Live, love and laugh low gi: Laurenistas diary

Another good few days!
I have walked the dog for 2 hours 40 mins today and feel great bar the bad stomach created by a white flour tortilla earlier!!

Now sipping a peppermint tea and hugging my hot water bottle to make my belly better!

Hope your all well and hope to hear from you soon :)

Love Laurenista xX
This week is going well

Got all my results for this year at uni and got a first :) couldn't be happier with that!

Took a sneaky step on the scales at a clinic I was in with uni and I've lost another 2.5lbs hopefully they will stay off till my next injection

Lauren xX
Had a hard week on the food front!
Been extremely hungry all week but hoping to get back to my mindful eating again ASAP hopefully tomorrow!!
Still losing weight slower then I have been but it has to slow at some point right?
I've exercised less then usual so I'm getting back into that too
Lauren xX
Just thought I would share a photo or two to show my journey so far :)

Just a few photos the orange top was my starting point a few years ago I've struggled gone up and down a few times and the red and black dress is me now :)

Lauren xX


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Looking good in the photos - love the red dress with the black panels. Reminds me of the ones that the Pretty Dress Company do. Have you ever looked at their clothes?

The Pretty Dress Company | Home
No I haven't I'll check them out love nice dresses have too many to wear mind haha

Looking like a beautiful little doll Lauren! Hope you are well xxxxxx
Thanks cupcake! I am really well thanks hope you are too!
Sat at my desk on placement with a massive thermal cup of apple and ginger tea!
I am bored out of my mind but only for till Friday left :)
Lauren xX
Also thought I would share another of my dresses as I can fit into them all now :)
And all my size 10/12 clothes. In fact I've just bought a size 10 Mac from Asda :)


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