Puddings Baking...ideas please :)


Full Member
I love to bake but I don't know where to start now that I am doing sw. Does anybody have any cake or muffin recipes that are sw friendly...I am afraid I will crack and bake a big choc cake!!!

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So after watching the bake off last night I had to bake so i have some berry muffins in the oven.

I used 200gr of self raising flour 32 syns (I think)
2 eggs
100gr of splenda
150 gr of berries (5 syns) ?
Vanilla mullerlight

It makes 12 so I think the syns are just over 3 each but please feel free to correct me as I am really bad at calculating syns!

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Et voila!

I forgot to spray the cases with frylite :( also added too much cinnamon but they are tasty.

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