No Count I love food.


Full Member
Hi everyone. I've been following the Atkins Diet for 7 weeks, my old diary is here:
I'm doing really well, feel great, losing weight, no hunger and exercising more. I feel a bit bad about switching because I really do feel good but this is why I am making the switch.....

When I became pregnant with my daughter I didn't know I was pregnant. I still had light periods and even though I felt off, I was getting negative tests. I went to the Drs feeling exhausted and after a blood test discovered I was pregnant.....14weeks. In them first 3 months I was occasionally drinking and not being particularly healthy. I was worried my whole pregnancy that something would be wrong with her. She turned out perfect.
I've been researching Atkins and ketosis during pregnancy and most the evidence states it isn't healthy and to move onto the maintenance phase if pregnant. Which is basically a normal diet but high fat and lower than average carbs.

I'm not pregnant but we want to start trying......after what happened last time with getting periods and negative tests, I just want to be prepared and be as healthy as I can be, even while trying to conceive and carry on the good habits during pregnancy. So SW seemed the obvious choice, I'll be honest....I dislike the diet. So WW it is. I'm planning on doing nocount and SP days when I'm out and about. I've just been on the app and it is great, but I like a diary here to keep me accountable.

I'm expecting a gain the first week.....after being strictly Atkins. So I got my husband to put the scales in the loft. IM NOT WEIGHING MYSELF FOR 30 DAYS!!!!!!!
This is daunting to me but I've been a bit obsessed recently.

So let my baby making and nocount experience begin. I have PCOS. When I had my daughter it actually happened the 1st month we tried when I work the dates back. But conceiving can take longer for women with PCOS. So I'm not expecting anything fast.

Looking for friends to follow and offer support. Will record my food here.

And last of all........I finished Atkins last night and started nocount this morning. This is major for me. In the past I would have at least had some cheat days I between.
Hi everyone. I've been following the Atkins Diet for 7 weeks, my old diary is here:
I'm doing really well, feel great, losing weight, no hunger and exercising more. I feel a bit bad about switching because I really do feel good but this is why I am making the switch.....

When I became pregnant with my daughter I didn't know I was pregnant. I still had light periods and even though I felt off, I was getting negative tests. I went to the Drs feeling exhausted and after a blood test discovered I was pregnant.....14weeks. In them first 3 months I was occasionally drinking and not being particularly healthy. I was worried my whole pregnancy that something would be wrong with her. She turned out perfect.
I've been researching Atkins and ketosis during pregnancy and most the evidence states it isn't healthy and to move onto the maintenance phase if pregnant. Which is basically a normal diet but high fat and lower than average carbs.

I'm not pregnant but we want to start trying......after what happened last time with getting periods and negative tests, I just want to be prepared and be as healthy as I can be, even while trying to conceive and carry on the good habits during pregnancy. So SW seemed the obvious choice, I'll be honest....I dislike the diet. So WW it is. I'm planning on doing nocount and SP days when I'm out and about. I've just been on the app and it is great, but I like a diary here to keep me accountable.

I'm expecting a gain the first week.....after being strictly Atkins. So I got my husband to put the scales in the loft. IM NOT WEIGHING MYSELF FOR 30 DAYS!!!!!!!
This is daunting to me but I've been a bit obsessed recently.

So let my baby making and nocount experience begin. I have PCOS. When I had my daughter it actually happened the 1st month we tried when I work the dates back. But conceiving can take longer for women with PCOS. So I'm not expecting anything fast.

Looking for friends to follow and offer support. Will record my food here.

And last of all........I finished Atkins last night and started nocount this morning. This is major for me. In the past I would have at least had some cheat days I between.

Here to subscribe :) Wishing you the very best of luck with your no count and baby making journey, can't wait to read your postings x
So I actually start tomorrow. I've continued on Atkins today but upped my carbs to 40g. I thought it was best I went shopping before begining nocount. Otherwise I would have struggled with the ingredients I had. So I have a full fridge and I'm ready to go tomorrow morning.

So here I go.....when I wake up tomorrow I am on NoCount!!!!! Eek
So I actually start tomorrow. I've continued on Atkins today but upped my carbs to 40g. I thought it was best I went shopping before begining nocount. Otherwise I would have struggled with the ingredients I had. So I have a full fridge and I'm ready to go tomorrow morning.

So here I go.....when I wake up tomorrow I am on NoCount!!!!! Eek

Good Luck :) x
Day 1
Breakfast - 2 x eggs, mushrooms, spinach and yogurt
Lunch - Chicken Salad, Dressing made with my oil allowance and lemon. 1 x Brown sandwich thins with flora liht (1p)
Dinner - Roast Chicken with broccoli, cauliflour, sprouts and gravy (2p)
Snacks - Hot Choc made with almond milk and coconut Choc shot (1p) Apple, Banana Pancake. Almond Milk for cups of decaf.

Weeklies used - 4
Remaining - 38
Activity Points - 14

First day went well. The hot chocolate is for tonight. So I added everything to my calculator and then switched it to nocount. If I pointed the day, I didn't use any weeklies and had a few points remaining. But I'll just stick with nocount, now it's set up!!
Day 1
Breakfast - 2 x eggs, mushrooms, spinach and yogurt
Lunch - Chicken Salad, Dressing made with my oil allowance and lemon. 1 x Brown sandwich thins with flora liht (1p)
Dinner - Roast Chicken with broccoli, cauliflour, sprouts and gravy (2p)
Snacks - Hot Choc made with almond milk and coconut Choc shot (1p) Apple, Banana Pancake. Almond Milk for cups of decaf.

Weeklies used - 4
Remaining - 38
Activity Points - 14

First day went well. The hot chocolate is for tonight. So I added everything to my calculator and then switched it to nocount. If I pointed the day, I didn't use any weeklies and had a few points remaining. But I'll just stick with nocount, now it's set up!!

Well Done on a brilliant first day! I think it'll be good if u can get a mix of no count and pointed days in, u shouldn't get bored that way! Where do you buy the coconut Choc shot from? Is the almond milk part of your allowance? X
Choc shot from Holland and Barratt. Buy one get one half price. I got the coconut flavour. Almond milk is free on nocount if it's unsweetened.

Sorry for no updates. I'm actually still on plan. My brother is in hospital and my mind is elsewhere I guess.

Sorry to hear about your bro, I hope it's nothing serious? Well done for still being on track, I will have to look for the Choc shot. Think I have a £3 Holland & Barrett coupon so I might put it towards that. X
He's struggling physically but more so mentally. I can't really see him much as my daughter isn't allowed on the ward. She's having a 'I only want mummy phase'

Banana Pancakes with berries on the side, Large almond milk latte

Chicken and Bacon salad with mango, pomegranate and side sandwich thins and avocado (4sp)

Homemade butternut squash and roasted pepper soup (1sp)

Late night snack of Shreddied Wheat Banana and Almond Milk and chocolate chips (2sp)

Weeklies used 7
Weeklies Remaining - 27
Steps - 17k

+ Insanity 40 min workout.
He's struggling physically but more so mentally. I can't really see him much as my daughter isn't allowed on the ward. She's having a 'I only want mummy phase'

Banana Pancakes with berries on the side, Large almond milk latte

Chicken and Bacon salad with mango, pomegranate and side sandwich thins and avocado (4sp)

Homemade butternut squash and roasted pepper soup (1sp)

Late night snack of Shreddied Wheat Banana and Almond Milk and chocolate chips (2sp)

Weeklies used 7
Weeklies Remaining - 27
Steps - 17k

+ Insanity 40 min workout.

Your food looks great for today! The late night snack sounds interesting, would never think of putting those things together!!!! X
Food looked good :) Salad sounds really yummy, do you just throw everything in? Do you have a dressing? xx
Yup throw it all in. I love fruit in salad. I make my own dressings. Recently I pour olive oil in a olive oil jug with chillis, fresh herbs, garlic, pepper or whatever I feel like trying. I just add enough for a week or so. Then you get 2tsp of oil on nocount for free. So that's a free dressing. Other than that I sometimes make a mustard based dressing or use light mayo.

I've been away last night, had a tasty Thai meal. I pointed it, guessed it.

Will update later once I've had breakfast, go home and give my daughter a big hug. Always miss her when I'm gone overnight.
Yup throw it all in. I love fruit in salad. I make my own dressings. Recently I pour olive oil in a olive oil jug with chillis, fresh herbs, garlic, pepper or whatever I feel like trying. I just add enough for a week or so. Then you get 2tsp of oil on nocount for free. So that's a free dressing. Other than that I sometimes make a mustard based dressing or use light mayo.

I've been away last night, had a tasty Thai meal. I pointed it, guessed it.

Will update later once I've had breakfast, go home and give my daughter a big hug. Always miss her when I'm gone overnight.

Well Done for staying on track with your Thai and pointing it! How old is your daughter? X
She's 2 in a month!!!

Frankie and Bennys - Wholegrain Toast x 2, 3 poached eggs and mushroom and tomato. I'm classing that as free plus my oil allowance incase they used it on mushrooms. Had herbal tea instead of coffee

Banana & Fat free Yogurt. Wasn't hungry as we had breakfast late.

Have a chicken in the slow cooker now for tonight.

It was difficult to calculate the points last night. I had steamed veg instead of rice which was free. Then the main meal looked and tasted healthy. It was a spicy dish made with chicken, pineapple, peppers, mushroom in a stock. I did nocount yesterday and said 12points for the sauce or any extras as the chicken/veg was free. I probably over guessed but I'm trying to have a free day.

I also found some tasty snacks/bits at outlet centre health food shop. Including coconut crisps, cacao nibs, raw cacao, and some ingredients to make my own granola.
She's 2 in a month!!!

Frankie and Bennys - Wholegrain Toast x 2, 3 poached eggs and mushroom and tomato. I'm classing that as free plus my oil allowance incase they used it on mushrooms. Had herbal tea instead of coffee

Banana & Fat free Yogurt. Wasn't hungry as we had breakfast late.

Have a chicken in the slow cooker now for tonight.

It was difficult to calculate the points last night. I had steamed veg instead of rice which was free. Then the main meal looked and tasted healthy. It was a spicy dish made with chicken, pineapple, peppers, mushroom in a stock. I did nocount yesterday and said 12points for the sauce or any extras as the chicken/veg was free. I probably over guessed but I'm trying to have a free day.

I also found some tasty snacks/bits at outlet centre health food shop. Including coconut crisps, cacao nibs, raw cacao, and some ingredients to make my own granola.

Well Done you for the fabulous choices, I'm loving the sound of that breakfast! Have never been to F&B for breakfast but sounds scrummy!

Your health food shop purchases sound great, hope we get to see a pic of the finished granola!!!! I love coconut mmmmmmm!!

So you're approaching the terrible 2s with your daughter? What's her name? I can't even remember my daughter being that small now, the time has just flashed by before my eyes! X
Terrible 2's? I think that started a year ago. She's a good girl really, I can't complain but she's had her own mind and tantrums for at least 6 months. It's hard work at times but I have to stick to my mummy rules and not let her get her own way at all times. She's called Rosie, what about your little girl?

Doing the granola now, I'll let you see final result but I tweaked the recipe. It had pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut, coconut blossom nectar, brazilnuts, hazelnuts, Almonds, coconut oil, cinnamon, vanilla.

It's easy to do but I just need to roast the nuts. The points are high but.....unlike cereal a tiny amount can be filling. So with usual cereal I'd have 40g. When I make granola I usually have fat free yogurt with 15g granola and fruit.

I just checked and.....15g = 2sp, 30g =3sp


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