total, never really learnt the art of maintenance. Had 3 babies, difficult pregancies and high need babies so here we are at 14st 10.2lb. I did exante for a couple of months, lost 2 stone, I did intermittent fasting, all sorts.

Anyway I've had all my babies now, on the wrong side of 30 and ready to give this my final push. What I find so hard is the limited peer support from when I did this first time round and miminims was so active. I know I wont get the support like before but I love looking back and reading my posts. So I'm doing this more for me, as a record that I wont lose. I will probably post fornightly/monthly updates, so I can come back and see how I have done.

I'm much bigger now, 14st 10.2 was my start weight, size 18/20. My goal is 9st / 9st 4lbs. I deffo think I got a bit obsessive getting down to 8st 7 and don't need to go that low.

As Lipotrim is no longer available, I have decided to go with cambridge diet. I did consider exante but I did 2 months around 18 months ago and then put it back on, Cambridge costs a lot more but you have the support of a consultant and I love that they hav different steps. I foud with lipotrim it was all or nothing whereas there are so many options with cambridge. the product range is so good as well. Absolutely love it, its delicious compared to lipotrim so it has felt easier.

So here is my 4 week update:
Started Mon 4th Dec, in that time I have had:
3 coffee dates where I took my bar and had that with a green tea
had hubby's birthday - didn't eat, hubby did a meal at home for him abd kids
had a dinner invite at families - didn't eat,sat on the table, pretended to eat, busied myself with feeding kids
had friends round for dinner at ours - didn't eat, busied myself with feeding kids
had a work lunch I arranged - didn't go
had a works meeting which was FULL of goodies and cake
Went to the Christmas markets and didn't eat
had a couples meal out - didn't go
had friends round for an epic NYE steak dinner and cheeseboard- busied myself, pretended to eat then had my green tea and bar
Had Christmas at my mums - told my mum I was on plan and she supported me to stay on plan
Visited family over Christmas - made loads of excuses

and I stayed 100%!!! Bloody epic!!!! I am so glad i started as its the new year and I feel I am 4 weeks ahead. my consultant said you wont regret starting and she was 100% right. I had a headaches first few days but since then the hunger has been fine. I think Jan/Feb will be a clearer easier run.

I've had so many days where I've felt so down and thought how have I gone from 12.3 to 14.10. my consultant was great, told me focus on the positive and move forward, whats done is done, and givemyself mini goals. so this is my loss for the last 4 weeks:

Dec 4th: - Start Weight 14st 10.2
Dec 11th: - 8 (14st 2.2)
Dec - 18th: - 2.2 (14st)
Dec 25th: - 3.8 (13st 10.2)
Jan 1st - - 4.2 (13st 6)
Total 4 week loss - 1st 4.2 lbs

My goal for the next month is another stone loss. I've woken up feeling so proud of myself, it's really given my a push for next month. I don't really have any events planned for Jan so it'll be a nice clear month to work through :)
Here's to getting to goal and staying there!!
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Congratulations, Goose. What a great way to start the year.
Here we are again. Can't believe another four weeks has gone. I remember posting last time and excited for the next four week update. Can't believe how quiet this forum is now. I remember when I did my VLCD diets in the past this was an absolute buzzing hive of activity. I tend to get lots of support now on social media which is Instagram and Facebook groups but I like the anonymity of this website which you can’t get elsewhere.

Regardless, I enjoyed going back and reading my old posts so this is definitely something I want to do for myself and hopefully if it motivates somebody else then that's a bonus. Hopefully when I get to goal it will be positive to read back on the struggles and challenges I overcame.

So anyway down to business. I've done another four weeks on the Cambridge plan on step 1A. I've tried to drink between 2 1/2 to 3 litres of water every day which hasn't always been easy. I had a bout of constipation in between which was quite awful but I’ve managed to get through and these are my losses so far:

Week 5: - 2 (13st 4)
Week 6: -2.4 (13st 1.6)
Week 7: - 3.4 (12st12.2)
Week 8: - 4.2 (12st 8)

Total 4 week Loss – 12lbs
Total 8 week loss – 2 store and 2.2 lbs

current weight 12st 8

ABSOLULTEY BUZZING!! I remember feeling really sad at week 5 and week 6 loss and was so disappointed. I kept thinking that on Lipotrim I was losing 3 1/2 lbs a week and that this was ridiculously slow and would take me forever. My consultant has been fantastic and said I just needed to focus on one week at a time and not look at the big picture too much and I'm so glad I listened and a persevered because week 7 and week 8 loss were absolutely fantastic and a 12 lb loss for four weeks is more than acceptable for me.

I’m feeling a change in my clothes and things are feeling a lot more looser. Nobody has really noticed at work or elsewhere even though they might not have seen me over the Christmas holiday period. I was hoping somebody might notice it but to be honest I wear massive big cardigans so it is really tricky to see anyway. And I think people don't always want to comment on weight. However I am seeing a massive difference in my clothes and things are feeling a lot looser so I definitely know I'm getting smaller.

I can't quite believe I've done 8 weeks 100% on plan. I am so unbelievably proud of myself. When I did add exante I did manage around 10 weeks and lost similar but then I went away on holiday and never go back on plan and put all the weight back on. I know Cambridge is much more expensive but I feel like having support of a consultant when I've got weight issues has been really really helpful and will set me up for future long term maintenance. The other thing I found with the Cambridge diet is the products are actually really really tasty and I'm really pleased they do a lactose free version because I can get a bit of an upset tummy with too much milk products. The bars are absolutely delicious and I actually really look forward to having them. Unlike lipotrim it was literally three shakes that were like medicine. Now if I want to go out with my husband or go out with friends I just take a bar with me and have a herbal tea and nobody bats an eyelid or notices anything. It's much more easier to stay on plan when the products are tasty and I'm not feeling as deprived. I absolutely love my 4 o clock cup of herbal tea and my bar. It feels like such a treat. Yesterday the kids all had takeaway and i just got my product and had this:

I've sacrificed lots of events this month nowhere near as much in December but definitely things I have had to give. So here are the things I gave up this month

  • friends round for New Years where we did a massive cheese board platter and lots of savoury fry ups
  • baked yummy cakes which included a walnut and a sponge cake and did not eat this
  • 3 takeaways the kids had at home which I avoided
  • meal at a friends house which was a last minute decision on there part. I just sat there took some food in my plate and pretended to eat but didn't actually eat anything. No one noticed
  • Most delicious batch of cookies that I baked didn't have any
  • Went to see friends and family but did not eat anything offered
Finding this plan easier now that I've got into the swing of things. Getting down to 12 stone 3 will be a huge milestone for me because that was the original weigh I was when I started lipotrim. I feel very sad that I've gone on to put an extra three stone on top of wat I was originally but again I'm not worrying about this too much now and just taking one week at a time. If I was 12 stone 3 to start off with I would be really close to the end now but there's no point crying over what's been done. I know I will feel amazing when I get to 12 stone 3 even though that was my old ‘want to lose weight’ start point. I'm seeing this as two journeys the 1st is getting back to my first overweight weight, and the 2nd is getting rid of the the next lot of weight. I'm super excited to update my next four week post in four weeks time so hopefully you'll hear from me then and will be pleased people on how I'm getting on!
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Congratulations! Brilliant results. I look forward to seeing your next post.
Thanks Aligal! How are you getting on?
I've marked time the last half of January, but my jeans are looser - so maybe less fat and more muscle? Anyhow, I am happy that I will make progress in February.
That's amazing results @goose keep it up, it's great encouragement for others
so 12 weeks done! Its been a busy week so I haven't had time to update. I also spent the last week daily weighing which was awful for my mental health so I was feeling pretty rubbish come weigh day but I've not been daily weighing since. So I will post my 4 week update below where I have stayed 100%
It's such a huge achievement getting to 12 week. So proud of myself. I am now on step 2 (3 products and a 200 cal meal from an approved list of food items). This has to be for a minimum of 1 week. I will decide what to do in terms of steps next week, on Monday

The things I sacrificed this month:

- Declined a meal out with friends
- didn't eat cake or food on my sons birthday
- went out to a concert with hubby - didnt eat and had my shake before
- watched hubby have my fave takeout and didnt eat
- kids half term, took them swimming and pizza - didnt eat pizza and took my shake
- daughter wanted to go out to a particular restaurant - her dad took her instead of me
- Had family round to eat and cooked an epic meal - did not eat
- Kids had takeout and did not eat

Week 9: - 2.4 (12st 5.6)
Week 10: -1.8 (12st 3.8)
Week 11: - 4.0 (11st 13.8)
Week 12: - 2.2 (11st 11.6)

Total 4 week Loss – 10.4 lbs
Total 12 week loss – 2 store and 12.75 lbs

current weight 11st 11.5

I'm not going to lie - I was really disappointed with this months overall loss. I was desperate to get to a 3 stone loss and I didn's so was really really upset, i was very teary to over a couple of days then aunt flo arrived so that would explain it. I am on week 13 step 2a this weekend so nervous what my periods and eating food will do to my body. I'm nervous about weighing in but after daily weigh in messed with my head last week I am not going to do that this week. I feel like the first part of my journey had been done - getting rid of the 3 stone excess, now its time for the last 3 stone. Would LOVE to get to 8st 10 or 13lbs. We will see. I've had lots and lots of compliments this last couple of weeks where people are noticing my loss so that has been positive.

My plan is after week 13 stepping up, to step back down to 1a for another 12 weeks to hopefully goal or as close to goal and then work up the steps. I'm trying not to look at the big picture and just take one week at a time.

I will post my week 13 outcome next week. Be interesting to see where that takes me. I'd say Im a size 16 now - I started of a size 20. excited for the next 12 weeks!!
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Step up week done. So that's week 13. 3 products and a 200 cal meal from an approved list. I lost 1lb. Disappointed with the small loss but more disappointed I am a quater pound away from three stone loss. How frustrating. I'd lost so much quicker on lipotrim so these are definitely not comparable diets at all. Losing anything under 3lb was very rare whereas on this plan its the norm. For eating only 3 products and it being an extreme diet it is frustrating.

I've decided I'd like to go back down to step 1a. My consultant is keen for me to stay at step 2 for at least another week if not stick at this step. Had I got a better loss I would have considered it but I think I will move back down to step 1a. We can do another 12 weeks on step 1a. There are some ruled if you get to a certain bmi you have to step up. I don't know what that is but I will cross that bridge when I get to it

Hoping for a good loss next week. Might weekly report for a a few weeks if I can

Current weight : 11st 10.5lbs
Week 14 done, Stuck to step 1a which was 3 products a day. According to Cambridge Diet I can do this for another 12 weeks. I have had loads of compliments recently on my weight loss which has felt amazing. This week I lost 2.8lbs which I'm pleased with. Would have loved a bit more after having to step up last week but it's all adding up which is all that matters! I stayed 100% on my little ones birthday this week, I had family staying over last weekend as well and cooked so much yummy food, and the kids got takeout but I stayed strong.

Week 14: - 2.8 (11st 7.8)
Start Weight 14st 10.2
Current Weight 11st 7.8

Total lost: 3st 2.4lbs

It is now Ramadan for the next 4 weeks so I will update again in 4 weeks. I was hoping to be 10st 7 for Eid but I think that is wishful thinking. If I average out a 2.5lb loss a week I'd love to lose 10 lbs taking me to 10st 11.8 . I mean to be back in the 10's will be amazing!!! I will have hopefully been on plan for 18 weeks by that point! I think that is pretty impressive and something to be super proud of regardless.

Really looking forward to posting my next 4 week update and really hoping I'm in the 10's by then. I'm not sure what I am going to do for Eid yet, if I stay on plan or have a few days off. I will cross that bridge when I get to it. I know ramadan may be a little tricky because I will have to invite family round for dinner so that will be hard. Now that people have noticed I have lost weight they will be nosey to see what I am/am not eating - that is the issue!!
So I'm back!! I initially discovered Mini mins in 2012 where I had started lipotrim and went from 12st 3 to 8st 6. I was 100% for pretty much 14 weeks. I then kept getting on and off lipotrim and fluctated for a couple of stone, it had a terrible impact on my mental health. I then fell pregnant, had a baby and maintained throughout pregnancy. I put on after the baby. Anyway I had gone up to the late 12's, did lipotrim again, I think i did 3 stints in total, never really learnt the art of maintenance. Had 3 babies, difficult pregancies and high need babies so here we are at 14st 10.2lb. I did exante for a couple of months, lost 2 stone, I did intermittent fasting, all sorts.

Anyway I've had all my babies now, on the wrong side of 30 and ready to give this my final push. What I find so hard is the limited peer support from when I did this first time round and miminims was so active. I know I wont get the support like before but I love looking back and reading my posts. So I'm doing this more for me, as a record that I wont lose. I will probably post fornightly/monthly updates, so I can come back and see how I have done.

I'm much bigger now, 14st 10.2 was my start weight, size 18/20. My goal is 9st / 9st 4lbs. I deffo think I got a bit obsessive getting down to 8st 7 and don't need to go that low.

As Lipotrim is no longer available, I have decided to go with cambridge diet. I did consider exante but I did 2 months around 18 months ago and then put it back on, Cambridge costs a lot more but you have the support of a consultant and I love that they hav different steps. I foud with lipotrim it was all or nothing whereas there are so many options with cambridge. the product range is so good as well. Absolutely love it, its delicious compared to lipotrim so it has felt easier.

So here is my 4 week update:
Started Mon 4th Dec, in that time I have had:
3 coffee dates where I took my bar and had that with a green tea
had hubby's birthday - didn't eat, hubby did a meal at home for him abd kids
had a dinner invite at families - didn't eat,sat on the table, pretended to eat, busied myself with feeding kids
had friends round for dinner at ours - didn't eat, busied myself with feeding kids
had a work lunch I arranged - didn't go
had a works meeting which was FULL of goodies and cake
Went to the Christmas markets and didn't eat
had a couples meal out - didn't go
had friends round for an epic NYE steak dinner and cheeseboard- busied myself, pretended to eat then had my green tea and bar
Had Christmas at my mums - told my mum I was on plan and she supported me to stay on plan
Visited family over Christmas - made loads of excuses

and I stayed 100%!!! Bloody epic!!!! I am so glad i started as its the new year and I feel I am 4 weeks ahead. my consultant said you wont regret starting and she was 100% right. I had a headaches first few days but since then the hunger has been fine. I think Jan/Feb will be a clearer easier run.

I've had so many days where I've felt so down and thought how have I gone from 12.3 to 14.10. my consultant was great, told me focus on the positive and move forward, whats done is done, and givemyself mini goals. so this is my loss for the last 4 weeks:

Dec 4th: - Start Weight 14st 10.2
Dec 11th: - 8 (14st 2.2)
Dec - 18th: - 2.2 (14st)
Dec 25th: - 3.8 (13st 10.2)
Jan 1st - - 4.2 (13st 6)
Total 4 week loss - 1st 4.2 lbs

My goal for the next month is another stone loss. I've woken up feeling so proud of myself, it's really given my a push for next month. I don't really have any events planned for Jan so it'll be a nice clear month to work through :)
Here's to getting to goal and staying there!!
Wowww!! Amazing!!! I’m so proud of you that is amazing!! You’re dedication is crazy I am so impressed and envy it! Well done!!! 😁😁
Week 14 done, Stuck to step 1a which was 3 products a day. According to Cambridge Diet I can do this for another 12 weeks. I have had loads of compliments recently on my weight loss which has felt amazing. This week I lost 2.8lbs which I'm pleased with. Would have loved a bit more after having to step up last week but it's all adding up which is all that matters! I stayed 100% on my little ones birthday this week, I had family staying over last weekend as well and cooked so much yummy food, and the kids got takeout but I stayed strong.

Week 14: - 2.8 (11st 7.8)
Start Weight 14st 10.2
Current Weight 11st 7.8

Total lost: 3st 2.4lbs

It is now Ramadan for the next 4 weeks so I will update again in 4 weeks. I was hoping to be 10st 7 for Eid but I think that is wishful thinking. If I average out a 2.5lb loss a week I'd love to lose 10 lbs taking me to 10st 11.8 . I mean to be back in the 10's will be amazing!!! I will have hopefully been on plan for 18 weeks by that point! I think that is pretty impressive and something to be super proud of regardless.

Really looking forward to posting my next 4 week update and really hoping I'm in the 10's by then. I'm not sure what I am going to do for Eid yet, if I stay on plan or have a few days off. I will cross that bridge when I get to it. I know ramadan may be a little tricky because I will have to invite family round for dinner so that will be hard. Now that people have noticed I have lost weight they will be nosey to see what I am/am not eating - that is the issue!!
You’re weight loss journey has been amazing and very inspiring! Don’t put yourself down if you’re not a certain weight by Eid, remember you’re doing this journey for you and your new life not just for one day! You’ve made huge progress and a lot of sacrifices, have really motivated me too! Keep it up and keep us updated! Would love to hear more about it
Thanks yoyo bunny
Still going strong. 16 weeks 100% tomorrow. Can't quite believe it myself. Lots of compliments too recently 😀. It's definitely a slower loss than lipotrim but I do feel that I'm better set up for maintenance with cambridge than lipotrim. Also hoping with the higher cals and carbs in cambridge you won't get the huge gains in weight when you just smell a piece of bread hahaha. Im also not going to focus on wanting to get as low as I did with my weight as I did with lipotrim.

I've felt like I've needed food this week but it was for a fee days and the feeling passed! Will update my 4 week loss here again in 2 weeks time!
hi all. Its not my 4 weekly weigh in till Monday but I've been feeling really down this week so I thought typing out how I feel may help and give me some perspective. And it'll be good to read back on it. So I set a goal of losing 10lbs (2.5lbs a week) over Ramadan and last weeks loss was absolutely shite - I was so angry! I've been absolutely 100%!! I got more angry when I was scrolling through Instagram and all of the consultants I follow are promoting the plan - get ready for summer and lose a stone a month!! I was angry because I felt like this is not losing a stone a month at all!!! If on step 1a I can't lose a stone a month with no health conditions then stop marketing it like this. I then saw some other people on FB post there losses of 3/4/5 lb consistent weekly losses and I was fuming. Why not me!!! My consultant is also on holiday this week and I felt she didn't communicate that very well to me so I've had no support or no one to vent to and I'm frustrated, I felt she wasn't clearer that she was not working this week. I don't begrudge her time of but for me it was the not knowing and not getting a response. Until I checked the group chat and she had posted a picture on there.

I've been so good and not eaten all the yummy food on offer in Ramadan, its 17 weeks of 100%. I mean its a long time. With my losses getting smaller though I feel like how long will this take me. I read on someone's insta page that the sugar carbs affect her losses so she sticks to lactofree shakes and the savoury meals - no bars. So I am trialling that this week. Only thing is, that it makes me miserable as I LOVE the bars. I am really really missing them and they are the only thing I look forward to. I will ride out this weeks experiment but I think long term I couldn't manage on just shakes - its so depressing!!

I've also been daily weighing and the scales are barely budging and it is really really disheartening. the thing is I've lost 3st 9lbs and I have had SO MANY compliments!! I know I've done so well, I'm fitting into size 14's!! It's amazing - but then I see I am still technically overweight, the mix of emotions is so overwhelming at times. I feel confident in terms of starting the gym, but then worry how will I fit it in with my routine, hubbys routine, kids, work etc. My sleep is horrendous at the moment and I need to focus on sorting that as well.

I know I need to put the scales away till Monday, this daily weighing is messing with my head, I'm also thinking if stepping up would help - I have it in my head that I can only lose the weight on step 1a but the losses are small. I need to get this week done, get Eid done and then decide what I want to do next. I am also annoyed because my consultant is not working this week I haven't been able to discuss my Eid plans with her, I dont know if I should stick to plan, eat low carb or just go all out and enjoy myself. part of me thinks going all out and enjoying myself will give me the break i need and maybe restart my metabolism. hey ho

so plan is to
- put the scales away, don't weight till Monday
- allow myself to do what I want to on Eid (stick to plan or not stick to plan - i will decide nearer the time)
- plan what I want to do with this diet after Eid

Be interesting to see none the less my weight loss after doing just shakes. Deffo dont think I can do no bars long term though.
Anyway!! I will be back on Monday at some point with my 4 week loss!!
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Sorry for the late update, I was hoping to update last week which would have been the four week update but it's now five weeks since my last weight update which takes me to post Eid update as well.

So Ramadan went really well and I stayed 100% on plan, the 4th week, I can't seem to remember now I had an awful week and felt incredibly down. I do think part of it is to do with hormones and it was so hard to shake the feeling off. But thankfully I've got past it and I didn't succumb, I got to a point thinking I couldn't carry on with this plan anymore but I'm absolutely fine now.

So I set a target of a 10lb loss in Ramadan and I made it! I am SO UNBELIEVABLY proud of myself!! After week 3 I really didn't think I would meet my target. So my four week way in up until week 18 is below

Week 15: - 2.4 (11st 5.4)
Week 16: - 3.0 (11st 2.4)
Week 17: - 1.4 (11st 1.0)
Week 18: - 4.0 (10st 11.0)

4 week loss: 10.8 llbs

Week 19: - 2.2 (10st 8.8)

Start Weight 14st 10.2
Current Weight 10st 8.8

Total lost: 4st 1.5lbs

So after having a complete paddy in week 17 at having only lost 1.4lbs I still went and smashed my goals!!! I can not believe I am in the 10s!!! 19 weeks of graft. So proud of myself.

Eid week I had Eid lunch of plan (but still very controlled and a small portion), on plan rest of the day and then at the weekend we had more Eid Celebrations so I kept in touch with my consultant who was amazing and I was on plan in the morning and had grilled chicken and salad in the evening, unfortunately I had a bit of a binge with biscuits and cakes in secret in the kitchen in the evening but I did stop, so I was super proud of myself. I put the chocolate away rather then keep eating till I was sick, so proud of how far I have come. It’s the first time Ive had a blip in this time so I’m not going to beat myself up over it.

So my plan is one more week on step 1a then I am moving up to step 2. My consultant is keen for me to move up the steps and she has lost 6 stone herself and kept if off so I totally trust her, I went through a long time wanting to stick to 1a till I get to goal but throughout this process I’ve learnt to trust my consultant and we’ve agreed one more week on step 1a (she’d have me on step 2 now if she could!). I think I want to move to step 3 when I’m around 9st 7 as I’m not too bothered how long the last 7lbs takes me, I love the fact there are so many different steps with Cambridge unlike lipotrim which was 3 shakes and refeed. If I really cant cope on just products I know there are lots of other options and in the past when I got to goal and messed up, rather than feeling I have to go back to just products, I could have gone on a higher step. I really do prefer Cambridge in both the products, the support from my consultant and all the different step options. I also want to start couch to 5k too which is really exciting!! I would never have dreamt of that 19 weeks ago! So I’d love to lose another 10lbs in 5 weeks, I think 2lbs a week with one week step 1a and 4 weeks step 2 is achievable. Lets see how I go. I’ll try update my last week on step 1a weigh in next week then focus on 4 weeks step 2. Might even step up to step 3 week of may half term. We will see! It will come round before I know it for sure! So excited for what the future holds 😊
Dec 4th: - Start Weight 14st 10.2 (BMI 35.4)

Week 1: - 8 (14st 2.2)
Week 2: - 2.2 (14st)
Week 3: - 3.8 (13st 10.2)
Week 4 - - 4.2 (13st 6)
Week 5: - 2 (13st 4)
Week 6: -2.4 (13st 1.6)
Week 7: - 3.4 (12st12.2)
Week 8: - 4.2 (12st 8)
Week 9: - 2.4 (12st 5.6)
Week 10: -1.8 (12st 3.8)
Week 11: - 4.0 (11st 13.8)
Week 12: - 2.2 (11st 11.6)
Week 13: - 1 (11st 10.6)
Week 14: - 2.8 (11st 7.8)
Week 15: - 2.4 (11st 5.4)
Week 16: - 3.0 (11st 2.4)
Week 17: - 1.4 (11st 1.0)
Week 18: - 4.0 (10st 11.0)
Week 19: - 2.2 (10st 8.8)

Current Weight 10st 8.8 (BMI 25.5)

Total lost: 4st 1.5lbs
Can't believe its 20 weeks tomorrow. It's been a weird week and I have had my struggles, I don't post as often did previously but in my moments of struggles I've enjoyed reading my old posts. I've stayed strong and I keep saying not to cave into myself. Hubby kept telling me to have some chicken from the takeout last night and i didn't - I'm glad I didn't cos he said it was really bland and didn't taste nice anyway!

I've attempted to start couch to 5k and done 1 session which i felt fine with but then was incredibly dizzy after so I might need to park that for a while. I also just had my bloods done so lets see what that says too. I dont want to use exercise as a way to eat more or manage my weight but because its good for my mental health and it's a sense of achievement for me. I feel like after losing weight I feel that exercise is more achievable.

This week I've had so so so many compliments!!! It's felt amazing! I still feel big though. My stomuch is awful after having three kids and I've made the decision to have surgery, a tummy tuck and If i go abroad i can afford a breast lift too. There's no amount of weight loss or exercise that will make my stomuch some some of flat, i's a b belly and i have a small apron too. I just feel this is my time now and I want to prioritise me after giving my family and career everything. I work so hard and i deserve this for me.

Hubby keeps saying eat as I've lost weight as in go out to eat but I know I am still in weight loss mode and we are going down a slippery slope if I veer of plan. It's 5 weeks till May half term so I'm stepping up to step 2 tomorrow and hoping to do step 2 for 5 weeks then step up to step 3 until i get to my goal, i just feel this time it has to be different, I want to step up to help me manage maintenance long term. I've found it hard w I know I am going to have some food rules to help me in maintenance and one of them will be no sweet stuff unless it's something special like I've gone out for a coffee because having it casually during the week - I just have no control whatsoever. I've not written in all the previous posts the things I've sacrificesd, but i really have!! and I dont feel bad for it, Im doing this now because I need to, went out for a lunch date with my daughter and i stuck to a black tea and my bar. I didnt eat out with the family during eid week, these are sacrifices I am making and its so hard but feeling happy and healthy is worth and in maintenance I will be able to do these things, I am meant to be at a work meal on Friday but will have to decline.

Just asked hubby what size I am now as my head is struggling to process it and he says 12-14 and I think I would agree with that. I would like to be a size 10 - 12 so I am thinking 9st? I am around the 10st 7lb mark now. Its really difficult with clothes now too, I dont want to buy too much new stuff when I know I still have weight to lose but my other clothes are just getting too big for me, I feel like i should keep my old clothes just in case I put the weight on. I do have a box of smaller clothes so I need to just give my cupboards a sort, i am trying to sell on Vinted too.

Anyway I'll post my week 20 step 1a loss here tomorrow before I step up to step 2 - the next part of my journey and lets see where this takes us. I still need to be strict and not loosen up. I think 20 weeks with a couple of controlled meals of plab and one tiny binge is pretty epic and I should be proud of myself. This shows you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. It felt so daunting on thr 4th Dec and I thought how will i ever lose all this weight nad Im over 4stone down and the time has passed.
week 20 and last week on step 1a - loss of 2.8lbs! Absolutely buzzing!! Weigh in today at 10st 6lb and officially a healthy BMI of 25!! Can not believe how far I have come! I started with a BMI of 36. Feel amazing :)
So lets see where step 2 takes us now. Not sure how long I'll be on this step but I'll take each week as it comes and follow my consultants lead :)

Week 20: - 2.8 (10st 6)

Current Weight 10st 6 (BMI 25.1)

Total lost: 4st 4.25lbs
First week of moving up to step 2
Lost 1.2 lbs. Im ok with that given that there's a transition my body is getting used to
Finding plan a bit hard at the moment and so tempted to have a big old binge. Didn't go out to a works meal which was ashame but this is not forever. Also sat and watched the kids eat what looked like the most amazing dessert whilst I had a black tea. It'll all be worth it im sure.
Looking forward to what next week will bring
I do find I am more hungrier om step 2.

I am starting tor worry how long this last stone will tske me but that's the overthinker in me! Just going to take one week at a time!

Week 21: - 1.2 (10st 4.8)

Current Weight 10st 4.8 (BMI 24.9)
You’re doing brilliantly!! I know what you mean about how quiet this forum is now. It’s a shame as it used to be so good. I just came back today and I’m planning to try and comment on as many people’s posts as I can to try and encourage people. I’m also doing Cambridge on step 4 as my BMI is too high for anything else so I’m hoping I can drop down the steps as I carry on.