Mantra's/quotes to help keep you focused


When I first started this my mother and I used a few little slogans to keep us amused and text each other when we were struggling etc, please share your own, its just for fun!.......

We will not eat, until we can see our feet!

Because our original goal was a family wedding: We will not get fed, til they are wed!

The more you drink, the more you shrink!

A moment on the lips - a lifetime on the hips!
The one I've been using constantly for the last 3 weeks is, "don't do it, don't do it"
That's when I am tempted just to, 'try' a bit of food.

It's worked perfectly and not one morsel has passed my lips. Whooo!
I will not cheat on myself, it's not worth it because I'm worth more
Motivational Quote

Thought this was a good quote to motivate us all to keep going! x


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I started same week as you 26/03/13 at a very similar start weight, will you let me know how you get on please,?
Good luck.
My friend used to send me texts with inspirational quotes, the one that stuck with me was 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' I forget who it's by, but I like it
3 steps forward, 2 steps back is still moving forward...
Also using one that my mum used to say was "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips"
Oops! Sorry! I didn't notice that I copied...
Oooh! Another one!

What don't go there, wont grow there!