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As we have all ended up here for various reasons but the comman denominator being too much food how do you feel now that you're not eating.
Does it scare some long termers to know that'll you'll be faced with daily food choices again, counting fat, calories or whatever, or do you think you can embrace a life without the mental dilemma of what to eat on a daily basis.
Something won't have you spun back into viciuos circle of binge eating and sugar cravings again(i'm speaking of my own demons here and not referring to anyone else or thier history).
I have been addicted to all kinds of ''lovely'' but food is the only substance that no one will judge you on untill you are physically showing your inability to cope with it.. ie.spilling out of your clothes, out of breath walking down the road, shopping in outsize departments.
I have broken the crutch of other substances, any help to stop my reliance on emotional eating would be greatly appreciated for when the time comes.
I was very proud of myself for not throwing in the towel this week when I only managed three quarters of a pound weight loss, so I feel this time I am really ready to change, and stop reaching for food to ease any ills the day throws at me.
As we have all ended up here for various reasons but the comman denominator being too much food how do you feel now that you're not eating.
Does it scare some long termers to know that'll you'll be faced with daily food choices again, counting fat, calories or whatever, or do you think you can embrace a life without the mental dilemma of what to eat on a daily basis.
Something won't have you spun back into viciuos circle of binge eating and sugar cravings again(i'm speaking of my own demons here and not referring to anyone else or thier history).
I have been addicted to all kinds of ''lovely'' but food is the only substance that no one will judge you on untill you are physically showing your inability to cope with it.. ie.spilling out of your clothes, out of breath walking down the road, shopping in outsize departments.
I have broken the crutch of other substances, any help to stop my reliance on emotional eating would be greatly appreciated for when the time comes.
I was very proud of myself for not throwing in the towel this week when I only managed three quarters of a pound weight loss, so I feel this time I am really ready to change, and stop reaching for food to ease any ills the day throws at me.