Most looking forward too when hitting target weight...?


Full Member
Hi all!

Along with the health benefits of losing weight we all have something else we are looking forward too! I have a few:

  • Wearing a bikini for the first time in my life!
  • Not dreading seeing any photos taken of me
  • Basically - way more confidence!

What are you looking forward too?
Fitting into my old clothes as i cant afford to but new ones
I'm looking forwards to shocking my mother! Parents live in switzerland and I won't be seeing them until next may or july (either way a year on plan at that point) and I'm hoping I'll make them proud.
Otherwise I'm looking forwards to shopping in primark (I wouldn't fit in anything there right now!) Being able to walk the dogs for longer without feeling so tired, being able to not want so many rests when out shopping..
I'm also looking forwards to a tattoo I want to get, but that will only be when I reach ideal weight as it will be going over a leg, hip, back and my shoulder! (goodness knows how much that will cost...)
not feeling like an over stuffed sausage in my clothes! Im a size 16 right now and have so much size 12 stuff its stupid! All stuff hardly worn that needs me to wear them lol Also cant wait to feel fitter and not feel like im covered in flab weighing me down
Dropping into your SW thread - hope that's Ok! If I can get past my goal weight, I'd like to ride again. I saw some people out on their horses. They've been to the beach.