Honey and Mustard Chicken Served with Springer Mash and Veggies. 3 syns pp EE


Naughty Fridge Picker
Honey and Mustard Chicken Served with Springer Mash and Veggies.

This is a recipe we used to do from a jar, that the kids loved but was really high in syns, so this is my SW version, which the kids think is

Serves 4 - Extra Easy

Ingredients - Honey Mustard Chicken.

800g (approx) Boneless chicken thighs, all fat/skin removed and chopped. (free)
1 onion Diced
1/3 bag frozen sliced peppers - I buy them because otherwise I am stood there all night chopping stuff lol. (free)
8 Chestnut Mushrooms sliced (free)
3 cloves garlic crushed, Salt and Pepper. (free)
300 ml Chicken Stock (free)
3 tbsp Honey (7 1/2 syns)
2 tbsp wholegrain mustard ( 3 syns)
1 tbsp Lemon juice (free)
2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar. (free)

Using Frylite, cook onions, mushrooms and peppers, with the garlic.
Then brown off the chicken until all browned off.
Then mix the honey, mustard, stock, lemon juice, and balsamic vinegar together. I do this because the honey melts from the heat of the stock,
making sure you get the right measurement of honey.
Then pour all over the chicken and let simmer while your potatoes are cooking, so that it will reduce a little.

Ingredients - Springer Mash (free)

1kg potatoes - skinned, diced, cooked and mashed.
4 Spring Onions finely diced
150ml Vegetable stock
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Put spring onions on top of potatoes BEFORE you mash them, as adds the flavour into the mash if you mash the spring onions with the potatoes and
add the stock, as you mash. Pour some of your juices from your chicken onto the mash!

Serve with 1/3rd super free vegetables of your choice.

Total syns 10 1/2 - Rounded up to 3 syns a person.

See Piccy :D


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I think I may have this for tea tonight.

18.03pm - OMG this was fantastic. Serious people give this a go

Thank you so much
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I can completely seeing it becoming one off my favs, it was really delicious :)
mmm this was yummy!

Would deffo recommend, I cooked a little extra so my husband can have some cold with his pasta for lunch tomoz too!
This looks very nice i really am going to add this to my cooking list for next week, i think kids and hubby would enjoy it also. Thank you for sharing :) Picture is Fab!!
I've made a 'SW Recipes' folder on my desktop, really easy to then just drag the icon next to the URL into the folder- saves recipe's from all sites all in one place :D

Will be giving this a go too, love cooking with honey and stock, but my BF isn't a mustard fan... Hmmm, if I don't tell him it's in there, he might like it anyway :p
I found this just as nice cold the day after for my lunch! So making it again tonight lol x
Wow, that sounds amazing!! Just subscribing to this page so I can find the recipe again later - I definitely want to try it! Yum :)
This looks amazing. Quick question....

I keep seeing boneless chicken thighs in recipes but never see them in shops! Where do you buy them??
Just bumping as I'm making this tomorrow really looking forward to it :)

Had this earlier it was gorgeous thanks first he recipe :) xx
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