LauraLoo and baby number 2


Gold Member
I've been on this forum for nearly 2 years now and I can't believe how much my life has changed in that time.

I lost around 5 stone and am still maintaining in the low 10s, have been for over a year now, although I would like another half a stone off before I get my BFP just as an extra buffer (although I really don't mind which comes first :) ).

I already have a beautiful 4 year old little girl from a previous relationship who is as besotted with my current partner as I am. We are very lucky girls.

Today we put in an application for a new house (rented) and *fingers crossed* should be moving within the next few weeks. I'm currently in a tiny 2 bed terraced house and the new one is a massive 4 bed in a gorgeous area. The space is incredible. Trying (and failing) not to get too excited!

I've also gained a fur baby (border terrier) since meeting my OH. Life is good and feels like this is how it should have always been.

About 3 weeks ago I took a pregnancy test, I was on cerazette so not uncommon to not have a period but I'd be feeling unwell so just thought I'd make sure. I was a bit smug and about 99.9% sure I wasn't pregnant, the result was negative as I knew it would be. I'm not sure what made me keep the test or what made me look at it again but while it had been wrapped up in my bag something had happened and it looked almost like a faint positive. I was in a bit of a panic. I took another test and it was definitely negative...anyway, I'm rambling, I told my OH this 'funny story' and he didn't say much...3 days later it was my birthday, he'd written the most beautiful message in my card about how he realised he'd wanted my 'funny story' to have a different ending and if I agreed we should throw my pills away. So I have and here we are :D

Although I have a child I've never actively tried to get pregnant! Right now it's exciting and I just want it to stay that way. I don't want to think about what we'll do if there's any problems until there's a reason to. I'm waiting to get my period so I know when my cycle starts etc and although we are in no rush I hope it happens soon! I want nothing more than to have a baby with my OH which is something I've never felt before. We are so happy and such a good team the thought of him with a baby absolutely melts me, he's fantastic with my little girl and he wants this for her just as much as he does for us.

I've talked a lot!

So, my plan is to continue calorie counting and maybe cut back on the 'treat days' with the hope of losing rather than maintaining. And to do lots of baby making...obvs :D

I am pretty much clueless on the abbreviations used on this part of the forum and about any of the next steps if we struggle to conceive.

Good luck to anyone else in the same boat. X
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All the best with your ttc journey xxxx
Yesterday was a bit of a write off, started well but ended in a (very yummy) curry. No rice, but still, oops!

Oh well today is a different story.

B: 30g porridge, light soya milk and blueberries.
L: Peri Peri chicken salad, rice cake with peanut butter.
D: will deffo not be a curry! Lean porn loin medallions with feta cheese salad. Yum!

I've also done an hours exercise DVD. Really not feeling running at the minute, I seem to have done something to my knee :/ Felt the jelly legs afterwards walking up the hill to pick my little girl up from nursery, can only be good!

No house news news is hopefully good news...

No baby related news. I've been googling (uh oh) how long it took people to get their cycles back on track after coming off of cerazette. Looks like it's definitely a good thing we're not in a rush!!

Going to snuggle my 3 week old nephew tomorrow, cannot wait. I might be crazy baby lady afterwards though :D
New house, new baby :) :) :)


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Congratulations that's great :) xxx
Thank you, so happy. I keep doing a little dance :D
Congratulations - that's fabulous news!
brilliant news!!! congrats!!!
Thanks guys :) still on cloud 9...there's a lot of food on this cloud. Oops.
I'm officially in the pregnancy section :) yay!

I'm 10+5 with baby number 2. I was lucky enough to get pregnant roughly a month after coming off the pill even though I'd braced myself for a long wait. Since I'd not been having periods whilst on the pill and got my BFP before having one I had no dates to go from so had my first scan on Friday and it turned out I was 9+6 :)

I've got to go back for another one on the 23rd when I'm 12+6 and I can't wait to see the little peanut again.

If I'm honest, and this might sound silly, I am struggling a little seeing the scales go up. I worked so hard to lose weight and to keep it off over the past couple of years that it's hard to see even though I know it's all for the most amazing reason. I think I'm creeping towards 11st already so I need to reign it in, when I had my little girl I'd lost half a stone by this point, but I was starting a couple of stone heavier. I suppose I could stay off the scales but realistically I know that's not about to happen.

My sickness hasn't been terrible but not great either and I've been crazy tired I've just been munching what I can when I can. I'm starting to feel better so will try not to keep using that as an excuse.

Obviously I'm not about to start 'dieting' but I do intend to watch what I eat. Maybe keep track of calories just so I'm not going overboard. I'd love to be under 13 stone by the end but as long as I have a healthy baby that's the most important thing. I've got the weight off before so I know I can and will do it that's me :)


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I know, so cute and so baby like already. The doctor and the midwife had separately guesstimated that I would be around 13 weeks at my appointment, I was geared up for anything from 11-15 weeks. 9+6 was a little bit of a shock...especially when I'd found out over 6 weeks before.
Oh and also crazy that I already look like this. I'm going to be large! :D


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many congrats!!!!!!
congratulations!! :) x
Thank you :)

Can honestly say I've felt like bum all day today. Oh the joys. Roll on bedtime!
Welcome to the thread :) xx
Thanks :)

11+2. Most of yesterday I had weird stomach pains. Nothing terrible. I'm thinking just stretching pains but still not fun. Hoping they don't come back today.

Saturday's food was terrible (Domino's and Harribo, oops) but I felt so exhausted I didn't even care. Ha.

Yesterday was not so bad, I had a giant roast dinner at lunch time, loads of veg (*cough* lemon tart *cough*) then was too full for anything else. Had such a nice lazy weekend, it flew though.

Today has started well 2x weetabix and a banana. I plan to keep it up but plans can change :D

I know compared to what some women go through I'm having a very easy time of it but I can honestly say this pregnancy is so different to my first already. I absolutely breezed through my first one, aside from the growing tummy I didn't have any of the usual pregnancy symptoms, I felt amazing...this one is kicking my bum a bit. My OH says it's because I'm carrying a little super human who's sucking the life out of me...he may or may not have referred to me as 'the vessel' :D

Happy Monday. X