lost 50 pounds :) in 5 months


30 pounds to go
I was 242 now 190.0


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Young lady I'm so proud of you, you have done a fantastic job well done you. You look fantastic little one really fantastic x
you've done brilliantly and look great well done you
Wow looking gorgeous! Great job!!
Well done!!! That's super - you look gorgeous!
I've lost nearly 3 and a half stone in 3 and a half months so I know how so so so hard it is.
Hey... Wow!! Don't we look fantastic!! :)

I'm on a quest to lose 70lb on the next year and I'm struggling for motivation. Any suggestions?

Thank u!! The kind words help!! I re started my diet today I took a break since I wasent loosing any more weight. So hopefully I will have no prob w this last 30!! Wish me luck
You were 100% on the ball when you re-started. Three weeks ago I wasn't budging from the 10 stone 3 pound mark. So I decided to have a three course meal - chocolate fudge cake dessert and all!-every night for three days. I think it gave my metabolism the much needed boost so so when I again started my diet, the weight loss resumed :)
Are you sure you're the same person? You look amazing!
Awe thanks!! Yup same person!! :)
Ya id love to binge on some cake!! Lol
I re started and I lost 5 pounds already so I deft think I needed it!!
Just hard to re start dieting!! Gotta train my body again 1 st week is always the hardest.