Back to it after daughter and I unwell for several weeks and then Summer hols happened.
Back up to 17.4
I'm great at losing weight, I suck at maintaining, I need to weigh more regularly. If I eat sweet stuff and drink alcohol, even not in huge amounts, I can put on a stone in a month. This time I only put back on 10lb, but it's too much.
Okay, apart from having a capachino b4 making my mind up, am going to sole source today. I have products to use. Wanna be 15 stone by my birthday in 8 weeks. I know hand on heart I can do it, have lost it that fast several times. My only real issue is that my daughter who's 7, regularly encourages me to eat the wrong things, says she likes me cuddly, and she mustn't know I'm on soups shakes and bars. I've done it b4, I just say know to sweet things when her dad and her have stuff, and I make sure I have similar meals when I prep there's I just substitute carbs for zero noodles and add more green veg.