February 2019 Challenge


Gold Member
It's that time again....

I need....
  • Weigh in day
  • Target for the month (I can't do '0' - has to be either a negative or positive e.g. -1, 3, 10)
  • Any holiday dates
All I ask is that you post your results weekly even if its a bad result there is no judgement here. It is then fair on everyone if you update us with results
Hope to get back to my target weight or at least very close! :rolleyes:

WI day is Thursday
Target 4 lbs
no holidays

thanks Tristar x
Good luck everyone. Here's this months Challenge crew :) My weight hasn't budged at all this week, no idea why, so expecting a maintain tomorrow :confused:


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Weigh day Thursday
Would love to do 7 lbs ( have holiday 12-16th in Spain)
Keep going ......
1.5 lbs on this week due to too many weekend syns (hangs head in shame) :classic_oops:
1.5 lbs on this week due to too many weekend syns (hangs head in shame) :classic_oops:

This will probably be me next week as it's my birthday today, and will probably indulge a bit this weekend :)
This will probably be me next week as it's my birthday today, and will probably indulge a bit this weekend :)

Tristar, I meant to wish you a happy birthday yesterday and...forgot :rolleyes:. Belated happy birthday, hope you had a good one :candle1: x