Alexmummy's learning journey...

Can't believe it's been 4 weeks since I last posted.
Lots happening - we had our break which was nice, and found a house on the day after we got back home, so we will be moving towards the end of August. Hope everyone is ok xx

Well that all sounds good. :) x
Hey Alexm,

good to see you hun, hope you enjoyed your break, fab news on the house too!.
how's it going dietwise?

hope all is well

I've just suddenly realised that I haven't actually posted on here in the last...7 months maybe?!?

Well yes, I am 30 + 3 weeks pregnant with our 2nd little boy. Very very happy, and it was all such a big shock, as we literally fell pregnant straight after the last miscarriage. Feel very blessed to have gotten this far, and down to the last 9 weeks now.

I have to confess diet wise, things haven't been great, I am eating fruit/veg every day, but my cravings are sweet things! Not good!

I am 2 stone up from where I started, but I'm hoping to shift after this baby/feeding.

Hope everyone is ok, I'll try and post a bit more now I'm on Maternity leave too xx
Lovely news AM, so pleased everything is going well and a second boy!! How wonderful. Take good care of yourself...bubba will soon be here xxx
I've just suddenly realised that I haven't actually posted on here in the last...7 months maybe?!?

Well yes, I am 30 + 3 weeks pregnant with our 2nd little boy. Very very happy, and it was all such a big shock, as we literally fell pregnant straight after the last miscarriage. Feel very blessed to have gotten this far, and down to the last 9 weeks now.

I have to confess diet wise, things haven't been great, I am eating fruit/veg every day, but my cravings are sweet things! Not good!

I am 2 stone up from where I started, but I'm hoping to shift after this baby/feeding.

Hope everyone is ok, I'll try and post a bit more now I'm on Maternity leave too xx

This is the best news ever! I am so pleased for you. Let us know how it all goes. xxxx
Thanks everyone :)

I don't get on with pregnancy at all, so as much as the sleepless nights are only going to get worse when little man is here, I can't wait to start slowly getting my body back, and walking more than 5 mins without being in a lot of pain.

Jess, how lovely to see you have your date for your wedding booked :) Did you pick your dress in the end? It will be an amazing day, but I'll say it early, make sure you take some day in the day, away from everyone else just for 5 minutes, to say, "wow it really is today" and try to take it all in. It goes so so very fast!

ps. We did get the house, we've been moved in nearly 3 months now (wow that's gone quick too lol)

Hey hunny, just popping by to say 'hi' !

Hope you are doing ok hun, want to wish good luck!
Not long to go, I hope everything goes smoothly.
Take care hun
Thanks girls - was due on Fri, he's not here yet, but will update once he is of course :)

Good luck Claire, I've been looking out for news! x
Lol what are you lot like!

Have been using Birthing ball, raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, and walking (where I can...which isn't so far at the min) Curry I've been told is v similar to the Castor Oil (just a bit less dangerous), so I'm avoiding that one, as don't fancy the potential outcome of that.

A bit of the other?? Jess...I'll remind you of that when your 40+ wks gone lol.

4 days over today, but full of cold anyway, so could happily wait another couple of days (but before the weekend would be nice).

I don't think I've updated on here yet, but my mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer (Ductal - level 3) on Alex's Birthday :(. She started her first round of chemotherapy last Tuesday. So far she's not doing too badly, but as it's always been planned she + hubby will be at this babies birth (same as with Alex) I really need to shift it asap, as she's about to hit her low immune days.

It's been an up/down time, and this year is going to be v tough - 8 rounds of Chemo, mastectomy and then radiotherapy, but hoping Alex and new baby will give her lots to look forward to and be as positive as possible for.

Sorry to end that post with a negative, I just know in the grand scheme of things, getting back to target weight etc, mum's illness and treatment will be a big factor in my mood changes, and how I'm feeling too...obviously post imminent arrival xx
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Claire.......your emotions must be going through the wringer right now.

Big hug xx
So sorry to hear about your Mum Claire, I hope all her treatment is successful.

Umm...the 'other' does work....;):rolleyes:...and so does a ride on a tractor, but failing having a tractor handy, the alternative is very effective......:eek::eek::eek::eek: (and skip the castor oil.) xxx
Hey Hunny, (((hugs))) for you & your poor Mum, will be thinking about you.

Hope the baby's arrived by now and you are both doing well.

Take care hunny

Just very briefly girls, Joshua arrived on the 29th Jan at 03.58. He ended up an emergency section and things weren't great, but we are both here to tell the tale now.
9lb 4 so a big bubba but absolutely love him to bits. Will be back soon with photo etc xxx
Congratulations Claire! And what a lovely name, Joshua. Sorry things didn't go quite as you wanted but so glad you are both well now. Thank goodness for modern medicine! Wishing you every happiness. xxx
Joshua at 2 days xx


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What a little cracker!!! Congratulations, you must be so proud (and relieved). So sorry things were a bit frantic in the end but enjoy your new bubs x
awww he's lovely hunny, what a whopper, love the big bouncy ones (both mine 9lb'ers). Poor you having a rough time, glad yuu are both ok though.

Take care sweetie