Motivational pictures


Silver Member
These were my; before, during and after pictures from last year after 14 weeks on LT!
I WILL do it again!!!


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And me now :-(Fatty now.jpg
That is a fantastic incentive, you look fab in your after picture - really healthy and vibrant. Imagine what just a few short weeks (in the greater scheme of things ) can achieve. Youve taken the hardest step :)
Thanx shrinkingannie x
Yeye you looked fab. And you know what you will again
LadyKate25 said:
How much did you lose first time round if you don't mind me asking ? Xx

Well done for getting back to it ;)

Hi, I lost 5 1/2 st in 14 weeks. Hoping for good fast results again this time x

2st 1lb lost, 5 weeks


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Before pictures 17/09/12 x


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Must be cold in my downstairs loo! Haha x
Kepp it up, so ar doing fabby dabby doo and looking gorgeous .. kee going girl xx
goose said:
Kepp it up, so ar doing fabby dabby doo and looking gorgeous .. kee going girl xx

Aw thank you Goose! X
I think what you're doing with the photos is great and not just because I've done that too. I had my photo taken in 5 different outfits on the first day I started this diet (22/08/12) and I have them taken in the exact same outfits every 4 weeks. The poses are the same, back side and front view in the very same place. I hope to be able to share them once I've reached goal and hopefully will be an inspiration to others. This is something I didn't do last time I did this diet around 3 yrs ago (maybe it was 4 yrs, I can't quite remember).

Anyway, good on ya lady, at least you have the reminder of what you can do and you're doing it again so well done to you. Looking forward to seeing the interim pics and the final goal weight ones too x
Thank u Mrs R! I just wanted to see myself in the same clothes as a comparison. It's not always easy to notice the smaller changes and looking at urself naked in the mirror, well I just look at all the horrible bits that I hate!
I can certainly see the difference now, although I still have a long way to go x
You really are starting to notice. Hope everyone is saying how fab you are looking keep going
Thanks Mburke & Kellie x