Red Day Chicken Kiev FREE!


Full Member
This was delicious! Its from the Jan/Feb mag but I changed the herbs.

Makes 2

2 x chicken breasts
2 x tbsp quark
1 x tbsp chopped parsley
1 x tbsp chives
1 x egg (beaten)
1 or 2 x small slices brown bread (pref a few days old to make breadcrumbs)
1 x garlic clove

Free if using bread as HEX

Make breadcrumbs, whizz day old fresh bread in processor or dice and keep chopping til it looks like bread crumbs!

Slice chicken length ways to make a 'pocket' to stuff with cheesey loveliness

To make cheesey loveliness mix quark, herbs and finely chopped garlic.

Stuff cheesey loveliness into pocket

Dip whole chicken breast in beaten egg, then into breadcrumbs.

Grab pan (quick squirt of fry light to stop it sticking) and pop on kiev and into oven.

Cook for around 20 mins, til cooked through and the crumbs are crispy.

See pic for results!


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WOW! That looks gorgeous!!!! Thanks - will be definitely trying this! x
Im making these later
OOO this looks really good i will be trying this soon :) maybe tomorrow night! Thank you for this!! xx
that looks lovley hun, i will deff be trying this next week one evening. :)
Mmmm this looks lovely, can you taste the Quark or is it pretty much disguised by the garlic and herbs? Cheers, Jo
that looks yummy, i love kievs but they are so high on the cals/syns that i dont eat them. Defo gonna try this tho, well that is when i can find somewhere that sells quark!!
I'm gonna be having this for me dinner tomorrow me thinks, looks well lush. :D
Had these for dinner this evening....... WOW they was bloody lovley deff gonna be a regular on my weekly planner yumyum. thanks cherryaid :D